
Feat Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Rogers forcefully split a log in half with his bare hands."
"Why take an ASI when you can just take this feat, make that Charisma 16, gain Misty Step, gain another spell? It works really well in that regard."
"He literally caught and redirected a homing missile mid-flight."
"Toyotomi Hideyoshi accomplished something that was once thought impossible."
"...an impressive feat no matter how you look at it."
"Tavern brawler feat: Bumping strength and doubling strength bonus for damage."
"He used just one punch to demolish an entire building. That's an impressive maneuver."
"Naruto casually tanking a shot that split the moon in half."
"He really was able to stop the technique of controlling a fiery sword with his bare hands."
"Blue Marvel one-shotted a beyonder."
"Hulk surprised the world by picking up Andre over his head."
"So he takes the door, rips it off the hinges almost effortlessly as if he was ripping a piece of paper."
"Probably the only person who could land a 1080 blindfolded over the Grand Canyon on this table."
"He was like it lower me down so they abandon all their horses at the top of this mountain they get their ropes out and they start climbing down the side of the mountain like the SAS that's impressive."
"Witnessing the simultaneous use of all six elements seemed nearly impossible."
"The magnitude of Roman's feat was staggering."
"...may be the single greatest feat ever accomplished by dogs though was the 1925 serum run..."
"dude I had super human strength and I threw it in the car"
"Some fella pulls a train with his teeth."
"In just four exhausting days his army marched over 200 miles."
"It's a feat that has captured the imagination of generations of players."
"He's dodged a lightning speed punch from the Fourth Raikage, a feat considered comparable to his father who could teleport."
"That was actually very similar to what almost happened in the last clip, except they almost got all three tires and three separate landings. Impressive."
"Rock Lee's impressive feat: pulling a tree root from the ground to defend."
"Hulk has topped an overhand strike from Thor."
"He's tossed a baseball from New York to Boston."
"So realistically, this one feat would be multiversal plus or fifth dimensional."
"Aquaman: he lifted up the massive submarine out of the water, which if you do the math behind it, it's one of the greatest strength feats in any superhero movie."
"he just killed a dragon for Christ's sake"
"Having strength isn't some great feat."
"The backflip is just such a feat especially at his age now."
"The love between these two does seem truly genuine - and that in itself is kind of a feat."
"That was very tricky what he pulled off right there."
"He faced a lion and tore it to pieces with his bare hands, this monumental feat earned him the name obago, which means the lion killer, a title that echoed his bravery."
"We're on the downward slope of this incredible endurance feat over a 60-minute session."
"Bruce Lee's legendary strength once dislocated a shoulder with a mere slap."
"So anyway, while I was gone, Lauren lifted the back of my van 2 in check it out."
"Crossing Niagara was not Hunt's only feat."
"Look, here's a guy who ate 60 hot dogs in 10 minutes."
"A feat never before accomplished," said General Patch.
"Luke Cage already has feats in the 17,000 pounds range."
"Luke Cage is strong enough to carry large trucks inside the truck that was loaded down opens this massive door made of stone by himself."
"...he was powerful enough to pull a minivan with only a harness strapped to his body..."
"It's a massive feat of endurance, I love the fact that this is a thing that the world allows."
"Shanks sees the 10 seconds into the future which is insane probably the greatest future side feat we've seen."
"You set a new record for the tire toss over the street lamp!"
"Achika performs a greater feat against Asta than Lucifero's gravity."
"Thor out-muscled a giant multiversal tree and prevented Armageddon."
"Catching a bullet with your bare hands."
"If ever Martians had an exhibition of jumping it was granted those astonished warriors on that day long years ago."
"Hulk has held up a 150 billion ton mountain... pulled two of these together with nothing but his bare hands."
"It was one of the most amazing feats of engineering that I ever saw."
"You talk to any pilot that knows anything about this and that was a feat of airmanship."