
Analog Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"It's the last true analog modern Porsche."
"I think you will agree with me that there has been an enormous resurgence in vinyl and turntables and everything analog."
"Toyota, the people who make loads of dishwashers with wheels and the Prius, are now some of the last defenders of the classic analog sports car."
"Analog recording has a beauty and a quality to it that I don't hear in digital recording."
"Selected analog machines offer offer scaling and semitones with higher resolution so I think that's similar to the sample start and stop where we get yeah better resolution so you can really dial in much better that's very very nice indeed."
"Spine tingling, isn't it? And in all likelihood, it will be the last, the last great analog Supercar we will ever see."
"I like to write things down on paper in a list instead of putting it on my phone."
"I mean, it's the story about you recording on the booth on the station was the absolute most analog thing I could ever hear."
"The act of analog anything I feel is good for the soul."
"You can't compare that real. You had to actually come to my studio, the culture of analog, record for your energy. You can't even imagine. You have to be in the same room, right?"
"I much prefer this than a digital Crown."
"It feels like an old school raw almost analog monster."
"Pinball: a break from smartphone culture."
"It's definitely not always true that modern is better, and I know that a lot of people actually prefer analog dials over digital instrument clusters."
"In a world where everything is going to crossovers, going to fully electric cars, going to forced induction, going to basically these giant tablet computers, this car feels very refreshingly analog."
"...the wonderful thing in the analog domain is improvement is possible even by small companies like ourselves..."
"The Prestige series are just fire, all analog cut by Kevin Gray from the original Master tape."
"It feels like quite an analog car... a natural, honest car."
"When you open up your pocket notebook, instead of a playground of cheap and instant dopamine rewards, you get blank pages inviting you to fill them with your best ideas."
"This NE Big Owl by Plugin Alliance, this is a really cool unit that gives us some kind of analog flavor and this is introducing kind of the first stage of new harmonic content that wasn't there before."
"Max shows us how to be an absolute analog Legend."
"You're taking something that's supposed to be analog and then you're transmitting through Bluetooth."
"That's very close, it's right at the edge of that bars. How much closer do we really need to get with this analog scale, right?"
"It's just surprisingly accurate for an analog meter."
"You started in a way that was around analog consoles but and you're still on an analog console today right at Larrabee."
"The sound quality of the production is so rich that it sounds analog, even though it's digital."
"It's really hard to beat when you want a small, pretty good sounding analog 4-voice synthesizer."
"I still have a real love for analog"
"This is the most analog sounding digital synth that I've ever heard."
"There's a certain beauty to these analog watches."
"To my ear there's definitely a difference between the two I think the analog one sounds like it's got more depth and the digital one just sounds like a more watered down version of the same thing."
"Despite the digital boom, paper planners and journals are still very much in demand."
"I think that the digital way of recording doesn't hit your heart the same way as analog wave recording because it's just too perfect and computerized sounding."
"Analog horror is pretty well established at this point and full of tropes that have become memes in and of themselves, though that doesn't make them any less unnerving."
"In the analog video world, there is no such thing as a good or bad solution, only creative ones."
"Vinyl records: standing strong even in the digital age."
"The original has more of an analog sound."
"It helps me capture all my ideas, not putting them in my phone but putting them in a journal."
"Commonplacing is like an analog Pinterest board."
"So let's say you don't have an analog mixing console and you don't really care to ever have one, but maybe you like analog gear and you like plug-ins."
"No digital versions ever going to sound like what this record sounds like."
"This is much better than with digital. It's just the fact that I can prove it. I've proven it to people every day from all walks of life, and I'm sticking with it because I still believe it, even though I have one of the best digital front-ends you can buy."
"Are you doing everything analog or do we have any digital in the process?"
"What gives it this like really analog feel is that each note isn't perfect like in the perfect pitch together."
"There's a magic here to this... all analog record."
"32-bit recording brings digital recording almost into the analog world."
