
Parallelism Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"So any vector can be written as a multiple of another vector. That tells me that the two vectors are parallel."
"I just loved Like Water for Chocolate. It's also set against the backdrop of the Mexican Revolution and there is so much going on between the Revolution and the events leading up to Mexico's new constitution in 1917 that parallel the events going on in the family."
"The thing about transformers that made them so great is the fact that all operations are able to be done in parallel."
"Young Woo and Jun Ho help out Iel Sue's wife and enter into a very similar agreement but this time with her."
"It's highly parallel, where it can train multiple neural networks and multiple GPUs for highly efficient and scalable models."
"Antithetic parallelism: the second line contrasts the first line."
"Climactic parallelism: successive lines build to a climax or a summary."
"Emphatic parallelism: synonymous words are used for emphasis."
"If one vector can be expressed as a constant multiple of another one then they must be parallel."
"I thought we lost Loki, but now he's with other versions of himself."
"Integration was the ambition of the civil rights movement. Parallel development is the aim of Islam today."
"The real secret to get the most resources out of modern computers is not to just do things sequentially but to also do them in parallel."
"Such narrative duality might have influenced the biblical author to employ a similar approach of parallel narratives."
"Now, we've talked about concurrency, parallelism, and how exactly that is happening on the CPU. Now let's get a little closer to Go, into our Go application, and how exactly that happens in Go."
"I do think that parallel and this is the whole point of the villainy like I was saying is that his sort of human villainy is going to parallel the magical villainy because George always makes his themes do that."
"...the problem we're interested in is data parallel programming, parallel meaning that you are processing the same input but you have multiple workers that are working on that input..."
"All truth is parallel; no truth cancels out other truths."
"Sometimes you don't have to do any work, right, your hardware is pretty good so there's sort of the implicit type of parallelism, CPU pipelining and some of these ideas where you just get the parallelism for free."
"Quantum computers compute in an infinite number of universes simultaneously, infinitely more powerful."
"Concurrency or parallelism implemented correctly should also yield better performance."
"This is the available parallelism. This is actually how many parallel machines were running."
"... if you have more than 10,000 elements then consider using parallel streams but even then it's better to measure the amount of time it's taking amount of memory it's consuming and then decide whether you really need a parallel stream."
"GPUs are specifically made for doing parallel computing."
"Every aspect of our world has a counterpart in the upper world."
"Parallelism controls whether or not two faces are parallel to each other."
"Your dream life sort of runs parallel to your waking life, and the more focused and positive you are in your waking life, the more your dreams are like that."
"All truths are parallel; if there is any truth you find in nature, it has a spiritual equivalent."
"The most challenging part about GPU programming is the separation of your algorithm in a way that expresses this hierarchy of parallelism."
"Each thread moves forward regardless of how the other threads move."
"Parallelism is stronger than concurrency; it means things happen at the same time."
"We need a sound parallel programming model that fits the hardware."
"These characteristics are massive parallelism, highly interconnected units, and the ability to model distributed associative memory through weights in the synaptic connections."
"We're not going to achieve the degrees of parallelism and concurrency we want until we can accept and embrace a world that will proceed in spite of our intentions."
"Quantum computer can do magic things because quantum mechanics operates in parallel."
"Vectors that have the same or opposite direction but not necessarily the same magnitude are parallel vectors."
"By using the asynchronous methods, node is able to automatically run things in parallel for you."
"For all intents and purposes, they are considered to be parallel."
"That's pretty much it, that was a little bit of introduction into what concurrency is, what parallelism is, and how it works in context of Node.js."
"This algorithm has clearly advantages over the above two algorithms because now it can actually serve multiple requests in parallel."
"Quantum parallelism... is just like I have a parallel universe, each of them trying to compute the function for me for each basis state."
"It's actually the completely natural way to compose functional computations in parallel."
"Futures simply define a computation, run it in parallel, and you can wait for the result when needed."
"It actually turns concurrency into parallelism."
"Apache Beam is a collection of SDKs for building parallelized data processing pipelines."
"This notion of transport is one in which objects are just kept as parallel as possible as they slide along."
"The main thing for Closure is you can write that multiple dozens of tasks parallelism without error."
"You understand here why we are talking about massively parallel architecture."
"Data parallelism is actually really, really important for almost all of our models."
"Parallel realities that share a great deal in common."
"Parallel vectors are multiples of one another."
"If you have good support for concurrency, then it's not too hard to turn that into good parallelism on a multi-core machine."
"The internal is the external, and what I want to show you is the clear and unambiguous parallel between what is happening outside - what is happening inside."
"We're focused on intra-query parallelism, so this is going to be useful for analytical queries where we have multiple resources or multiple workers available to us."
