
Square Root Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Positive square root of 36 is six. Yes, good start."
"Many times, the radicand, or the number under the square root sign, isn't a perfect square, but you can still simplify the expression if it contains a perfect square."
"Take the positive square root of x squared, I'm actually just going to get the positive version of x, so really what I'm getting is the absolute value of x."
"Don't be put off by a square root, it shouldn't throw you at all."
"You know what the square root of 49 is? It's 7."
"The general idea of a square root is very easy to understand."
"When we have something squared, the opposite of that is the square root."
"The principal square root is your pal."
"When you take the square root of a number, you're really asking yourself what is it that satisfies this equation."
"Every real number has a complex number that's a square root."
"If you have a square root, it's always going to be this half a parabola."
"The square root of six times the square root of six does that equal six? Yes, it does."
"When you have x to the power half, this is the same as the square root of x."
"It's the square root of 14 squared plus 6 squared."
"V is going to be plus or minus the square root of 36 which is plus or minus 6."
"If you have the square root of x, that is exactly the same thing as x to the one-half power."
"I is the square root of negative 1."
"The principal square root of a number is the positive number whose square is X."
"The square root of x squared gives you the absolute value of x, which is handy and worth paying attention to."
"Always rewrite square root or the nth root of a as a to the 1 over N first, then proceed with whatever problem you're working on."
"If what is under the radical is a positive number, then you'll be able to take the square root of it and you'll get real answers."
"If what is under that radical actually turns out to be negative, then when you take the square root of it, you're going to get imaginary numbers."
"Remember that we can write a 2 as a square rooted 2 as 2 to the 1/2."
"These are the only numbers that you can take a square root of and it gives you a whole number answer."
"The square root of a quarter is actually a half."
"The square root of negative four is 2i."
"The square root of negative one is i, so you get 3i."
"When you take a square root, you've got to put a plus and minus in front of that square root."
"What is the square root of 144? 12."
"The square root of 16 written this way really we should never say is the square root of 16. I should always be saying the positive square root of 16."
"The square root of 3 times the square root of 3 is the square root of 9, which is 3."
"The square root of 100 is equal to 10."
"When you square root a number, you're really asking a question: What number times itself is 400? That answer is 20."
"The square root of a number is basically what number times itself gets back to that number."
"The square root of two is also irrational."
"Anytime your index is 2, all you'll need to do is multiply by that exact same square root in order to get rid of it in the denominator."
"25 to the 1/2 power is the same thing as the square root of 25."
"The sine of pi over 4 is just simply going to be the square root of 2 over 2."
"The square root of 17 contains all of that information; that's what's called exact."
"The hypotenuse is going to be that side length times radical 2."
"The square root of four is the answer to the question: 'Four is what number squared?'"
"We only need to take the positive square root."
"Taking something to the 1/2 power is like taking its square root."
"The number underneath does the root, so in the case for two, that would be a square root."
"The square root of 20 is irrational."
"When dealing with impossibilities such as the square root of a negative number, go ahead and rewrite that."
"Square root of two must be irrational."
"The cube root of 125 is five plus the square root of nine is three."
"Every positive real number has a square root."
"The square root of x^2+2 is going to represent the length of the hypotenuse of our right triangle."
"The square root of 16 is really just the number 4, and 4 is a natural number."
"The square root of 100 is 10 because 10 times 10 is 100."

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