
Chromatography Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Chromatography can be used to separate out different things in a mixture."
"It really changes the game of chromatography."
"We want to cram as many peaks into a minute as we possibly can."
"We want to remove and separate; we want a lot of peaks crammed in there; we want good peak shape."
"My personal choice, this is where I start: a 2.7 2.6 micron fused core type product or core shell is a great column for mass spectrometry."
"We can really increase linear velocity to take advantage of that improved Van Deemter and really run incredibly fast separations."
"Chromatography is often used for fractionation to collect out different components of a mixture."
"A small plate height means you get more separations in a given length and you're gonna get better, more efficient chromatography."
"In summary, when we're talking about plate height, we're really talking about the efficiency of separation."
"You're going to get better resolution because we can wipe that out altogether."
"We're trying to find that optimum linear velocity where we have that nice short theoretical plate height."
"Resolution is a function of our efficiency, our retention, and our selectivity."
"The process of separating a substance through chromatography has two different stages: the stationary phase and the mobile phase."
"Thin layer chromatography is a way in which we can separate and identify colorless substances such as amino acids that have different solubilities."
"The number of spots in the plate basically tell you how many amino acids and other substances that make up that mixture."
"We can identify these amino acids by measuring the positions in the chromatogram."
"The RF value is basically the distance traveled by the spot divided by the distance traveled by the solvent."
"Gas liquid chromatography is a really useful technique to separate a mixture of liquids that are quite volatile."
"Each substance will take a different length of time to actually pass through the column."
"The area under the peaks tells us the amount of each substance."
"Welcome back, I'm that chemist, and today we're going to be talking about thin layer chromatography."
"Welcome, this is module CM 3292, and this is the gas chromatography mass spectrometry experiment."
"The principle of separation in chromatography is really key to understand, particularly for HPLC because it's all about competition between solvent and solute molecules."
"It's my great pleasure to talk with you about ion exchange chromatography."
"The reason that it's called normal phase HPLC is that it was originally one of the first ways that HPLC was utilized or implemented."
"The ether can get retained onto your stationary phase by London dispersion forces, by dipole-dipole interaction, and even by hydrogen bonding."
"The cyano is a highly polar column so it can be a good choice because your compounds are highly polar."
"The technique of chromatography is based on the principle that components in a mixture will distribute unequally between two immiscible phases."
"How do you select the HPLC column during method development?"
"Lower is the particle size, the better will be the resolution and efficiency."
"Size exclusion chromatography, also known as gel filtration chromatography, relies on this difference in protein sizes to purify and separate mixtures of proteins."
"Larger proteins in the mixture will emerge first, whereas the small proteins will emerge the last."
"The peaks in the chromatogram can help us distinguish the proteins according to their sizes."
"Connect your column with the drop by drop technique to prevent the formation of bubbles in the columns."
"You could integrate the chromatogram in multiple ways."
"I'm walking the chromatogram and I'm able to go along each peak and see the spectral changes."
"Chromatography is a technique used for the separation of a mixture of compounds in a solution."
"The first things that will come out are the largest molecules because they travel in the shortest pathway through the column."
"This is a very nice way of like identifying different kinds of molecules and especially useful like it's more like a chromatography applications."