
Odor Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"It smells like a thousand mices have peed in there."
"When you smell like snake butt, you've had a successful day."
"Your vaginal area isn't never supposed to smell like flowers and cookies and perfume."
"It's gorgeous, and this one doesn't smell like crap."
"Charcoal in particular produces a very distinct odor and a lot of smoke both of which will easily travel beyond your yard so my advice is to try to cook indoors whenever possible."
"Our skin matures, it's a natural antioxidant protection, the decline results in a greater oxidization of lipid acid which causes the smell."
"He looks like he smells permanent poop."
"Dang, I knew that someone had probably stolen the package that disappeared. Description of the smell as rotting Brussels sprouts cemented it in my head."
"Sometimes the female body emits an odor that smells like rotting meat. It's probably the most traumatic thing that happened to me post-delivery."
"The worst thing I've ever smelled was a protein shake in my car trunk. It was like a dead body in there."
"A good option if you don't care about the smell or anything."
"This is a reddish we talk about reddish fumigating the soil it gives off a sulur odor the Slugs like the outside of the reddish because it's sweet."
"That smell is too awful. You can't have those sneakers in the house!"
"It hit me that everywhere I had been on the ship outside the medical lab reeked of the smells of death."
"Everything I feel like should smell good. Nothing should have an odor, you know?"
"Maybe ninety percent of the Goodwills stink but you might have a Goodwill that is good so just check and see."
"At least the cold kept down the smell from backyard privies, chicken coops, pigeon houses, pig styes."
"The [__] Spirits were coming out every time I stepped on the gas. It was horrible, dude, that smell was amazing for weeks."
"I don't like to get in the vehicle and be smelling horse dookie."
"It's not the moisture level of their nose or even the color of their coat—cat or dog—it's what's inside the couch, and believe me, mouse breath, what's inside you stinks."
"Cook up your stinkiest food, it's going to be alright, this house will still smell new."
"It just smells like rotten eggs kind of. It's a pretty strong smell with hot water."
"The more you bathe ferrets, the more they are going to smell."
"I know you're thinking it but the meat wasn't bad it wasn't rotten or anything like that, it's just when you're using vacuum sealed meat sometimes it can smell."
"Foods that have that 'who farted' smell are really healthy for your glutathione."
"Once it got to this point where there was really no odors coming out of this thing at all that means they were done."
"It's not a party till you smell that B.O."
"It's actually a really good shirt, smells weird but still."
"I don't ever wanna stink, like ever."
"Odor is very important as far as our ability to communicate with other people."
"It smells worse than when Jean kept a turkey sandwich as a secret pet for a year."
"The stench down there... the stench was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic."
"This is the go-to... it does not have an intense smell."
"Smells tell time. A newer odor, a stronger odor, is more recent."
"It was loud enough to hear over the rumble of the truck engine as well. We sat in my vehicle for at least two hours, and while we were waiting for help, we smelt something that was terrible."
"The area suddenly just reeked of spoiled eggs."
"It washed a foul smell like decomposing flesh."
"If you eat unhealthy Foods you stink in a repulsive manner if you eat healthy foods you smell like fruits and vegetables."
"Christopher can smell it guys that's how you know it's strong."
"And also the odor and the odor goes away."
"We naturally want to be around healthy people, and the clues to health are odor and sight. It's all natural folks, this is something that has to do with survival of the species."
"It's low tide right now, it's kind of, describing in one word, stinky."
"This stuff is a lot better in my opinion. It doesn't have the obnoxious odor."
"That's kind of what it smelled like except it was kind of in and out in an odor all around and inside the house."
"Clean doesn't have a smell. Clean smells like air flowing through my house."
"I'm gonna walk out smelling like the whole bag of wheat."
"It's more like you've just met in the middle between the worst and the best of what we smelled."
"I can still smell them. It was a rancid, unwashed body smell."
"Oh, my God. Sorry, but this has an undertone of dog mouth."
"No matter where you have odor, it's safe to use Lumi."
"If you have a smell of sulfuric egg smell or something in your home, it could be a dead giveaway that might be the issue."
"Ben is tasting the hideous odor of Vilgax's boot."
"That trunk smelled like a dead body. The trunk of my daughter's car smelled like human decomposition."
"We're not finding any live bedbugs or anything, but keep in mind the initial smell right when we walk in reeks. Absolutely reeks of like a moth bomb or a bedbug bomb."
"Peeling garlic is probably one of the most smelly and annoying jobs of cooking."
"The devil's fingers aren't toxic to humans, but the disgusting odor is normally more than enough to prevent anyone from getting too close."
"I think it works great, but the biggest negative for me is the smell."
"That isn't a bad state, it just smells so bad about it. Like, I'm a bit worried seeing it's not gonna smell it."
"The odor that you get from a composting toilet is more of an earthy smell."
"...the smell coming out of the basement was this horrible rancid wet smell that burned Mike's nose."
"Lois appreciated everything he did for their family even if he always came home smelling absolutely terrible."
"Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will."
"History smelled absolutely terrible."
"People don't realize how much a bad smell that you're living with affects your mental state."
"It's dubbed the corpse flower because it stinks of rotting flesh when in bloom."
"No ricing, no acceleration, and it's smelling up my whole studio."
"If you open a ferment and you're overwhelmed by a foul odor, then yes, it's no good and you want to discard it."
"Some bacteria has really particular smells to it, such as Pseudomonas."
"The air was not clear but murky, it had an odor, an unpleasant odor of decay, of old rotting things."
"Have you ever forgotten to move your wet clothes out of the washer? Even after just a few hours they start to get smelly."
"There's an odor unique to houses that have stood empty for some time, a mix of dust, stagnant floor boarding, and stale dampness."
"If you walk into a room and a room has a smell in it and there's a carpet, 99% of the time the smell is coming from the carpet."
"Hydrogen sulfide is a different form of sulfur gas and that's the one that smells like rotten eggs."
"An odor is not inherently good or bad; it's the emotional response we pair with an odor that is the determining factor."