"Modularization is good; you first of all get more parallelism."
"What is possible in a MIMO system is the parallel transmission of several information streams between the transmitter and the receiver."
"Parallelism is about executing many things at once; its focus is execution."
"It's really interesting to me to find concepts that are parallel in other things."
"First the natural, then the spiritual; what we see happening in the natural realm parallels what is going on in the spiritual realm."
"It's embarrassingly parallel and it's actually deterministic."
"Multi-threading allows us to take advantage of our currently running hardware to perform tasks in parallel."
"You can see how easy it is to just chuck in like a parallel for loop and just make stuff run faster."
"Nim gives you much greater performance, true parallelism, and static typing which does not get in your way."
"It's a very straightforward parallelism that can significantly boost throughput with very little work on your end to set up."
"Technology needs to be parallel with humanity."
"Economic growth and environment conservation should go in parallel."
"Set parallelism to be two times the number of CPU cores."
"Instead of improving the core clock speeds, CPU manufacturers started to improve the parallelism of CPUs."
"The slope of two parallel lines have the same slope."
"The key to getting performance out of these sorts of things is exploiting the different levels of parallelism."
"I just love this way of parallel programming because it is very easy to do if you write your code in a functional programming style."
"The brain has got like trillions of neurons and they all work in parallel but very slowly."
"Threads are a popular way to improve application through parallelism."
"The only place where this stuff has been solved is embarrassingly parallel programs."
"Quantum Computing in five seconds: imagine you were in 50 million parallel realities and in each one, you try a different book."
"Each channel is able to go and fill cache lines independently, and what that means is you do more things in parallel and therefore you get higher effective memory bandwidth."
"Links encapsulate the data exchange operators and can handle parallel distribution of data at runtime."
"Erlang gives you very fine-grained concurrency and parallelism."
"It's all running in parallel which is really nice."
"When the midpoints of any two sides of a triangle are connected, the line segment created is parallel and half the length of the third side."
"On a classical computer for a large input, you can only be in one out of the total possible states at a given time... however, on a quantum computer, because of superposition, you can be in all of these total possible states at the same time."
"The parallelism in CUDA is built from two layers: a layer of threads and a layer of blocks."
"We can write code as if it were just the basic non-multi-threaded code and then turn it into a parallel version using these keywords."
"There's a bit of a distinction between concurrency and parallelism."
"ILP doesn't mean integer linear programming, it's instruction level parallelism."
"So if you think a little bit about parallelism, one interesting thing is this Little's Law."
"Concurrency has nothing to do with parallelism; they are actually separable ideas."
"Associativity just means the way you group them doesn't matter, and that is the key to parallelism."
"This is an interface that we can use to build up parallel computations in a sort of more pythonic way."
"They're going to preserve lines and parallel lines as parallel."
"The key reason to perform mapping and reducing is to speed up the job execution of a specific process by splitting a process into a number of tasks, thus enabling parallelism."
"A warp in this architecture is the group of parallel threads that execute the same instruction at a given time."
"The GPU implements thread level parallelism so efficiently."
"The idea for model parallelism is that we take an example or a set of examples mini batch and we run it through the network."
"The biggest thing that we see is that parallelism is still scaling pretty fast."
"A concurrent program is a collection of autonomous sequential threads executing logically in parallel."
"Sometimes doing things in parallel ways, you can really improve things like throughput and responsiveness."
"Parallelism is critical for high performance. Basically, you need to understand concurrent and concurrence issues, it's the basis of writing parallel programs."
"Parallelism's a very powerful tool, but if you don't use it in a disciplined way, you will not be able to debug these bugs that are so subtle, so difficult it's very hard to find."
"There must be a tangent to the graph of the function \( f \) which is parallel to line \( L \)."
"So desk is a parallel computing framework that leverages the excellent existing Python ecosystem."
"That's all in parallel, right? Perfectly parallel, it's really nice."
"In Haskell, you always know that it's okay; there's no difference that you can observe between executing something in parallel or executing something sequentially."
"We are just like a parallel line that's always runs together but never meet."
"We need to write parallel code if we want to write anything this performance intensive these days."
"Parallel lines have the same gradient; they never meet."
"If parallel, the gradients will be the same; if perpendicular, their product will be negative one."
"You need the right hardware for parallelism to be effective."
"The most important problem facing parallelism is to make the easy stuff easy."
"I really want race detection because I think that's one of the most interesting issues that we need to be able to overcome."
"I think the next big thing you're going to start meeting now that you've got all these great tools and language is exactly the top 10 problems of parallelism task decomposition."
"You get to write the code that you wanted and you get parallelism for no extra effort."