
Different Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"There is no superior place, just different with a different set of problems."
"It's been different but where I'm at right now is good."
"You're down for the shits, like 'alright well I may become small I may become big I may become whatever I'm going for it cuz it's different.'"
"Life is gonna be different but it is also going to be better."
"Every legacy is different but every legacy can be great."
"Wow, what an intro! It just felt so full of so many different things."
"Fun, it's a different design for sure."
"I love everything like usually I'm like hey I love this I love this they can improve this and that but honestly I feel like the design is so much fun it's so different."
"Things are very different here, and that was one of the most pleasant surprises I've ever had in my life."
"I think with this relationship it's just different man."
"These are all part of the same line and yet they're very different from each other."
"It's unlike any other Saw movie I have ever seen in all of the best ways."
"...this is kind of cool and this is really quite different."
"There's always different ways to get to the same place."
"And what I'm really going to be doing in today's lecture--It's a different kind of lecture from ones that I've given before."
"I feel different with her and believe we deserve to find out what it is."
"The Pickering energy is different, like it really is man."
"There's something special about it, there's something different about it."
"There is enough content in them to be able to be really unique and really different and set your books out from the rest of the other books on Amazon."
"This is a very different kind of challenge."
"It feels special, it feels different, it feels like you're getting something significant for your money."
"He's totally different than those cush p and training dummies."
"...do something different, be unique."
"It's nice to look at. Yeah, it's like one of the only parts of New York where it like doesn't feel like you're in New York."
"My whole world has been flipped...things are just different right now."
"I think she was funny. It would have been a very different voice."
"You want to take the initiative to create something different for yourself."
"I think it's a brilliant idea, something different."
"If you want to try something different with Batman... this is probably one of the most different takes they've had with him cinematically."
"This testing has nothing to do with that type of testing."
"Things are going to come out a little different in this round."
"I just think this is a cool look and a different take on something that's been done a hundred thousand times."
"The reason that I...end up liking this film is that I'm just like...I'm gonna be excited to watch it because I'm like it's different it feels it's it sits outside the lines...and I know there's gonna be another one too."
"Your dream life is 100% achievable, and your dream life is different from other people."
"Being weird and being different for me has always been something that I am."
"Hey, you know saying hi to my son and whatever. Hawaii is just a different place."
"It's very different to me. I've never seen this before, I've never heard of this."
"He's special. He's different. He wants to fight again."
"Our setup is probably a bit unique to a lot of you guys."
"It's not necessarily that you are not smart enough or you're doing something wrong...you just might be in a very different position in life."
"It just felt really different and I loved it."
"This was kind of an unconventional way for Courage Adams."
"This hits different, bro, that's different."
"You want to try something different? Try giving."
"I think it's Unique and so different."
"I like it it's different unusual it's strange and it's odd for the context."
"I do wish we could have gotten something fun and different."
"This is something to check out, I loved it, I thought it was so weird, so different, it was cool."
"It's campy, it's just different, unnecessary, but again, it's just toys."
"It's weird, it's almost familiar but it's completely different from anything else."
"It's a cool thing, something a bit different, looks different, totally different."
"This is pretty cool, very unique, it's different."
"It's so different and it's so delicious."
"Well, what a different day this is to what we've had for a while."
"It feels really different... Oh yeah, I love it!"