
Peers Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"You're gonna see how the people that you once looked up to and admired, you're gonna be their peers, you're gonna be somebody that other people look up to and admire."
"If you could earn your peers' respect, you're like, 'Okay, cool. Like, he got respect for me.'"
"...I do think that schools are a good Proving Ground in the sense that you are surrounded by people that want to be there and so they're there for the right reasons and those are the people that you want to surround yourself with."
"It is more important to communicate with your peers using a programming language than it is to communicate with the computer."
"I appreciate it. You know, this means more than any award that you can get on some real [__] because it means that you're appreciated by your peers, you're appreciated by the people that you do it for, and I accept my flowers."
"I'm so grateful to be here today beginning this journey with all of my wonderful new peers."
"The peers were the best ones by far to take the risks on novel ideas, and that is what Originals do."
"I'm blessed to still be relevant in a generation to where a lot of my peers are not anymore."
"Peer-led teams are the strongest teams."
"It's a transition for them, like what's it like not just a transition for the universe going into an army and a war against stuff, but the idea of what's it like for Obi-Wan and Anakin to no longer be student and teacher, but to transition to being more like peers?"
"I think sometimes we are looked to be the people of inspiration, but I think it's cool to know that somebody who is in the same field of work as us can inspire us still."
"Young drivers take more risks when with peers."
"Success is when your peers acknowledge you."
"You had to have a willingness to occasionally put your ego aside and learn from your peers."
"Their peers have a lot more influence on them than we do is what I see."
"Some of us are just more important than our peers, like Charizard, apparently."
"To me, the joy has always been to be with my peers, to play with my peers. That's all I ask, and to have the respect of my peers."
"My peers, like Chris Rock, Kevin Hart, Dave Chapelle, yes, my peers, all the legacy black comics."
"That respect from the peers, there's nothing in the world that can top that."
"Chris Brown got a lot of support from his peers and a lot of people."
"The joy is building something with your peers collectively."
"You're gonna be in the same class as a lot of people that go on to do, like, what seem like really impressive things within the first couple years after graduating."
"...if you're placed on trial it's required that you are judged by a jury of your peers."
"It's wonderful to be honored by your peers."
"Children are able to grow up into healthy social beings when they have access to lots of healthy age mates."
"I was like, wow, this person who's my age is doing this thing which is exciting."
"He had earned the respect of his peers at a very young age."
"It is my belief that the most thoughtful among the hereditary peers of all political persuasions know that the time has come to say thank you and goodbye."
"I just want to be respected by my peers."
"It's good enough to earn the respect of your peers."
"Really to get recognized by other YouTubers and my peers was super cool."
"Congratulations to all our fellow inductees."
"I've learned a lot since then, I've evolved a lot, learned so much from some of my other peers."
"All we really want is like respect from our peers."
"Anytime you can perform on the stage like that in front of all your peers, it's special enough."
"Move forward because there's new experiences and new people that are on your level."
"I'd like to thank all the other people that are nominated in this category; it's such a great group of actors, and I feel honored and humbled to be with you."
"I'm just honored to be in your company tonight, thank you."
"There are just two students sitting in the same classroom trying to learn from not only the branches but also learning from each other."
"Having peers that inspire you instead of make you not want to work somewhere is very nice."
"She has the respect of her peers."
"Natty is ready to understand her peers."
"Pay attention because at the end of the day, your peers are the one that's going to be suffering in the end."
"Peers as models is one of the best ways to learn language."
"I try to learn as I go and learn from my peers."
"Do you get the respect from your peers? That's what matters at the end of the day."
"Don't compare yourself with your peers, your friends, because that is not at all healthy."
"You need to be talking to individuals that are just as smart as you or smarter."
"The best advice I got was: Don't join the entertainment industry to work with your heroes; meet your peers and then become the heroes."
"A more interesting comparison would be kind of looking at players' strength relative compared to their peers and kind of overall greatness."
"You're the average of the five guys that you hang with."
"Being treated as a peer by some of those actors was incredibly inspirational."
"It's even more cool to be recognized by your peers."
"When you have that mentality, you get a lot of respect from your peers."