
Markdown Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Mark down is a really common way to publish content on the internet."
"It gives you markdown, and the markdown can be leveraged to understand some kind of structure about the document. That's great."
"Logseek enables extensibility and ownership of markdown files."
"So why is Markdown so awesome? Well, first of all, you can organize your analyses much more clearly for reproducibility."
"The UI first off is far better than both of them and it lets you use markdown to style the documents quickly."
"If you like writing in Markdown, you'll probably like Hugo."
"The good thing about markdown is that it supports levels of hierarchy."
"Markdown is basically plain text except that you can format it using various special characters."
"One of the most common flavors of Markdown is the GitHub flavored Markdown."
"If you're a developer, Hugo is great because you can just write all of your content in markdown."
"Once they figure out markdown documents, they have to stop copying and pasting, and it saves hours."
"One of the coolest things that I have found in Markdown is actually being able to collapse and hide text using a collapsible element."
"Markdown is a style of writing documents that makes it easy to define what the content should look like."
"We can italicize text by adding a star or asterisk before and after the text that we want to italicize."
"We can add bold text by adding two stars to the beginning and end of the text that we want to bold."
"The fact that it uses markdown is great because it's really easy to edit even if you're not super technical."
"Markdown is an amazing file format; it's very useful and it's used all over the tech industry, especially on places like GitHub."
"Markdown is basically just simplified syntax for HTML being run through a processor when you render it to other formats."
"It's just a whole new world of possibilities when you're using Markdown files and plain text."
"Keeping things in plain text, in Markdown, in Obsidian is a great way of future-proofing your knowledge, your work, and just keeping it simple."
"Headers are done with varying levels of hashtags or octothorpes depending on what terminology you want to use."
"Both the asterisk and the underscore work for italic, and then for bold if they're doubled."
"You have unordered lists and you also have ordered lists."
"Adding images... this is exactly the same way that we could do this with a wiki link."
"Or you can use a Markdown link with the square brackets and the parens."
"I prefer to have it all defined explicitly right there in one place."
"Markdown is a very flexible tool, and hopefully, you learn some really cool stuff."
"Content is how we use markdown and other things inside of our project."
"Markdown for the component era. MDX allows you to use JSX in your markdown content."
"We're going to be having a markdown editor for writing our blog posts."
"The cool thing about Markdown is it's brought that concept of Sweave into other realms like Word and HTML."
"MDX is an authoring format based on markdown that allows people to write JSX right inside of their markdown documents."
"Markdown lets you document your project and add some formatting, simple things like links and other assets."
"We're going to start to focus on creating a blog powered by markdown blog posts."
"So this plugin is going to allow us to pull those markdown files into Gatsby."
"Hopefully, you'll walk away with a better understanding of markdown."
"If you have your markdown this way, you can export this to HTML, to a Word file, and to a PDF, nearly with no corrections in the text."
"Documentation is hard at the best of times, but using a tool that's well-suited to the job, such as Markdown, can make it a lot easier for you."