
Stiffness Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Suspension nice and stiff, that's how we like it."
"This is shortened right off 'cause we've come so far forward, yeah it does look really, yeah short, more pardon more, yeah not really yeah you still look quite stiff you need to go out here with your hands basically."
"So groin pain and buttock pain are the most common but I've seen people where they just have pain on the outside of their hip and they're told that they have bursitis or something like that when in actuality they have a stiff and painful hip."
"If you have stiffness like that it's something almost without a doubt within the hip joint itself."
"It does kind of feel like a little bit stiff in this area, like on the normal shorts that we do get from the line."
"You don't have to worry about like protein overload, protein buildup, making the hair feel stiff."
"Everybody here looks like they have a stick up their ass."
"The suspension is, of course, set on a rather stiff mode."
"...he was standing stiff as a statue looking at me as if you were waiting for me to open the blinds."
"I don't know, it's so weird. When he took over his dad, it acted so stiff and unemotional, you know, and now they are had so much emotions."
"However, if you are on the heavier side of riders above around 230 pounds or so, or are riding super crazy aggressive, then you may see the benefits of the 38's increased stiffness and resistance to flexing."
"Brazing everywhere so that it's everything was stiff, okay, tedious to build, not very easy, works so so."
"The high-quality foam, very stiff."
"It's pretty stiff, I mean considering the fact that it's an m440 Coupe very stiff."
"...everything about it the steering was overboosted the suspension everything about it was just insanely stiff."
"Glass fiber has a diameter of about 10 millimeters, a strength of more than 300 gigapascals, and a stiffness of up to 85 gigapascals."
"Carbon fiber has a diameter of about eight millimeters, a strength greater than five gigapascals, and a stiffness of up to 700 gigapascals."
"Choose a leather that is thick and stiff for your strop."
"I'm above the Buckle right put me down I can't it's too stiff okay well all right let's chill for a little bit then don't think it's let me shrivel up for a bit dude."
"The added stiffness helps to conserve the speed of trains through the layout, as less energy from the moving train is lost to structural movement."
"It has become 40 kg lighter and at the same time 40% stiffer."
"If the lungs are very stiff and difficult to open, then a given change in pressure is going to result in a smaller volume."
"You're terrific, okay, you really are, but one little bit of advice, okay? Gotta loosen up a little bit, a little stiff, just a little."
"If it's first thing in the morning, it might feel a little stiff; if it's last thing in the evening, you might feel a little looser."
"Rheumatoid arthritis has morning stiffness that sets it apart from a lot of the other arthritides."
"The ride is too stiff enough that you don't get float; it just really corners nicely."
"Advanced glycation end products impact collagen in our skin; they lead to cross-linking of the collagen, making your skin very stiff and vulnerable to mechanical trauma."
"Gelling is a stiffening when you have stopped and rested for some time."
"Core stiffness, proximal stiffness leads to distal athleticism."
"Stiffness after periods of rest, stiffness lasting longer than an hour in the morning, difficulty arising from a seated position and turning over in bed."
"The stiffness of the scaffold can affect differentiation of cells."
"The stiffness matrix for a linear bar or truss element is simply going to be EA divided by L."
"Our global stiffness matrix is just going to be the summation of all of our elemental stiffness matrices."
"The spring represents the stiffness of a system."
"A lack of range indicates that there is a stiffness or a weakness which is preventing full movement."
"You can actually change the stiffness by changing the pad combination to your liking."
"We want to maximize the stiffness of the remaining material that you have."
"It's really stiff right here, so you can actually make some quite dynamic carving turns on this ski."
"This workout is going to be geared towards those of you with really stiff, tight hips."
"Objective is to get a light and stiff beam."
"Shells include both in-plane membrane stiffness and out-of-plane plate bending stiffness."
"A finite element model can account for more complex stiffnesses and load paths, eliminating the need for assumptions."
"The elastic modulus is a measure of the stiffness of the system."
"The beam dimensions should be suitably proportional to stiffness, keeping in mind their deflections and deformations under service condition."
"I propose to you that from a finite element standpoint, this integral we have a name for it, we call it a stiffness matrix."
"The stiffness matrix is obtained by the integral of B transpose C, B."