
Elixir Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"They're going to retrieve the elixir of immortality."
"Garlic water isn't just about flavor, it's a heart-loving elixir."
"A peculiar goblin named Noggenfogger discovered a mysterious elixir with strange side effects, bringing fame to Gadgetzan."
"It's believed to be an elixir of youth."
"Literally says elixir of life. If I could replicate it and give it to everyone, we could live happily ever after."
"Honey lemon ginger, if you haven't drank this life-saving elixir when you're sick, you're missing out."
"We now have a pretty good basis for an Elixir application, we understand some of the oddities and how to get things set up."
"Atoms are ideal for when you have a small set of words that are going to be used throughout the application that indicates some meaning."
"For the people that do pick up Elixir and Phoenix for web development, they really love this framework and language because of its scalability and resilience."
"Elixir is one of the top paying programming languages."
"I am close, so close to the elixir of life."
"Said to be based on a document containing the recipe for an elixir of long life, what liquor is named after an order of monks who still produce it today?"
"This is actually going to help language adoption in newcomers, being able to have something real that they're building and being able to surface the kinds of Elixir programs they're building and put them on the web."
"Soma is the god of immortality, the elixir of life."
"This liquid is not just spice water, it's a magical elixir."
"Processes in Elixir and Erlang are super lightweight; you can just spin up like a thousand on your laptop and not break a sweat."
"Elixir really encourages you to use documentation in your functions because you can do doc test."
"We often talk about the right tool for the job; well, you want to use Elixir."
"Elixir gives us the conveniences of modern development."
"You have events and they cause your LiveView state to update, and your LiveView state is just your Elixir data structures that you're familiar with."
"Phoenix itself is a web framework developed with the Elixir programming language."
"Welcome to The Elixir experience."
"The elixir of immortality... is the most precious poison that ever was concocted in this world."
"All data structures inside of Elixir are immutable, so there's no way you can do an in-memory modification of a value."
"Strings in Elixir have interpolation, you can do that using a pound and then curly brackets."
"We trained our new network, and we built it all within Elixir."
"I'm going to talk to you today about the future AI stack: why we're betting on an all Elixir future from ETL to deep learning."
"I am the author of a library called Explorer, which is a data frame library for Elixir."
"In Elixir, everything is an expression, which means that everything has a return value."
"Functions are first-class citizens."
"Ranges are enumerable, so functions from the Enum module know how to work with them."
"Keyword lists are often used for small key-value structures."
"IO lists are a special type of list that's useful for incrementally building output that will be forwarded to an IO device."
"Elixir just started making so many things that had been so hard before so easy."
"What I am interested in is having options. I want there to be a way to consistently manage state in Elixir."
"By combining cinnamon with alcohol, we amplify its attracting effects, creating a potent elixir that channels the flow of money into our lives."
"A cure for love, and all things, the elixir of immortality."
"These powers will only grow; we can make an elixir for you that will slow it down."
"Protocols are a way to achieve polymorphism in Elixir."
"Metaprogramming in Elixir is a first-class citizen."
"Plugs are one of the core abstractions from Elixir."
"The hardest part about learning Elixir is resisting the urge to bring in familiar or old concepts that you don't necessarily need in a functional language."
"If you need to do lots of concurrency work, that's really where Phoenix shines."
"Change set is one of the coolest things about Phoenix."
"Piping... takes the result of this and passes it as the first parameter to this function."
"I absolutely love their beauty elixir, it's just something about it, it is so refreshing."