
Text Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"We have the text where Eny says the seventh day will be a day of rest."
"The really worrying thing about it is that it's so difficult for human beings to see intelligent text and not think that there's intelligence behind it."
"True scholars go back to the original sources and take a close look at the original text."
"...authenticity isn't a property that's contained within the text."
"...authenticity is what you do with the text."
"Sounds more like instructions on a board game than an ancient text."
"Let's go over some of the ways you can adjust the text."
"I'm going to tell you what kind of pages you might want to include, like a copyrights page, a title page, end papers, and I'll also show you how to add text in interesting ways if you fancy being a little bit more exciting with your text."
"We can lay out text and images to make books, magazines, posters, etc."
"Editing text, one of my favorite things to do in PowerPoint."
"I want the text to look like this January through April with January in the bottom April on the top so we centered it left to right and top to bottom."
"It makes all the text selectable, and then you can simply save it or send it wherever you need to."
"There is a spiritual interpretation of the text."
"Adding titles and text to your videos is a breeze in Filmora."
"The real power is the text itself. What does it say that enlightens our understanding about God and the universe and His plan of salvation? It's just terrific."
"Text can either make or break a thumbnail."
"Efficient text editing capabilities."
"The key thing about picture books is that art and text work together."
"The selection pseudo class modifies the appearance of selected text."
"...what will be clear to you by the end of this trial is that this defendant sent that text from Taylor's phone to Cassandra because Taylor was dead at that point."
"The Bible is a truly human text and a truly Divine text."
"All of those are awesome, but this is his classic seminal text that's influenced people like George Lucas."
"Quickly and easily create your own text-based designs."
"Filtering here pretty much means that do we need to look at like the text and like censor words?"
"We need to do exegesis, let the text speak."
"...so hopefully this introduction API helps you be less scared of them that you shouldn't be scared of them it's just a bunch of texts at the end of the day."
"That's one of the best texts I've ever got in my life!"
"We don't get much information about this from the Bible, but The Book of Enoch provides extensive details."
"In fact, the text is simply a reworking of and an expansion of a different book from the New Testament, the Epistle of Jude."
"The world of the text and the world that you live in."
"So I'll make a new slide and click to add text."
"The biblical text is reliable from a historical perspective."
"If it's in line with the text, no problem. If the text doesn't say anything about it, then you could still do it, son."
"Dude, yes, this is a scam. No company ever does interviews just by text."
"...Clip is a embeddings model that can do two things: it can embed text... and it can embed images... but the magic is that those numbers they exist in the same Vector space."
"The text is not something you see through; the text is something you live in."
"It says 'Sweet Cincinnati and Choir'."
"Literalistic interpretation often does as much violence to the text as does a spiritualized interpretation that empties the text of all objective meaning."
"Semantic search is essentially like capturing the human meaning of some text and encoding that into vet space."
"Nobody reads those crawls anyway."
"Every translation of the text is indeed already an interpretation."
"Structured text has zero use? Well, guess what, guys? The compute statement that we used here is the same thing as a mini structured text routine."
"It's clearly the most influential text on the planet, I would say."
"...the text is important not so much the context of the historical Jesus might have been around."
"N's text is not merely philosophical or literary but exemplary and special."
"N's text is hyperbolic, revealing his acute awareness of self-creation."
"Text DaVinci is the smartest chat GPT model."
"How could so much horror come from simple text and a picture?"
"Add in any titles or text into your videos."
"...what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna grab the text tool over here..."
"80 percent of business-relevant information is in unstructured form, primarily text."
"We compose a flow using coupling flow and then we arg max that to get the text."
"In any event, they wrote down the way that they learned to read it, and that became the text of the Bible we have today. They wrote down how they pronounced Hebrew; that's one source of information that we have."
"So let's not forget this docker file is a text document."
"I love the text section. It's so beautiful. I mean, it's all beautiful, but this just pleases me deeply."
"I can pay you more than you can ever imagine," he texted.
