
Roman Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"In the ancient Roman world, when we say religion, what we're mostly talking about is not matters of belief but matters of doing."
"The hawne Horde is the largest horde of late Roman silver and gold found in Britain."
"The Crosby Garrett helmet, an extraordinary artifact hailing from the late 2nd or early 3rd Century AD."
"Persephone was known to the Romans as Proserpina. In a lot of cases, Roman and Greek gods were related but not necessarily the same thing."
"The narrative pivots to Roman's perspective."
"Roman, by laboring in the Iron Mine himself, gained firsthand insight into the challenges and ingeniously devised solutions."
"A palpable change had taken place in the demeanor of the current young Master Roman."
"Roman cut through the tension, highlighting the stark reality that now faces the Empire."
"With Roman, you're already ruling out a whole bunch of alternative theories of dark matter."
"This is the great contribution that the Romans made to the Western architecture."
"This is without any question the masterpiece of Roman concrete architecture."
"They call this the Roman ketchup."
"Roman cuisine was incredibly rich, drawing ingredients and foods from all corners of the Empire."
"To bind a Roman as a crime, to flog him an abomination, to kill him an act of murder, but to crucify him, there is no fitting word."
"Roman has a special offer for our listeners. Use the link to get 20% off your first order."
"Incorporating Greek elements into Roman architecture."
"The Domus Italica was an ideal Roman house plan."
"Roman houses had a very different role in Roman society than houses do for us today."
"The oldest relic of all on Winchester streets, the last remains of the Roman walls that surrounded the town of Venta Belgarum."
"These stone remains are around 1800 years old and were built in the third century to replace the Romans' original wooden defenses around their settlement."
"Walk along the ancient Roman Road and imagine the strength of Colchester's city walls."
"The remnants of the Roman society was still there, so you had the roads, you had the walls, you had this remnant of a civilization that was more technologically advanced."
"Cardo Maximus was the main street in every single Roman town."
"Right beneath the topsoil, we found the remains in situ of a Roman building."
"Owning a villa was a sign of wealth, but owning a hypocaust was a sign of supreme wealth in the Roman era."
"One of the finest surviving examples of ancient Roman architecture could be flooded for water spectaculars or seat 45,000 for gladiator battles."
"The Alcantara Bridge stands a testament to Roman engineering."
"Roman concrete is known to have reached widespread use around 150 BC, though most archaeologists believe it was first developed nearly a century earlier."
"This is the original Roman, and I want to discover which towns across the UK can claim to reveal the most about each period in British history."
"...most interesting of all is the small Sacro idilic landscape that floats in the center of the panel again in third style Roman wall painting..."
"This place has got more remaining Roman archaeology than anywhere I've ever seen."
"These ruts were made by Roman legionaries coming and going from Virgo Victrix Fort 1,900 years ago. Talk about history you can touch."
"Now that's what I call walking in the footsteps of Romans."
"A thousand passus, five thousand Roman feet, made up the mille passus, that is the Roman mile."
"This is the amphitheater of Duress, built in the second century by Emperor Trajan."
"If this is Roman, that's Neptune; if this is Greek, that's Poseidon."
"Ballista had led out 11 Roman Riders."
"Capri, this magical island, has been a resort since Roman times."
"The Romans made amazing advancements in culture, architecture, law, and practically everything else."
"Let's talk about Greek and Roman architecture."
"The ancient remains of the Roman site of Dougga are collectively considered the best preserved examples of an Afro-Roman city in North Africa."
"I am an amateur historian from Italy with a keen interest in ancient Roman history and archaeology."
"We're reaching a really interesting point in the study of Roman."
"In Roman numerals, what does the letter L stand for? Fifty."
"Aquillo was the Roman god of the winds, which is really lovely for this time of year."
"Charlemagne tried to make manifest symbol with his power in a way that was specifically Roman."
"This is Roman facadism at its greatest."
"The Romans knew how to build; the Roman Colosseum is almost 2,000 years old and still standing."
"Ancient Roman builders may be responsible for making a truly revolutionary impact on modern architecture."
"Roxeter's Roman name was Viroconium, it was estimated to be the fourth largest Roman town in Britain."
"This Roman central heating was called a hypocaust."
"The theater at Verulamium is the only surviving example of the English Roman Theater that we currently know of."
"These are my personal top five hidden historic sites of Roman Britain."
"Providing water for drinking and cooking was one of the municipal services expected of a proper Roman town."
"I love the audacity of the Roman engineers; they provided water and physical communication through roads."
"Florence originated as a Roman city, founded by Julius Caesar no less in 59 BC."
"That's Roman, that is absolutely fantastic because this is the first evidence that we've got of where the Romans crossed into Wales."
"Masada was actually constructed at a time when Roman architecture and engineering were at their peak."
"Roman interior space is probably the aspect of Roman architecture that sets it off most distinctly from the architecture of Greece."
"Virgil's Aeneid... is sort of the Roman version of the Iliad or the Odyssey."
"The discovery of what seems to be a Roman trade token on Oak Island raises interesting questions about who brought it there and why."
"The Roman numeral of 576 is DLXXVI."
"This is the best Roman we've seen, I think, ever."
"The roman numeral XIV represents the number 14."
"This is the Balkern Gate, the largest and best preserved Roman gateway in Britain."
"These stone walls are the best preserved Roman defenses you'll find in Britain."