"One copy to Rupert Lewis this is back in the days before you had again nothing was digital so he actually made photocopies and he was like send them to people."
"Analog is not dead. Analog gear is like another salt, it's another spice. It's what you use it for."
"The synth sounds are just so great, and maybe they are analog, maybe they're not, but they sound it to me."
"Analog horror is essentially like those creepy VHS tape videos."
"This is one of the primary differences between digital and analog electronics."
"People want their own individual piece... I think that's what's cool about analog... you get a piece of gear from us or any other manufacturer that's your piece of gear."
"I'm an analog girl, but I maneuver around the digital world very well."
"...by the end of this video you're going to know exactly why analog Studios sounds so good and how to give your tracks that same warm analog sound."
"That's it. That's drums using the best of digital and the best of analog."
"Analog has very little latency, if any at all."
"It's time for us to actually inhabit and learn to appreciate the full dimensionality of our analog being."
"The difference between analog and digital synths is becoming more and more impossible to discern."
"This is probably the finest analog car ever built."
"The simplicity of these cars gives you an analog driving experience."
"It's a perfect combination of analog tone with digital control giving you the best of both worlds if you will."
"You'll actually see it looks more analog and less digital."
"You can't even mimic that, you feel me? So it's gonna come off different when it's played, opposed to digital where they got this bass for everything."
"I can totally hear it when they play it back. That's not digital."
"...this is an analog camera we're looking at analog video here so it's not actually hd but i think it looks pretty damn good..."
"Analog immersive console... amazing how good it sounds."
"This quad overall is pretty good news for most people out there looking for something that's analog that rips."
"This board just has a unique analog feel to it, even though it's digital. But it does a really great job for us. It sounds, I think, kind of helps us sound a little unique."
"It's just so much unbridled analog fun and that's what it is all about."
"The pickup from the throttle is so linear and it just feels so analog."
"...maybe sounds more analog than an analog Source, right? Let me explain that because recently I've got into vinyl..."
"There's something about analog that I really appreciate, and that is what I really found in vintage gear."
"The promise of analog is something that like makes me quite excited um I think about like when I was a kid and you know I used to keep notebooks and journals and I had a flip phone that I played Snake on and text people on like once a week."
"For me, in the past, analog has always been something that has shown me that the label is trying to do the best possible job they can to get the product to market."
"It sounds really good, like I can't wrap my brain around how it's all analog."
"There's just something about putting that pen to paper that feels really good."
"...the analog stuff, it's just awesome from day one and will continue to be awesome for as long as you play it."
"The videotape recording uses in principle the same methods as an ordinary sound tape recorder."
"There's just something so much more satisfying about doing stuff like this than plonking a card into your computer."
"Film is a photographic medium that records images using light-sensitive chemicals instead of a digital sensor."
"Stefan's music uses a lot of hardware synths; it's lovely and warm, lovely and organic."
"We lived in that last age of like analog and digital."
"Analog is the real world, and its design is an art."
"We live in an analog world... we're sending waves."
"It is so analog, it is 100% analog."
"Field Notes are largely responsible for ushering in a new wave of analog writing fans."
"Analog synths are beautiful; I love them."
"The M7 is fascinating because of the fact that it has all of the analog feel of an M6 or an MP."
"...they clearly are not forgetting where they came from and they're clearly not ignoring the fact that analog is on the way up."
"The 997 to me is one of the best driving 911s because of the analog nature that hydraulic steering."
"Let's travel back to the age of handwritten letters, mixtapes, and physical photo albums where memories were tangible."
"It's amazing that an analog device like this, when properly set up, the sound is magical."
"I enjoy my Chris Bellman 50th; I have the recent 45 RPM MoFi, which are both analog."
"I'm a curious explorer of all things analog and creative."
"I just fell in love with the analog system of that Travelers company."
"A fully analog device, in for example a modular synthesizer, is not restricted to any deterministic value whatsoever."