"Judges have only the power that the people have given them. In matters of interpretation, that means fidelity to the text that the people adopted."
"You can also create text and turn it into a frame."
"The King James is based upon a collection of printed texts, not manuscripts."
"Adjusting text alignment and color makes a difference."
"This is such an important piece of text that's been used over the centuries by Christians."
"The compiler must have understood that the text he created would need to be interpreted."
"From the very first moment, the Torah was never an easy text."
"Text is an important part of many projects you may want to design on your CNC."
"We're trying to give you a reliable biblical text."
"The moment we see text with meaning and it's a code, we infer upwards to intelligence instantly."
"The API for working with text is compatible with the API for working with everything else."
"One of the reasons why left or right align text is easier to read than justified is because it's easier to follow where you are currently in the text."
"I love any puzzles with text on them, I just think it's so fun."
"We have a common text that we love, that we cherish, and the conversation will go very well."
"Markdown is basically plain text except that you can format it using various special characters."
"The text that exited from the author as it was dispatched to the readers is also sometimes known as the autographic text or the autographs."
"To have over a million quotations of a text that is less than 8,000 verses is absolutely astounding."
"The Church Fathers help us to pinpoint the text in a space and time."
"Genius is a whole other question. There are people who can do amazing things with the text and with the shape of the text."
"The Lord will take a finite amount of text and multiply those insights until they meet every need."
"We want to read in its own context."
"My focus is typically going to be on the theological use in the text itself."
"I can change the font size as well as the rotation of the text."
"The masoretes were highly skilled scribes and annotators who took on the solemn role of accurately relaying not only the text as written."
"Now that we have this all sorted, the next step now is to go in and customize my text."
"What we want to do from here is start thinking about our text because this white area in here is basically where most of our label is going to live."
"If you get really good at predicting the next sentence in text, you also to some degree have to learn to predict an agent's beliefs, their backgrounds, common knowledge, and what they might do next."
"The text within is written in ancient Assyrian."
"It's very easy to miscommunicate over text."
"The Quran is a unique text in all of human history."
"So that's kind of the lay of the land of, you know, what is the text like."
"The rich text one will allow people to enter information into the form and also utilize formatting tools."
"The oldest surviving text of humanity."
"It's really been an honor to work on this text."
"It's like when you're reading a text message, sometimes you can misunderstand what's been said."
"You can also add text to a StringBuilder."
"Text sometimes has a special quality that you're using your imagination."
"Taking something that's so beautiful, I think it's a beautiful text that you could apply in a hundred ways."
"The big questions in the field of Quranic studies are related to the original text, the Quranic variants, and the chronology of the Quran."
"For the new critics, a text is like a living organism."
"Each one able to be called a sermon in music because it expounded upon a text so well."
"A cultural text can never really be restrained... nonetheless, the meanings within that cultural text are produced and thus... it is affected by the economic and social context around it."
"Look, I got the Elvish text on there. It looks awesome."
"Read backwards... you're focusing more on the text and not the ideas."
"The 'IsText' function in Excel is used to determine if the value is a text value."
"The 'Left' function returns the specific number of characters from the start of the text string."
"One text is worth more than a whole library of opinions."
"We want to give a bigger, bolder text description here."
"Part of the close reading is paying attention not just to each little part by itself... it's thinking back and forth within the text."
"Use the text to support your personal response."
"If you click on link... it'll actually give a link to that piece of text."
"Don't read your presuppositions into the text; let the text speak for itself."
"Sed is a text stream editor... great for simple text transformations."
"Awk is more of a just a regular text editor where you can go line by line... great for reformatting a bunch of text."
"The Safer Yetzira remains an enduring enigma but brief and alluring enough to remain an endearing text of Western esotericism at virtually every register."
"The type tool is to write anything on your image."
"Remarkable affirmation of a very small detail in the text."
"...word count, we have a bunch of lines of text and we want to end up with how many times each word occurs in the data."
