
Talk Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We're just locker room talk, we're just talking."
"It's all talk until action is shown."
"Guys that talk the most have the least to show for it."
"So I'd like to sincerely thank you for such a fascinating talk."
"He always talked about how he never broke his nose. Here we are."
"Don't you want people to talk about you for the rest of your life?"
"There are two types of people in this world: those who talk and those who do."
"Action is risky, it takes risk. When you take action, it takes risk. It also takes discipline, whereas talk is totally cheap, it takes no discipline whatsoever."
"It's amazing... very fortuitous that we get to publish the book this week and have a talk today."
"Let's talk about the measurements of the box."
"Man did you guys hear Chad out there? He was talking some smack."
"That's my favorite ones to talk about."
"You might have seen my video I did recently talking about all things sol de janeiro."
"If there's something I don't like, I am going to talk about it in the most hyperbolic way possible because that's who I am as a person."
"Keep calm. People are going to talk smack. That's what's going to happen in life. Don't get spun up."
"I tend not to talk about this type of stuff. I like to focus on the positivity, you know?"
"Join me in that next talk where we start to look at spatial localization in MRI images."
"You're not a leader, you're just a talker."
"There actually is some impressive stuff to talk about here."
"The goal of this talk is to try to eliminate this feeling as much as humanly possible."
"Ringing the bell before a talk makes it sound momentous but actually I just like ringing the bell."
"So good afternoon everyone and well I suppose it's a privilege to give you the last talk."
"...I would confidently recommend the talk to anyone."
"Do I really need to talk about this serum? I don't think I do. It's my Holy Grail."
"There are only two camps: those who do things and those who talk about them."
"No [__] that talk your [__] rich [__]."
"But talk is cheap and shooting is much funner, more fun, same thing."
"I love this. Not all this. We live in a world full of talk. Everybody's talking. It should be like this, it should be like that. That's wonderful, but talk is cheap."
"Whenever you feel you want to talk, don't talk. And when you ever feel you don't want to talk, talk."
"The more people talk about it, the more skeptical you should be."
"It's less talk and more tangible action."
"The title of my talk is 'How I learned to stop worrying and love radium dials.'"
"I just love how he talks and the music, like everything about this is so it's kind of mellow, mellow but somber and Candy Trail, oh yeah, oh yeah."
"This talk isn't about Danger Crew, this talk is about you making games."
"Talk is cheap but action is better."
"You knew you had information and you say you don't want to talk without your attorney."
"That was a spectacular talk. I certainly learned a huge amount."
"There's a lot of fine talk in this world, but no action. No action."
"I've been more into juvenile talk lately. It's really made me happy, it's made me the happiest I've ever been."
"The more you talk about it... the stronger your sense of self-perception becomes."
"You talk too much. Shut the [ __ ] up and watch the movie."
"That's the main thing about s*** talk, you gotta back it up. You gotta back it up. If you don't back it up, it's all wolf tickets."
"Tonight's talk is on conquering the dire need for love."
"There's still so much [__] to talk about. I never could run out of it. It's true."
"What's real is what it's necessary to talk about if you want to capture information about the world and in particular capture it want to make predictions and explanations."
"From the bottom of my heart, in all honesty, I do believe that this is my favorite talk."
"Everybody wanna talk, no one wanna put in the hard work."
"I am sick and tired of the talk and very, very little action."
"It's quite enjoyable talk, hopefully, it will be more friendship."
"Never have so many people who talk so much done so little."
"We live in a generation where talk is greater than action, and that's a fact."
"A lot of people talk, not so many people do."
"There are talkers and doers; which one are you?"
"I love when people talk about me; it's free attention."
"Thank you very much for a very interesting talk."
"You will never change your life while you're talking about what you're doing."
"You can either talk about it, or you can actually go out and do it."
"No amount of sweet talk is better than a simple action."