
Hearts Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"War is everlasting because of the darkness that exists within all hearts."
"With our free hearts and minds, forever sisters we shall be."
"God sees our hearts more than he sees what we do."
"They all have just such an immense kindness in their hearts and I really appreciate that."
"What a privilege it is for us to be able to commune with you anywhere, anytime, anyplace, with anything that's on our hearts."
"When we speak about healing hearts, it means something has shattered, something has broken, something is damaged, something is perhaps diseased. There is a problem. Basically, that's when we speak about healing hearts."
"Changing our laws or honoring the ones we have, it's not a bad objective. But ultimately, I believe we have to see a change of hearts."
"It has the kind of hearts you don't find in many other cars."
"Their relationship had actually come after they had broken two other people's hearts."
"May the peace of God reign in your hearts mightily."
"Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord."
"... in my remembrance do hearts find peace."
"It is as if Allah has sealed these people's hearts, as if it is as if darkness had overtaken their hearts."
"The hearts of many are revealed through persecution."
"Thou hast made us for thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee."
"Our cities crumble, our walls collapse, but our hearts never break."
"You see that there was four hearts on the board, I did see that. Wow, okay then it's even more impressive."
"His love for us is the thing that moved him to give us new Hearts so that we would be capable of love in return."
"His mercy was the true conqueror of hearts."
"The light can go out in the sky but it can't go out in our hearts."
"Two worlds collide, our hearts on the line."
"Christmas time... the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely."
"I am creating saints. I am changing hearts. See how people help each other. See how I usher people into heaven."
"There are hearts aching for heaven all around you."
"Their hearts were ready to receive."
"There is a point of no return, when hearts become irreparably hardened."
"...open your ears that you may hear, and your hearts that you may understand..."
"White Rabbit's tears can soften even the hardest of hearts."
"Christmas is not so much about opening up presents as it is about opening up our hearts."
"He's the God that binds broken hearts and counts the stars."
"Throw some hearts right now for pawnstars.com."
"Those inner human interactions change hearts, change minds, and change perspectives."
"You can make laws but you can't legislate people's hearts and minds."
"A bridge connects people's hearts. Not just villages but people's hearts."
"I want to win hearts, not win arguments."
"The kingdom of heaven is about God's rule in the hearts and lives of people."
"May Thy love shine forever on the sanctuary of my devotion, and may I be able to awaken Thy love in all hearts."
"And then all will love our hearts, the Immaculate and Sacred Heart."
"Let's keep each other in one another's hearts."
"Sometimes when people open their hearts to each other, miracles can happen."
"He prayed that the eyes of people's hearts would be enlightened."
"For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts."
"They literally open their hearts to one another."
"It's about changing hearts in the future and the culture."
"I personally use hearts a lot on my cards because they work for a variety of occasions."
"When two people's hearts enter the same key signature, the capacitive information can move between bodies."
"Sit with the sinners because they have the softest hearts."
"They are all together and will always be in our hearts forever."
"It really will soften people's hearts."
"You touch people's hearts whether you realize that or not."
"I just like that the size of the hearts, because there's so many different styles of hearts."
"We're very complicated and the hearts are never very simple."
"I see your beautiful big hearts and your beautiful souls."
"You do kindness to people, it conquers the hearts."
"We thank you for touching hearts."
"The eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the whole earth, searching for people whose hearts are perfect toward him."
"I think these are pretty because I love hearts."
"Lord, that Your word would go out and pierce hearts to bring about change."
"Welcome with the three galvanized hearts."
"To reach for the stars is ambitious, but to reach for hearts is wise."
"You need to win people's hearts before you win their minds."
"...Allah has the hearts between his two fingers and he moves them back and forth as he wants."
"I like collecting the hearts; they do substantially crazy things."
"We have to win people over by winning their hearts and minds."
"Their hearts are precious to the Lord just like ours are."
"I love the hearts, love love love."
"I hope your hearts feel as loved and full as they can right now."
"This connection is helping to heal both of your hearts."