
Subject Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I actually really liked chemistry."
"The history of Job, what an easy subject!"
"To nerds such as myself, it is quite an interesting subject."
"Having a clear subject is super important because it really pulls the viewer into the image."
"It's not a black and white subject, it's quite ambiguous."
"The quality of your subject is going to determine the quality of your photography."
"Byron Rogers went to interview Holworth."
"All right, y'all, that's what we're talking about there."
"What everyone's in search of is the inexhaustible subject really."
"There's always a subtle yet profound energy shared between a painter and his or her subject of interest, and this found energy is not a coincidence; in fact, it's a prerequisite."
"At the end of the day, a good subject is simply something that you find interesting."
"I like to paint water. I don't do it a lot but I do like to paint it."
"The title of a poem can provide information about its central subject, mood, speaker, setting, form, or genre."
"I love anthropology. I love everything from anthropology."
"It's a good subject. People love the Rockwell Americana."
"I write documentaries on how they're presented not on how much I like the subject."
"...the hatbox ghost, a subject that's been covered countless times by myself and many others..."
"Suppose we change the subject," interrupted the March Hare.
"AP Environmental Science... it was very easy."
"AP Comparative Government... pretty easy... you could do it if you put your time into it."
"People think that they are a subject in the middle of experience."
"Glaze making is a huge subject so I'm not going to try to teach you the entire subject in one video."
"...by isolating my subject, I can also isolate the colors."
"My favorite subject as a kid was English."
"Portraits are about the subject. They're going to try to emote something and we're going to try to create something."
"Contrast separates your subject from the background and draws your eye to the place that you want somebody to look."
"You have to be in love with the subject."
"I'm obviously going to do mine about Belize."
"Life is the only fit subject for novelist or biography."
"That don't look too shabby, no simple subject, beautiful blood moon."
"Um being able to master... one off if not the most important subject areas."
"...the thing that I most like about jump and jump is approach to the subject is the earthiness of it..."
"I love this subject. I love to talk about it because it's so beyond me, and I pick one little analogy, and it just makes us silent."
"I am fascinated by how novelists and biographers select their subject, how they meet, like dating, first impressions count, but you have to stick around for a little while, might not be quite like your first impression."
"I fell in love with this subject that didn't come naturally to me and took practice and learning."
"My subject on the platform is the hectic pursuit of peace of mind. It's true."
"I absolutely love calculus; it just makes so much sense to me."
"Dark humor only applies if it was actually funny and if it's a touchy subject like that one then you better pray it's the funniest joke in the world to cover that up. Holy crap."
"You may notice a distinct shift in subject and you can stop there that's fine but understand what's around it make sure that whatever you're going to be doing is within that framework."
"I always like to refer to the subject to decide which colors to use when I'm painting."
"I'm actually super interested in this subject."
"Classical art hides the technique to elevate the subject."
"History is lowkey my favorite class."
"It's quite a perfect job for Yanuchi and I think it was quite an inspired choice um to make a film about this subject."
"I always have the subject in between the light source and the easel."
"...where you prove that you're interested in your subject..."
"Your subjects just jump out of the screen."
"Having a standout subject or multiple subjects in your image is a great start, but understanding why they stand out is important."
"No matter what you're taking a picture of, the subject is the same: light."
"It is believed to have been a test subject of several experimental surgeries."
"You really have to consider what you're photographing."
"I want to talk about a subject that's near and dear to my heart."
"It's a treasured object because of its subject matter, because of the power of the modeling."
"The agent is the person or thing in the sentence that's doing the action."
"Light itself can be the subject of the photo and the subject of the composition."
"I think one of the most fascinating subjects you can possibly imagine."
"Mathematics is truly a cursed subject."
"It's important not to confuse the theme of a story with its thematic subject."
"You do need a subject if you want your photographs to be better."
"This is the subject we'll be working with today, this is the sunflower."
"Social studies is officially the highlight of my day."
"I have a passion for my subject, and I'm very ambitious."
"This is, to me at least, maybe the highest high point in the whole subject as far as intellectual payoff."
"American history is the best subject."
"Subjects will always be in nominative case."
"Finding a strong subject is often the anchor of a great telephoto landscape image."