
Dough Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"A very long fermentation period will give the dough plenty of time to develop gluten."
"I definitely think these two doughs which had olive oil and sugar added fit the bill a little bit better for a New York style pizza."
"I do think I like the Kenji dough the best just because it does have a little bit of a nicer crunch to it."
"The crispiness is still lacking, but this dough is definitely an improvement."
"Wow, this beautiful dough is made with a 65% hydration."
"Let me get your dough; this is when it starts to really get real."
"I have a brioche dough that I made last night, it rose very beautifully in the fridge and it's cold so I'm ready to start forming the donuts."
"The dough looks a lot better and I think in terms of the way it feels yeah it feels good"
"The thinner the dough gets, the more delicate it becomes."
"The dough is nice and strong, you can pull it."
"This is the goal here, to have the dough nice and strong, you can pull it."
"The goal here is huge cavernous bubbles, the steam and the elasticity from the water in the dough is probably chiefly responsible for that."
"So I'm just going to start working with about half of my dough."
"I love working with any kind of dough, any kind of yeast dough, especially. It's very therapeutic."
"If you made me pick I kind of like the dry dough more because I like uh a little bit more control there's less there's a larger margin of err because I know what shape I'm going to get before they go in."
"Enriched doughs take longer to rise."
"Great New York pizza, of course, starts with pizza dough."
"This dough's got a lot of life to it, it's grown a little bit and it's ready to divide."
"Can I divide the dough after rising? Yes, you can."
"This dough is so versatile and you can use it in so many ways."
"Even though we kneaded our dough, we wanna give it a couple of turns, by hand. That's gonna allow us to feel the dough, see what's going on there, but also bring it together, into a nice cohesive mass."
"It's like an actual dough consistency now."
"Bread does not have to be time consuming. You can leave the dough in the fridge to rise for a few hours even overnight while you go about doing your chores."
"Deeply nutty, beautifully flavored dough."
"It's important to leave a little bit of push left inside your dough."
"Once our dough has come together into a shaggy mess like this, I'm gonna switch over to the tried and true soaking wet hand to finish this thing off."
"This dough is lovely to work with that little bit of oil makes the dough so Supple."
"Wow, guys, it makes beautiful bread dough and beautiful cookie dough."
"This smells delicious is this just dough I get to play with?"
"It makes it a richer dough, it's an enriched beautiful dough."
"This is a very high hydration dough, it's about 77."
"Once your dough is fully kneaded, it should feel silky and smooth to the touch."
"The idea is to bring it together into a smooth uniform dough."
"Pizza dough as well as bread dough in general really benefits from a nice long cold rest in the fridge."
"...it's just about crafting the perfect dough or finding the finest ingredients, it's about the artistry and passion that goes into every slice."
"The flavor of the double yeast dough was outstanding."
"When the dough has started to form you can turn this out onto your cutting board or floured counter and we're gonna start working this until it is completely smooth."
"Before kneading the dough, you take out your aggressions."
"That feels just about right to me. Here is our finished dough."
"When the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl, it's done."
"So now we have a big clump of dough."
"I'm gonna get this dough all rolled out and ready to put toppings on."
"It's called an auto lease and allows the gluten to start to develop in the dough."
"You can see how flexible and stretchy this dough is."
"Adding more water to create a high hydration dough does a couple of things. One, it activates more of the gluten to make the dough more extensible."
"I think the secret to why our pizza is so good is the three-day process we use for our dough. It has a nice chew, and the crust is always perfect."
"The dough turned out to be amazing."
"Holy moly, is there a ton of flavor in this dough."
"It's a really great, uh, kind of all-purpose dough for savory pies."
"Always let your dough tell you how long it needs to rise; don't go by any time specification in a recipe."
"And you're going to get a dough that is lively and not least tasty, and it will taste of its place of origin."
"I'm also folding as well, and what you have there is this dough starting to come together quite nicely."
"Of all the dough balls I've ever made, of which there are a lot, this one is on the smoother end."
"Brioche is the most versatile dough ever created."
"It's so fluffy, it's still very sticky, so just go ahead and punch your dough down, letting some of that air release."
"That is a good pizza, the dough is way more flavorful."
"This is what the dough looks like; it's soft, it's just gorgeous."