
Topic Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"It's not the topic, it's the intensity of focus that's important."
"This is a great thing and something that actually has been talked about a lot on this channel."
"We wouldn't typically expect a children's show to tackle the complicated topic of infertility."
"If the conversation goes fast, all you have to do is say 'Star Wars,' and he'll carry the conversation for sure."
"You're going to have opportunities in the conversation to circumvent the topic of the results."
"Thanks a lot for watching parents are an interesting topic because everyone's personal experience with their parents varies wildly depending on who you ask."
"All right, y'all, that's what we're talking about there."
"So before we get to the whole point of this: the kitchen..."
"You are well struck, it's the hottest topic of MC battle culture."
"I didn't want to bring WWE into it."
"I'm very excited about it. It's a topic that I love, and I will give you more details about it in the next couple of videos as I'm working on it."
"Why not watch my next video all about CBD gummies for anxiety and autism?"
"But what I really want to talk about today is kind of sort of crazy of crazy."
"People don't believe it, but tags matter: topic, title, transcript, timeliness."
"You just threw it out there like, 'What you think about OnlyFans?'"
"Remember what I've said before: the topic is a hundred times more complicated than what you think it is."
"Time to talk about them because they're uh flocking this way."
"More searching will determine if this topic really exists."
"This is a topic that can definitely be found by looking through old VHS tapes."
"The final topic of this video predates even that of the 1999 press kit."
"I never thought that I would be making a video about a freaking tampon."
"But anyway, let's start with GARP."
"That is the main topic: alchemical transformation."
"Okay, I'm gonna start with human body."
"All right, okay, we're going to switch gears. That's my last reptile, bugs."
"So why do you have a conversation that ends with a pick of a man's penis?"
"This is too big and important a topic for the amount of time we have left. There's no way to do this proper justice."
"Let's talk about that guys, let's talk about that real quick."
"We are really excited to be able to present on this topic this evening on central sleep apnea in our community."
"Thanks for watching. See you tomorrow for a nice video on Tuesday. We're talking about hell which is always fun."
"Toy safety is a really, really big topic, but I'm going to do my best to make this as comprehensive as possible."
"this drink right here this is what i'm going to talk about next"
"Let's talk not about RFI, we're going to talk about antennas."
"I've got a topic I want to talk about."
"It's clear that VI isn't very interested in that."
"Anyhow, back to our point transform."
"Let's talk about the transmitters."
"Join me next week when we dive into the topic of heart attacks."
"There will be multiple videos, and I'll be teaching you absolutely everything you need to know about heart attacks."
"That's quite a big part of today's video, actually."
"You guys should all listen to it. It's on the dictators. It's about this guy who got control of this area in the old Soviet Union."
"The subject of tonight's webinar is 'It's Baffling.'"
"That's right, we're talking about the 300 rum today."
"In this essay I'm going to talk about Tears of the Kingdom."
"Let's get back to Kagarashi, shall we?"
"Let's get started with talking about the Rica."
"What's going on everyone. Today we're going to talk about the real blue beast."
"It's one of the most controversial topics in food period."
"I want to get straight to the point and talk about the mom the Chris Rock slash Will Smith pounding."
"The topic too is really cute as they shout out their hometowns."
"I want to talk about something that's going to be a little controversial."
"One more question, let us transition topics, yeah?"
"We weren't here to talk about Batman, but now we are."
"Let's go ahead and talk about the mat."
"So I'm talking today about Juwanza."
"I'd say so what are you involved oh terrorism terrorism yeah."
"True, true fact. And spoiler alert, we are going to be talking about that particular chain we mentioned last time we had him on here."
"Create a topic that is highly relevant to the research you're actually doing."
"That is all I have for you on today's topic."
"It's important to understand what the topic is you're discussing."
"This week on Ear Biscuits, I talk about the Franklin School."
"I'll be dropping my own video where I talk about abandoned animatronics and answer the question where are they now."
