
SQL Server Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Azure provides up to a 99.99 availability for SQL Server databases."
"Let's compare the property options between on-premises SQL Server and Azure DB."
"As a developer, getting a full copy of SQL Server on your development machine can be tricky. But in this video, I'm going to show you how to get SQL up and running on your development machine in about 5 minutes using Docker."
"So what are we going to do here today in this livestream? So we talked a little bit about Big Boy database, so SQL Server has been the big boy on the Block as far as an along the lines of the big Enterprise level database systems like Oracle."
"A whole new world will open up to you in how you treat SQL Server, how you treat your queries, how you treat your indexes, how you treat performance tuning, how you treat hardware."
"Your database is just a stack of 8K pieces of paper."
"If I'm going to read a page, I've got to go get it off of disk, put it up in memory. Everything that SQL Server does is in memory."
"In a perfect world, SQL Server can easily understand exactly what you're looking for."
"In our world, our query is indecipherable. It's a mess of all kinds of joins with functions in the WHERE clauses and functions in the joins."
"SQL Server often doesn't have that page cached. SQL Server uses memory for all kinds of things."
"Our job, you and I's job, is to figure out how SQL Server is going to guess the data that we want, how to guess where it is, how it's going to pull that data out of the pages as quickly as possible."
"The first thing that SQL Server has to do is scan the clustered index. That's what a clustered index scan means."
"Because when you write a very easy to understand query, you make it easy for SQL Server to accurately guess how many rows are going to come back."
"Sql server not using our index is really telling us that in sql server's eyes the index isn't that helpful because it's not selective enough."
"By forcing sql server to use the index, that indeed is more expensive."
"Running a trace on SQL Server requires some pretty high-level permission in the database."
"When you use SQL Profiler to trace your SQL statements, what you really want to do is to run your trace as a server-side trace rather than an interactive mode, because a server-side trace will consume fewer resources in SQL Server."
"As application developers, we understand what our application is trying to do when it runs a statement against SQL Server."
"Extended events also give you access to many more events within SQL Server that can be traced and logged, and many more options in terms of filtering those events down to only the ones that you want."
"These are just suggestions and you should not automatically create an index because SQL Server makes a suggestion to do so."
"What you really want to do is to look at the different variations of your statement and their where clauses and come up with the set of indexes that will work across all the different combinations that you have."
"So when we create our indexes, we want to put the column that is most frequently used as part of our where criteria at the front of the index, followed by the next most frequently used column second and so on."
"Indexes, do require more maintenance, as SQL Server has to keep all of the index on a table up to date whenever a DML statement is executed against that table."
"One of the most useful things you can do with the SQL Server DMVs is to have SQL Server give you a list of all the statements that your application has run along with the execution statistics for those statements."
"It is important equally for application developers to have a strong grip of SQL Server performance concepts."
"By having basic SQL Server client tools installed and knowing how to use them, you are done to accomplish almost all the performance tuning that you need to do."
"The SQL Optimizer included with SQL Server is very, very good, and it's almost always come with the correct answer in the most efficient way to execute any statement."
"So now we are actually good to go ahead and install SQL Server 2017 Standard on our CM01 machine."
"One single instance of SQL Server can hold up to thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven different databases."
"Ownership is a concept in SQL Server whereby every object must be owned by something."
"Behind the scenes is a full SQL Server database."
"Always On has been introduced in SQL Server 2012. It's a combination of high availability and disaster recovery solutions."
"I don't actually have SQL Server installed on my machine; instead, I use SQL Server inside of a Docker container."
"Locking is a pretty hot topic in SQL Server, and in my opinion, everybody should really understand what's going on behind the scene."
"Dynamic Management Views were introduced back in SQL Server 2005 and they are very powerful."
"The full recovery model allows the transaction log to be backed up."
"The tempdb is critical for the workload of production applications using SQL Server."
"SQL Server prepares a sequence for the restore; here's the restore plan."
"A basic health check in SQL Server can be done by inspecting the overall aspects of the instance such as database status, critical errors in the error log, or active connections."
"The high availability solutions available for SQL Server technology are built to help critical applications reduce the downtime of databases and also to prevent data loss."
"The synchronous commit provides full synchronization between the replicas and there is no data loss as the transactions are dual committed before they are considered complete by SQL Server."
"This was just the tip of the iceberg; there is so much more to study and learn about SQL Server."
"TempDB is kind of like a scratch area... a swap space for SQL Server."
"SQL Server is constantly hitting TempDB... accessing it just like it would a database."
"My intention today is to show you how you could simplify and take a very simple methodological approach towards solving majority of SQL Server performance tuning cases."
"Whether your query is running or it is waiting, that's the simplistic approach."
"We've been able to pull data from SQL Server, from Postgres, and even a CSV file, and consolidate it in one place."
"Once you turn on change tracking, SQL Server will automatically do that for you under the hood."
"What is SQL Server Reporting Services? It is a tool for building and generating reports."
"In SQL Server, a transaction is like an event which occurs whenever something changes the data in your database."
"Installing SQL Server on a domain controller is not recommended."
"I do like it better than Visual Studio's debugger from the following standpoint: it doesn't install SQL server on my machine, for example."
"Change tracking is by far my favorite way to do change detection in SQL Server."
"Change tracking doesn't require any special edition of SQL Server."
"Change tracking is column and mask; it lets you interrogate on a column by column basis to see which columns have been updated."
"SQL Server consists of basically three things: protocol layer, relational engine, and storage engine."
"This is standard SQL Server stuff, you don't have to pay anything extra for this, it's all there right there for you."
"In Denali, you can have multiple mirrors internally, and you can read the mirror databases, which you cannot do in the 2008 R2 mirroring."
"SQL Server plays a very important and pivotal role."
"SQL Server 2016 has been made available for free as part of a Microsoft program called Visual Studio Dev Essentials."
"SQL Server learns from its past mistakes."
"It's a great way to get involved with the wonderful SQL Server community."
"High performance techniques for Microsoft SQL Server... almost 300 pages of really, really good Transact-SQL recommendations, query tuning recommendations, patterns, practices, configuration settings."
"This is the place to go if you are serious about SQL Server."
"Welcome to part two of this tutorial series on SQL Server 2016."
"This part of the series is going to explain a couple of the basic management tools available to you."
"If you've installed correctly, you should find that there's a folder called Microsoft SQL Server 2016 sitting in the Start menu of your computer."
"The first application we're going to look at in this video is something called SQL Server Configuration Manager."
"All we're using this tool to do is establish the services we expect to be running actually are running."
"That's basically it for this fairly short tutorial on the basic SQL Server management tools."
"SQL Server is not just a database engine; it's scalable, highly available, and it's got a suite of features like integration services, analytics engine."
"Having SQL Server in your toolkit just makes everything smoother."
"Welcome to part 5 of this wise art tutorial series on SQL Server 2016."
"Everything is strictly being handled directly on the SQL server, and that's fantastic; it makes things a lot better."
"The model database is basically the template for any new database that you create on this instance of SQL Server."
"SQL Server prefers dates in that particular format."
"This video is going to explain how to create a pivot table connected to a SQL Server database."
"So as a conclusion here, JSON function in SQL Server enables you to easily transform data from relational format from SQL tables into JSON text."
"Now we want to merge them all together and move the data up to SQL Server online so we're all working with the same information."
"If you want to productionize your data science algorithms and use those algorithms to score data that you've brought into the Power BI data model, you can use SQL Server Machine Learning Services."