"The text has been completely preserved word for word."
"We have the ability to include text in our web pages, we have the ability to include headings."
"There is no textual unity, there is textual disunity."
"Want to come out to the farm one day this week?" Finn had finally texted.
"Having something over text, you can misunderstand so easily."
"It wraps a sketch around which means when you have text it doesn't distort."
"It's completely readable text, it's not distorted in any way."
"The Hebrew text that we have is very reliable."
"Identify relevant ideas from the text as a way of supporting your own response."
"We're gonna inflate some text, would make some sense to create some text."
"Much of the text content on a web page will be made up of headings and paragraphs."
"The mistake is not in the numbers or their colors; the mistake is that the word 'spot' appears twice."
"Let's add the text where it says 'Sail Chimp HTML email template'."
"The UI text in every form plays an essential role in the quality of user experiences."
"Access is really good with storing text information."
"Text Mesh Pro is just a more flexible way of creating text in Unity that's become somewhat of an industry standard."
"Acme creates an experience where text is a dynamic thing that can be executed and assigned arbitrary meanings."
"Template literals allow you to quickly write more complex texts and store them in variables."
"Guru is not just a text; it is your Guru."
"Even if you're not a code developer, if you write anything in text or even just want version control on some files that are text, it's a great tool."
"The black text does such a great job."
"The leading deals with the space between the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the next."
"We will be creating vector artwork, we will be working with text."
"As our thing moves over our text, it gets dissolved. Nice."
"Meaning in text is fluid rather than fixed."
"The fragments that have been open showing visible text have become the key to unlock the ability to see the ones that are still closed."
"There's nothing about this text with Samuel that is against monarchy itself."
"Lorem Ipsum is dummy text which has no meaning, however, looks very similar to real text."
"These are all live, real text examples; they're not contrived in any way whatsoever."
"We're witnessing a process of sifting and going through and establishing this as maybe one of the most reliable texts in the history of mankind."
"Rita does all the kind of common text analysis operations that you might do on a sentence."
"Rita has a tokenizer, meaning a way of chopping the sentence up into word tokens."
"Allow me to segue you back in when we previously had left off on this text."
"The Quran has a track record of being a preserved text."
"It's like characters in the video, and there's me on-screen, the person that you're seeing, and then the use of text is like a different character."
"You've obviously got some basic alignments when it comes to the text itself."
"The text is produced by the belief, not the belief by the text."
"That's how our text builds up over time."
"Sometimes I feel like people can misunderstand people a lot with just text."
"I'd like to have some text to work with, I just think it brings the journal to life."
"In the variety and fullness of the evidence on which it rests, the text of the New Testament stands absolutely and unapproachable alone among ancient prose writings."
"I can actually select different parts of the text here."
"What we're actually seeing is an attempt within the Islamic world to try and standardize the text."
"It's undeniable that the evidence demonstrates manipulation of the text, a clear conscious effort to manipulate the text."
"The idea in readability is kind of simple: you're given a piece of text and you want to do some analysis on that piece of text."
"So now what we want to do here is analyze the total number of words, total number of letters, and total number of sentences in the given piece of text."
"In this problem set, we want to encode text as a sequence of binary numbers."
"The text was derived through a divinely assisted interpretive process."
"Rich Text allows us to specify some additional formatting values within the text itself."
"The text is larger than the person who articulated it."
"It allows you to just do prettier text, so you can do nicer looking text."
"Dynamic text first of all is the future, more and more platforms are doing it."
"This is really integral to all of your projects, working with text, whether it's going to be just a title of some kind, maybe something that's going to have a color backdrop, it's going to have another video backdrop."
"It's only the Holy Spirit that can put life into that text."
"If you look for contradictions in any text as diverse as the Bible, you will certainly find them."
"Comics are interesting because they are a text-based medium but are very much a visual medium too."
"Text is just the wrong level; it's a perfectly good serialization medium for our programs."
"The decisive text gives preference; that's the boss."