
Address Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"It's been a great pleasure and privilege to address this wonderful company"
"Remember to add alpha characters in the address."
"The destiny for the city of Medina is that we address tonight."
"Hello, my angels. Well, it has been a little bit of time since I spoke to you last, but what a party."
"Excuse me, is this McCullough residence?"
"Not every diagnosis is it is a death sentence and that everything is is going to be tragic by putting it off because you're afraid of what may happen can be more detrimental to you than addressing it."
"This destination has an arbitrary name, 1212 Rio Grande Street."
"Alice, how he enjoyed the use of her Christian name."
"My life is falling apart, okay, no, we don't cut anything except for Jay Schlatt's real physical address."
"Your Highness, you're awake. I was told you passed out; they said it was due to stress."
"What's the address? It's 3475 Hayworth Avenue."
"This message is not to whom it may concern, it is to you, it has your name and address on it, and God wants you to serve and to minister."
"i'd like to talk to y'all for a second if i can"
"Get out your neighborhood below. It's section 5.20."
"Seems like just kind of a simple mistake and nitpicking by the lawyers. But is it, or is there more to them putting a different address to where they responded?"
"One of the easiest ways to input the address is by scanning the QR code if this is possible for you."
"Karma never loses an address, folks."
"I want to take a moment now to speak directly to my fellow Republicans."
"What I see, then I have a right to address it."
"There they used to live in Denver Street number 14."
"I'm sure you'll find him at 39 Marine Terrace now."
"I officially have a P.O. box. I will type the address down in the description."
"Let me do a bit of digging, see if I can't come up with an address."
"This is already a suspicious address which is rated by the state rangers division."
"He addresses liberty directly, dear liberty, yet what would I avoid?"
"In the end, we're going to say this: 'Oh mankind!'"
"Addressing her as 'Miss' began to get on her nerves."
"The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street."
"Emotions cannot be addressed logically."
"The townland is the smallest official government jurisdiction in Ireland; it's your rural address in Ireland and it's what we're really looking for for most immigrants as their townland."
"What an incredible, dignified, brave, and courageous way of addressing it."
"Most of you look super confused right now, so let's talk about the elephant in the room."
"A domain name is just the address to your website."
"President Zelenski will be addressing both houses in Westminster Hall imminently."
"Good evening, Canada. I'd like to take this opportunity to address the nation."
"Good afternoon and thanks for joining us."
"Thank you, if I could get serious for just a moment."
"Our Father, secondly, is our address to God as Father."
"My dear young sisters, the responsibility to address you is humbly mine."
"Now a lot of people flee from temptation, but they leave the devil their forwarding address."
"The port is just what apartment in that address you would like to communicate with."
"If you want to send a smile, here's the address on the screen now."
"Homelessness is defined as lacking a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime address."
"It is with humility and deep respect that I am addressing you today."
"My name is Eren Jaeger. I'm addressing my fellow subjects of Ymir."
"I think I would like to address that."
"The mailing and residential address debate: if you're managing the application yourself, your mailing address becomes the same as your residential address."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, people of the world."
"Don't confuse your identity with your address."
"It is my profound honor to invite Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, to deliver her inaugural address."
"Sending a specific amount of tokens to a given address through the transfer function."
"Friends, Romans, or persons of Mediterranean appearance, lend me your ears."
"Thank you, afternoon members of the Commission and the audience."
"Don't panic, because that's what I'm addressing this week."