
Pose Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Lift your feet and hold this navasana boat pose."
"Flex your feet and take our happy baby."
"Release, bring your knees together, and let's take our spinal twist."
"Press back into a downward facing dog, lengthening your spine."
"Anakin and Obi-Wan behind, maybe I'll be doing his pose, that would be really good."
"Lower down into your lunge and then hinge forward, straightening your back leg, reaching your arms forward, tap your left foot in and out as you sweep your arms back and forward."
"Walk your hands forward again to your plank position and this time step your feet forward, bringing your knees directly underneath your hips but keep your knees lifted off the floor."
"When we're dealing with a mannequin or our stick figure, the character really is the gesture, the feeling, the pose, the posture."
"The pose of all these characters is quite specific to their personality type and that's so important to the way that people appreciate these characters."
"Anyway, in other news the season or series finale of Pose is on this evening, um which I think is uh, a little more important than the boxing match of Logan Paul and Floyd Meriwether of which I could care less."
"Standing tall in this pose, feeling your feet root beneath you, and the crown of your head extend up towards the sky."
"Ah, another great pose to start your day with."
"Beautiful deep bend into your front knee, eventually over your ankle."
"Thomas Megan will be seen in his favorite pose."
"This pose should bring you vitality, a sense of excitement, confidence, joy."
"If a pose looks good on the outside but it hurts on the inside, it is not a good or honest pose."
"Remember, be truthful with your body. Work where you can work, not about the pose."
"Lower the forearms towards the floor so you're in this kind of three-legged dolphin pose"
"Such an iconic pose and great details like the weathering on the cloak."
"If you are super and you know it, strike a pose"
"Supported kapotasana, using the left hand on the back leg of the chair, rolling the front of the left shoulder back."
"Say, hotties, you know I can't not pose."
"And then on the next inhale rise up onto the balls of the feet, slowly take that right heel up towards your three-legged dog."
"Don't neglect the integrity of your legs in this pose."
"Let's curl our toes under, lift your knees just a few inches off the mat."
"Press back to a downward-facing dog."
"Big breath in, big breath back out, like a wave ripple forward, find your plank pose."
"Lift the right leg and then we're going to swing it around, right knee behind the left knee, send the hips back towards the heel."
"Beautiful inhale up dog, holding here for a moment, press the tops of the feet down, squeeze the shoulder blades together, lifting through the spine."
"It's really beautiful, and I love the pose and the hands, this is very good."
"It's about honing your ability to see the overall pose all at once."
"Look at Her Looking Over Her Shoulder at Us; She's Posing for Us."
"Find our extended puppy, Anahatasana, melting heart pose."
"I'm super happy with this walking pose."
"I just think it's one of the best poses for Thor."
"I just love the pose of this piece."
"Smeagle is actually holding the ring in his hand; he's also kind of in this weird pose you don't see very often with pops."
"That kind of when dinosaurs ruled the Earth pose is super super awesome."
"I'm generally satisfied with the line of action here and the pose."
"Bring your big toes to touch and come into frog pose, a variation on Child's Pose."
"Lift all the way back up to boat pose. Use your abdominals."
"You're gonna be able to get him into pretty much any type of Batman pose you'd like."
"Brandon's front double bicep there is absolutely legendary."
"This Utkatasana is actually translated as fierce pose."
"It poses really well, I mean this is it kind of balanced on one leg too."
"You can actually angle this up so you can get a much more realistic flying pose."
"I really like this pose; I actually want to do more poses and more fluid action in my drawings in future."
"Every superhero three-point lands."
"Flip your front palm up to the sky, reverse your warrior."
"She's sort of turning away from us but looking back at us, which I find a sort of very attractive pose."