
Oxygen Transport Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Hemoglobin: carrying oxygen, fighting fatigue."
"The circulatory system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products."
"The ability to gain or lose an electron allows iron to bind and release oxygen molecules with remarkable efficiency."
"It greatly affects hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen."
"Iron plays a vital role in the chemistry of life, particularly in the transport and storage of oxygen within living organisms."
"Blood has the potential to carry oxygen throughout the body and deliver it to different systems as it is needed to keep the body functioning constantly."
"Hemoglobin is a protein in your blood that carries oxygen; it's bright red when it is bound to oxygen."
"Anemia is an insufficient ability to transport oxygen in the bloodstream."
"Thiamine can also help oxygen transport around the body as well, so it helps cells actually absorb oxygen."
"Your blood is red because of millions of red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen around the body."
"Every single red blood cell has about 250 million molecules of hemoglobin."
"Heme is in hemoglobin; it's what carries the oxygen around in your bodies."
"Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to all the other parts of our body for cellular respiration."
"One billion oxygen molecules for one red blood cell, is not insane?"
"Red blood cells are absolutely packed with hemoglobin for oxygen transport."
"Hemoglobin can carry four oxygen molecules."
"Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body."
"Red blood cells make up 45 percent of your blood and their primary function is to transport oxygen."
"Hemoglobin is actually a protein and it's used to transport oxygen around the body."
"Leghemoglobin helps transport and bind oxygen, using a heme group."
"Myoglobin is a protein in muscle cells that helps them carry and store oxygen."
"Transport of oxygen is done by the red blood cell."
"Red blood cells are biconcave in shape and are responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide."
"The important function of red blood cells is binding, transport, and delivery of oxygen to all the tissues."
"Hemoglobin carries oxygen in red blood cells and is made up of four polypeptide chains."
"Hemoglobin can carry four molecules of oxygen."
"The red blood cell's main function is to carry oxygen from the lungs and deliver it throughout the body."
"In the alveoli, we are bringing in oxygen from outside, and that will then get transferred to the pulmonary capillaries right into the bloodstream."
"It's a really important protein because it transports oxygen throughout your body."
"The primary function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen."
"If you have more hemoglobin, you can carry more oxygen, therefore you will have a higher VO2 Max."
"Hemoglobin is the red colored protein that transports oxygen in a red blood cell."
"Hemoglobin, because of cooperativity, can satisfy an immense, or a diverse set of oxygen concentrations as they occur in our bodies."
"Acidosis makes it easier for oxygen to break its bonds with hemoglobin."
"Hemoglobin... its function essentially is to take oxygen from the lungs to the tissues."
"Hemoglobin is, of course, the molecule in our red blood cells that carries oxygen around."
"Hemoglobin was a pretty amazing protein."
"Iron helps to move oxygen from the lungs of the pregnant woman to the rest of the bodies and their babies as well."
"Hemoglobin is the protein in our blood that is responsible for carrying oxygen."