"I'm ready to talk about the bone woman."
"I know I can sit here and talk all day about this house."
"I'm not quite sure I think uh there's one of the big issues I think was Consciousness because it's become more acceptable as being a scientific topic."
"Research gaps are essentially the birthplace of research topics."
"Another topic we talked about yesterday and we talk about every time we come here and any time we go to legendary fisheries like this is pressure."
"When we were speaking earlier, we were just talking about football."
"So you have your topic, and then you have your controlling idea. Your topic is the subject of the paragraph. And your controlling idea is why you're writing about this topic. It's your focus."
"I remember that our topic of conversation for today's session is class."
"Polymorphism, definitely a topic that we need to know for the AP exam."
"It's a fascinating topic to look at."
"In all seriousness, they need to fix it, but uh, all right, here we go, here we go. But before we get to any of that, we're going to tackle the big issues, namely is this Dame a dam or a Dom."
"It's kind of an important point to talk about."
"Autocomplete is a quick and easy way to get ideas around what people are searching for and how it relates to your topic."
"This is a really interesting topic and I think a lot of people will find it cool."
"It just feels weird and wrong to talk about anything other than this."
"Folks, the question on the table right now is..."
"I'm so excited about this book because I'm so passionate about this topic."
"I especially like this... the plot of measles incidents over the course of time."
"You send a message to a topic, and any subscriber receives that message."
"Much love, that was my topic, much love, man."
"...but enough intro, let's zoom in and get started with our first topic, which is the language processing system."
"I think this is the best book written currently available on this topic."
"This is such an important topic that it is by far my previous most popular video on this channel."
"Something about this topic really seems to resonate with people."
"We're going to get into another very interesting organized crime topic."
"I am so excited to unpack this topic."
"This is a topic I'm rather passionate about."
"This is a topic that I'm very passionate about."
"Thank you for watching, and thank you to my wonderful Patreon community for selecting this as a topic."
"If you know me very well, you know this is probably my favorite topic."
"The topic is very near and dear to my heart."
"This is a topic I am very, very passionate about."
"So the topic for the day is growth."
"It's a fascinating field and the topic today is quite interesting, although it is also a topic that is sensitive."
"What's up guys, this is the Honest Outlaw here, and today we've got well, we're going to cover one of my favorite subjects."
"I think this is the best way to preface this topic."
"It's a fantastic topic and it can be quite complex."
"I'm not starting with death, give me a happy topic."
"All right, with that said, let's dive in today's topic."
"We have a very, very interesting topic to discuss today."
"It's definitely a fun topic to talk about."
"Culture is a massive topic... it's vast, ambiguous, and massive."
"How's it going everybody? Greg Hitchco here, and as you could probably guess, I am super excited to talk about this topic today."
"I want to discuss with you today a topic that's about as large as any topic that I could possibly pick."
"It's a really, really cool topic."
"It's such a weird topic, kind of like the Predator."
"I'm pretty excited about doing this particular session on this particular topic."
"This is a topic near and dear to my heart."
"Thanks for coming this evening, and I'm thinking of something to talk about, and the topic for today is going to be about entanglement."
"This is a very important topic that we just had to cover."
"Thank you for reaching out to me and suggesting this as a topic and your willingness to come on."
"I appreciate you taking time away from your busy schedule to come on and talk about a challenging topic."
"Tonight's subject is an extremely popular one."
"Crazy enough, I'm kind of really into this topic right now."
"We're not here to lay judgement on anyone, we're just looking to explore a topic from an unbiased position."
"I'm really enthusiastic about this topic."
"It's a great pleasure for me to talk with you about a topic which is at the same time hard to talk about and easy to talk about."
"It's a topic that we need to talk about openly and raise some awareness."
"It's a big topic, it's a topic in itself which will take considerable amount of understanding."
"I think it's a lot easier for me to research this topic."
"It provides a more meaningful contribution to the topic that it addresses."