
Transit Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The Sun as it transits through Taurus is going to cross over Uranus."
"This transit is not instant in any way, you are covering a real physical distance, albeit one very warped relative to us."
"Every single time that we get to the other side of a Transit, it's almost like we unlock a new level of our own actualization."
"When Mars ends this transit in Capricorn you see there this is Pluto I talked about Pluto in the first part of this reading so Mars is going to reach the position of Pluto and when it does Mars is going to trigger the energy of Pluto regeneration you know I've talked about that."
"Your well-being is quite important during this Transit."
"Actually this is one of the best transits you could have."
"Transit is one of the few things that makes New York City affordable." - Janno Lieber
"Every time we build new capacity, it just fills up. What we have to do is build more and better mass transit." - Janno Lieber
"With Saturn-Neptune, there's a tension between the ideal versus what's realistic, as well as trying to tell the difference between what's true versus what's false."
"One of things that's important when you're in the midst of bad transits, one of the ways that astrology can be useful, is sometimes showing you that there's an endpoint."
"By adding more stops you put more destinations and people close to Transit but you also make Transit slower."
"Spiritually minded people may tend to discover security within themselves during this transit."
"That's one of the things that we really emphasize and like to distinguish is that you need to pay attention to both sign-based transits as well as degree-based transits but that degree-based transits will be more intense, oftentimes more important than the sign-based transit."
"There's some programmes like Archetypal Explorer that I really like that depict some of these transits on a graph, and it shows you when the exact transit is occurring but it also gives you kind of like a range where it's still in effect."
"Speaking of that, that's actually another really good thing to use that I always recommend that people start with and use regularly when they're first learning transits, which is the personal daily horoscope that astro.com has."
"Jupiter going through the second house is actually one of the best transits for elevating our self-esteem."
"Oracle Park has some of the best transit out of any of the stadiums on the list with easy access via car, bus, bike, train, ride sharing, and even by boat."
"Venus transiting the 12th house makes for a really good time to go away on holiday."
"Retrofitting existing systems means that the regular Transit Riders who already use the over 200 Rapid Transit stations that exist across Canada can start to see the benefits."
"Density is how much fuel you give [the transit engine]." - [Unspecified]
"When Transit Is frequent, people can travel more flexibly." - [Unspecified]
"Demand for Transit service is not fixed." - [Unspecified]
"Transit feeds into the demand for more Transit." - [Unspecified]
"More Transit service means more better Transit." - [Unspecified]
"Density determines how many people can actually ride Transit." - [Unspecified]
"Karlsruhe is a small city located in southern Germany, and it has around 300,000 residents, which is something you should remember because it will really help put it into context just how small of a European city can have a fantastic transit network."
"Higher capacity Transit quite literally is faster Transit."
"Instead of giving up on an older system or an unusual system or saying there's a challenge too big for transit to actually be able to deal with, maybe it's worth considering whether other places in the world have solved the same problem."
"The gondola will be a unique Transit project the likes of which we've never seen before in Metro Vancouver."
"Jupiter's Transit affect your ascendant and Planet so you have to see that uh where uh Jupiter is U transiting over your planet"
"Sydney Metro: transforming the city's transit landscape."
"Sydney Metro: where tradition meets automation."
"Sydney Metro West: a new horizon for the city's transit."
"Sydney's light rail: a journey into the city's past and future."
"Sydney's rail system: a promising future ahead."
"With future expansion in both lines and schedule, Dallas could be a world-class Transit City."
"Go Transit is a major regional transit system serving the Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario."
"Finally, Montreal's transit plans meet the scope of this important city."
"Ultimately, Toronto moving to EMUs massively ups the potential for a network for Toronto that isn't just GO Plus+, but is actually an entirely new regional rapid transit system."
"Rapid transit service in Boston began in June 1901, with a line running through the Tremont Street streetcar tunnel."
"I now hate our home, I hate our town, I also hate public transit."
"Rahu transits along with Ketu in a particular sign for 18 months."
"Guangzhou system really is all about capacity; they've got the longest BRT stations in the world."
"The emphasis on the car is a mistake, and developing mass transit is essential."
"The scale and cost of the Elizabeth line is eye-watering, and in many ways, it makes the project the world's premier transit project."
"We must provide a law which will permit the organizing and financing of rapid transit facilities."
"The monorail type of rapid transit is no longer something that exists on the drawing boards or in a dream."
"The Northeast is without a doubt the best region in the US when it comes to transit and city planning."
"Philadelphia often comes up as a city with good planning, decent transit, and affordable rents."
"If transit is important to us, and if we believe we need to live in a world with more transit, we're gonna have to build a lot more of it."
"People ask me all the time: 'The transit in my city is bad or lacking, how do I make it better?'"
"These are good guidelines for establishing an attractive and resilient transit network in any city."
"The changes happening on the network right now constitute the largest transit project not just in North America but in the Americas as a whole right now."
"The city of Hong Kong developed with the transit system rather than the transit system trying to match the city of Hong Kong."
"As far as transit hotels go, this place is pretty nice."
"For an urbanized area its size, Pittsburgh punches way above its weight in transit service and use and walkability."
"The next station had the longest name of any station on the New York City Transit System: Claremont Parkway between 171st and 172nd streets."
"Welcome to RM Transit, a channel about trams and what actually makes them good."
"London Underground, the mother of all the underground railways around the world."
"The nice thing about living in a walkable transit-oriented place is you can just walk with your suitcase over to the train station, get on the train, ride to the airport."
"The core of the system would basically be a 12-kilometer long linear corridor traveling from downtown Las Vegas along the strip and then into the airport."
"Right now, in the lead is my beloved 7 Express train with a 34.5 out of 40."
"I choose to make sure that we're going to attract people back to our transit system."
"This is a good transit for you; it is increasing security, not decreasing it."
"This transit is a big relief for everyone in general."
"This is probably one of the most positive or optimistic transits that you're going to be having in 2023."