
Sunny Day Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"It's a beautiful day in the Valley of the Sun with more great weather expected the rest of the week."
"Absolutely buzzing with today. Look at this lovely sunny day."
"Good vibes today, the sun is out."
"Let's Go book shopping it's a beautiful day to book shop right now."
"There's nothing I love more than bopping around Auckland on a sunny day in a little car, mildly caffeinated, with nothing to do, bumping into friends and running small errands. Sorry to be real and earnest with you."
"I'll never forget that sunny afternoon."
"It's a really chill day today because the sun is shining, bright blue skies, so we're making the most of just like chilling out."
"All right, we're starting the video off with a nice sunny day, summer is finally here in Washington."
"Beautiful sunny day here in the UK now."
"It's actually a beautiful day, sun is shining."
"It feels so good, I'm just happy; it's a sunshiny day, ain't it?"
"It's been gorgeous sunshine, hasn't it, all afternoon."
"Hello again everybody and welcome back to another beautiful sunny day."
"It's beautiful out, the sun's out, I might get a nice tan here, it's currently 68 degrees, partially cloudy, beautiful."
"It's a glorious, glorious sunny spring day here."
"It's a beautiful 80 degree and sunny day here on the southeastern coast of North Carolina."
"It finally got sunny. The sky got blue after being cloudy all day, and now I'm happy."
"It kind of makes me think of like a very sunny day on an island."
"It's a beautiful sunny day, I'm sweating, I've already got a t-shirt and ski jacket on."
"It's a nice and sunshiny day, it's warmed up a lot."
"The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was just lovely."
"Ocean view from the highest peak, I'm complete; oh, I want this to stay, this sunny day."
"We've got the sun shining and it's a beautiful day."
"How can you not feel good when you look up, your window and the sky is blue, and the sun is shining?"
"The sun is shining; it's a beautiful day."
"It's a beautiful sunny day, very warm, a lot of people around here."
"You had a beautiful sunny day and blue sky."
"I hope everybody's having a good day. The sun is shining here."
"It was sunny, it was beautiful. London's so nice."
"It was supposed to be a joyous sunny day, and my grandmother wanted to keep it that way."
"It's reminiscent of a bright sunny day on water."
"It's been a wonderful innings here today in the sunshine at Lords."
"It's all good, the sun is shining, and there's not a cloud in the sky."
"It's a beautiful day today, look at the sun."
"It is a beautiful day out today, the sun is shining and the wind is not blowing."
"I am so happy because it is so sunny here today."
"It is a bright sunny day on the beautiful Greek island of Euboea."
"Lovely spot, lovely people, lovely food, what more do you want? Sun's out, look at this."
"The sun is out, it is a gorgeous day... and I just love the sun, don't we, girl?"
"It's a beautiful sunny day here in discount Uzbekistan."
"It is a nice day in the city today, the sun is out, the sky is blue."
"Good morning, it is a nice bright sunny day, I'm in shorts because it's 76 degrees out, honestly, the weather is insane these days, climate change goes crazy."
"It's just magnificent, it's a beautiful sunny day."
"The day was nice and sunny, so we laid down in the garden under an old tree."
"It's been a lovely mooch about, hasn't it? Just really slow and chilled and just mosing around in the sunshine."
"It's a beautiful crisp sunny day, as you can probably tell by the fact that I'm being blinded by the sun."
"It's such a beautiful day today; it's really sunny."
"It's a sunny afternoon... I've been teaching on something completely different to today's topic, so my brain is a little bit what bleep."
"Hello and welcome to the theme park worldwide where it's an absolutely glorious day today."
"Look at how sunny it is, such a beautiful day, I cannot wait."
"It just feels like beach vibes, tranquil vibes, especially on a day like this."
"It was a beautiful sunny day, and she nodded at several people she passed on the sidewalk as she headed toward Miss Kim's."
"It was a bright sunny day in the port of Rander Haven."
"This is definitely a lovely like sunny day driver's car."
"If it's a beautiful sunny day outside, there's nowhere I want to be other than the allotment."
"Beautiful Sunday afternoon, the Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama, about 85 degrees here in Leeds, Alabama."
"Life is good, beautiful day, sun is out, we've got a rapid blue C8."
"It's a glorious day in London; the Sun is out, it puts one's mood up immediately."
"It was a nice sunny day; it was boring to stay home, so Kitty decided to take a ride in his red car."
"It's been super rainy, and this is like one of the only nice sunny days I'm able to do this."
"Hello and welcome to this beautiful sunny day."
"There's nothing better than riding on an awesome sunny day like this."
"It's beautiful, sun is shining, we're on the beach, people walking their dogs."
"We're going to have fun, it's a beautiful sunny day."
"Welcome to a bright and beautiful day here in BGC. The sun's out, blue skies everywhere."
"It's such a lovely sunny day today, and I am desperately seeking a pain au chocolat."
"Good morning everybody, today is such a beautiful sunny day in California."
"It's actually turned out very pleasant, the sun is shining, and it's a beautiful winter's day in the low felt of South Africa."
"The weather forecast looks like it's gonna stand good which is for a dry and sunny day at Spa."
"It's such a nice day for a ferry and a walk in the park."
"Let's head inside to the Brick Bin and see what's going on today on this beautiful sunny day here in Calgary."
"It's a really gorgeous, sunny, and super nice fresh day today."
"The sun is out, it is shining; it's time to get this done."
"Imagine being out during the day on a nice sunny day, getting some ice cream."
"It's a beautiful day out there, it's Saturday afternoon and it's sunny."
"I think it's like 75 degrees and sunny."
"It's the most beautiful sunny day in the city today."
"It's going to be a nice sunny day, we're going to get home, get our groceries unloaded, and then probably a pool day today."
"Is it not a beautiful day today? The sun's out, got my sun hat on, love it."
"A whole new season of the British GT Championship kicks off this weekend at Oulton Park under gloriously sunny skies."