
Weird Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The world is a weird place right now, suitcases are getting lost."
"Things are really getting Wicked and weird out here."
"It was pure science but Weird Science."
"Too weird or cute, weird or cute."
"It's kind of weird but also wildly fun."
"Elijah Wood stars in my next one that is not only hardcore at times but it's also really weird yet manages to work surprisingly well."
"It's been weird, this has been an unusual one."
"None of the less, how weird was that though, man?"
"It's very, very weird. Yahweh got promoted to God himself."
"This might be weird to some people, but I think this one's been my favorite so far."
"Things just got weirder after that small incident."
"Weird is also perfect and weird is also beautiful."
"I like a pepper jelly with a little cream cheese on a cracker, it's one of my favorite little snacky snacks, yeah this is weird but that does help me understand."
"It's weird. Her hair's real. I think she's a big fan of Wigs Wigs Wigs."
"It just feels like a weird day of change."
"It's the weirdest power play ever, right? And it's wonderful, you know, delicious, delicious."
"And God, Helo, Helo, Helo, actually might be the MVP as far as like the surprise star. Yeah, because that's, and that's like that foray into the truly like weird, weird."
"The world is weird and wonderful."
"Speaking of Full Moon stories, weird stuff happening on full moons."
"It's really weird, but I really like this."
"It's cool, it's weird, you don't hate it."
"Do you have a memory of a weird dream that lives rent-free in your head?"
"it's always like a sex dream it's always very weird"
"It's just as weird and mysterious as mathematical truth and knowledge."
"That's weird or whatever you guys want to grab anything."
"Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it's definitely weird."
"I've always been weirded out by traditional masculinity."
"Some of these people have serious I take prescription painkillers mouths what like it's not they can't tighten up their mouths because they're just show larger it was weird it was weird."
"Your premium today we're talking about a weird guy on Tick Tock."
"Oh, this is just so weird, but I'm actually loving it though."
"I think those are my top three: caring, trustworthy, a bit weird."
"Speaking of laughs, you do snort when you laugh too hard. I think that's very weird and not weird but endearing."
"I feel like she would ask something like more innocuous but also more weird like she would ask for like an item like like she'd go to like CVS and be like do you guys sell pliers like something really just off that doesn't even make sense."
"This is the weirdest mystery box ever. I don't think we've opened a weirder mystery box than this."
"What's your opinion on online dating? I think it's weird."
"For all of you out there that might not be so spooky, but you are eerie and weird, I see you."
"Out of all the weird accessories I'm gonna be building today this one is gonna definitely be the weirdest so we're gonna lead with the weirdest one first."
"Is it cool? Is it weird? Let's talk about it."
"I just saw like a weird flash of light over there."
"Can we at least get small planet? Like, can we get small planets? That's like, come on, small planet, bro. Like, the moon level thing is so weird to me."
"I really like how those weird gooey teeth came out."
"The world of Fairly OddParents is so weirdly interesting to me."
"A lot of horns in this. I'm so glad."
"A beautifully weird but just beautiful show."
"Weirdly have to sit away from everybody."
"I'm not the demographic this is for. I'm not the demographic. It honestly kind of and like this isn't even written by a man but it kind of reminded me a little bit of like Cipher by Kathy KOJA so maybe if you really like Cipher you might really like this but it was just weird."
"This is some weird [__]. So when Derek hit her head against the wall and... You all are dead."
"There's something about the passage of time in the pandemic that has been so weird."
"Everybody's parents are weird come on."
"That was weird as [__] but it's so funny so I'm having a great time already."
"I wish I had the same experience in the second season. Everybody was an [ __ ]. It was so weird."
"Make sure you want to be a part of our family, a weird family."
"Being weird and being different for me has always been something that I am."
"Being different was my normal, and now being part of everybody and blending into society was my weird that I just couldn't handle."
"1988's Alice: not only one of the scariest but the weirdest adventure in Wonderland."
"This is the definitive weird animated feature."
"This entire list is all about the psychedelic and the completely weird."
"They're so fun, for the most part they're pretty easy and they're just so weird. It's great."
"this was beyond weird and it was generally the moment when i knew that i had to end it with him because there was no way that this dude was not a budding psychopath"
"It was inappropriate and weird. You were a sibling, not some high school friend's kid."
"That is just so weird, you know, the low toupee, sure."
"It's just very hard to explain a Florida man because, well, they're from Florida and the things that happen over there are very weird and unexplainable."
"It doesn't get any weirder and easier than that."
"It's actually like weirdly so satisfying."
"So this Halloween, put on your inappropriate costume, sit your ass down, turn on your computer, TV, or phone and embrace the weird."
"It never stops. It's weird, it's magical, it's strange and mysterious."
"Honestly, the answer is kind of weird how we never get sick of each other."
"Top three weird things: genuine ex, yeah. Hey, hey, let's play the throw, play, right?"
"Everything is happening... and it sounds so weird, but it's natural."
"He's a weird dude... a weirdo... like, he comes out with like a monkey mask at the start."
"It's weirdly relatable in that way."
"The Simpsons predict the future. It's so weird."
"Maybe in some sort of weird spiritual way, this was destined to happen."
"What is it about this weird niche game that you were enamored with?"
"That's probably the weirdest baseball meal I've ever had, but I'm here for it."
"...I had known something was weird but it never smelled of alcohol or marijuana."
"This copy of Elden Ring is [ __ ] weird."
"Once you're 18 you're an adult but then like 19 you're kind of like a teenager but then like 20 I feel like you're so old when you hit it's going to be so weird."
"I for one believe him. Something seriously weird is going on out there."
"...it was just weird and had a weird vibe about it."
"I love puzzles like this, they're so weird the way that the logic unfurls."
"It's getting weird. I wrote down cringe level 100."
"It's a little weird that they described him as if he was just a standard supervillain."
"This is one of the weirdest, most unique books from a storyline point of view I've ever read."
"The Museum of Weird in Austin, Texas is an eclectic and fascinating destination."
"That was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen."
"It wasn't too scary, and was just the right amount of weird."
"It's just the right amount of weird, it's just the right amount of bizarre."
"Piranesi is definitely one of the weirdest books I've ever read, and I feel like that is a huge compliment."
"The Ahsoka series was at its best when it embraced the weird, creepy, and occult side of things."
"It's a deliberately weird take on the JRPG, heavily inspired by the previously mentioned Earthbound series."
"Everything about this movie is so weird and quirky and fun."