"It's a feeling the whole way through, it's lo-fi, I love that record."
"Welcome to Always Analog, where we celebrate the beauty of analog technology in the digital world."
"The real world is not digital; it's analog, which means it's fundamentally untidy."
"There is something to be said for experiencing the sound, feel, workflow, beauty, and elegance of an actual physical analog tube amplifier."
"Consoles have harmonics and crossfeed, and you've got circuitry going into circuitry."
"Capturing these analog images was a very cathartic experience that I enjoyed quite a lot."
"Analog is imperfections, it's chaos, it's things changing constantly and a kind of infinite number of values."
"Life is like that, and we are analog people ourselves."
"We're obsessed as a society about actually trying to get everything back to this kind of slightly grungy, crusty analog feel and its imperfections and its chaos."
"It's very much like shooting a digital except that, of course, this camera has no digital sensor, instead it has film."
"The analog components in here are very good, and plus I'm trying to get more into sound design."
"They had forgotten how much pleasure they got out of the analog activities that used to fill a lot of their day."
"It's a very, very magical, very analog experience."
"Writing things down with a pen and paper activates different bits of your brain. You remember the things you write down much better than the things that you type."
"If you sample densely enough, you can hope to perfectly reconstruct the original analog data."
"Compressive sensing is really to try to bring these together into one block that goes directly from analog information to measurements."
"The simplicity in the analog section means that we get much better transparency."
"This plugin just seems to throw a little bit of analog warmth onto anything that it touches."
"It adds a real thump of analog warmth onto any program material."
"This little robot is an analog to the full rover, it's like a miniature version of it that gets deployed from it, it all works."
"Vinyl is the record, it's a record you put on, it spins around, it's not a stream."
"There's a certain warmth that comes out of the speakers that you just don't get with digital audio."
"Having these really harmonically rich digital waves through an analog filter is a great combination."
"We've got all the advantages of analog here and all the advantages of digital over here, coming together to create this monster sound."
"It's very heavily based on analog gear. When you use analog gear, you get analog warmth."
"Now the fun part is we can now switch from this down to analog mode."
"The only thing that can survive this digital age is something analog."
"People are just [__] sick of being on their phones, and they just want analog experiences."
"You can use your turntables to rip vinyl, of course."
"One thing we love about analog is its randomness, and one thing we love about digital is its perfection."
"Really having a reprieve from the pressures of the world and technology and everything and going analog."
"I think that that is going to be something that becomes more precious over time."
"And the analog stuff, the manual stuff, will be where we find the joy, where we find the break and the relaxation."
"It's still an underlying analog dimension and so I don't see why in principle you couldn't build a neural network that synthesizes a discrete decision."
"The Dave Smith filter sounds awesome and adds some analog character and analog grit to your sound."
"I reckon this is absolute genius, and I love how they're applying a variety of color effects in a fully analog workflow."
"It's the antidote to the digital life that we're all in."
"If you're into your analog horrors and stuff, this is the guy for you."
"We are all analog; there's no digital people."
"Analog horror is a relatively new horror sub-genre which deals with the fear of old technology."
"An analog signal can have any value."
"They've done it well integrating that digital realm with the analog realm."
"Analog can have infinite number of values."
"Allen & Heath is known for their sound quality, and this is a mixer that has fully analog circuitry."
"Start on paper, do all your brainstorming, your mind mapping, your list making, get everything out of your head and onto the page."
"They tried to talk to us through analog, they will be heard, this is their cry for help."
"It's giving us this really nice and full analog feeling."
"It's just something different when you plug into something analog and with a tube in it; there's a warmth in the feeling."
"This is actually really good, guys, this is all analog and this is still in print."
"We are going to use almost the entire knowledge of analog communications to establish a digital communication system."
"I really really like this old analog readout over here."
"It's how analog it is to drive this car."
"Just go out and have an analog experience and enjoy your life."
"Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation are the three predominant analog forms of modulation."