
Leap Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."
"This person has so much success coming to them when they finally make that leap."
"This person is getting ready to take a leap, they're getting ready to risk."
"It was the greatest leap ever taken."
"They're taking a big leap into their emotions."
"You took a leap of faith, and you're winning."
"This is a big leap for us, and you're a great contestant, you're only 22 years old, yes sir."
"All these artists started their careers by taking a leap, but they also had the skills to get their foot in the industry door."
"It's time to LEAP into another grand Adventure."
"You are holding yourself back from soaring. You could just leap."
"Take a leap of faith forward; you have removed yourself from the equation."
"Divine feminine follow your heart Divine masculine follow your heart okay take a leap of faith divine feminine and masculine my Divine Souls I'm gonna just say that take a leap of faith okay leap into something amazing get away from this crazy person."
"This is a fresh new beginning where I see you taking this leap into something new, something outside of your ordinary."
"Leap and the net will appear because this is going to bring a lot of expansion for you."
"Take the leap of faith and that's when the magic happens."
"This is actually a big leap for me...I am an author."
"How they feel about you is they want to do things they want to take a risk they want to leap into the unknown with you."
"Take that leap, even if it's a little."
"Take your leap, and I wish you more 'woohoo' than 'whoa'."
"You could literally leap from mem maker to movie star."
"Once you take that leap, you're going to find out that that's when the work really begins."
"I really believe that there's something about taking that leap, right, in this case, leaving a career that no longer felt like it was fulfilling and leaping into what was next, not knowing what was next."
"She would sometimes cover as much as a quarter of a mile in a single leap."
"Take this leap of faith towards this new beginning that you want to take."
"I took the leap and I bought the 2019 Millennium Falcon."
"Once you figure out the steps, then you just make the leap and go."
"Natalia turned swiftly and took a long leap toward Rafe, with one backward glance at Cali. Vax followed Natalia, crouched low, tensed, and then leapt over the moat, landing in front of Natalia."
"Leap! The universe will catch you. Whatever you're feeling intuitively guided to do, just know that the Divine already put a stamp of approval on that."
"It's really incumbent that we take the leap."
"The interesting thing is this also tells you that in order to leap over that gap, you don't have to do much."
"Make the jump. Don't go from a two-tone to a two-tone right. Make the jump and go forward."
"It's time to take a leap of faith and see where it heads."
"Every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward. Oh, I like it."
"Don't think about what comes after or what came before. You just bend your knees, take a deep breath, and jump."
"I thought we were gonna blog about leap and helping entrepreneurs."
"In friendship, you don't wait for evidence that you can trust someone. You take the leap."
"A leap in the dark, straight over Gollum's head he jumped."
"Guided by the spirit of Black Flag's fearless pursuit of authenticity, Henry didn't just step but leaped into the unknown."
"My breath was silent as I inhaled, closed my eyes, held out my arms and leapt."
"It's about having the blind faith to just say screw it and leap off the cliff and let's worry about how to grow wings on the way down."
"Take that leap, man. Just take the leap."
"She jumped from the ledge, eyes closed, free for the first time in her life."
"Being brave, a lot of times, requires you to go, 'I'm gonna jump and I do not know how long I fall.'"
"Infinity is not achieved by addition in the way the left hemisphere tries to achieve something but needs a leap."
"God, if you're there, I'm trusting you and I'm jumping in this direction."
"We're going to have that physical institution where we all do that and then we just take another quantum leap."
"Alien Invasion with a huge jump and will take the win."
"What a leap over the top, Philip Sami got some serious hang time."
"She mustered up all her courage and jumped."
"All that changed with The Bends; this album was Radiohead's big leap forward into unknown musical territory."
"Logic can get you almost there, but at some point, you have to jump ship and swim."
"To break through means that you're about to take a quantum leap."
"Once I made the leap, I knew that it was the right decision."
"Sometimes there are no words to help one's courage. Sometimes you just have to jump."
"The human ear hears that leap, it kind of feels the void between where you started from and where you went to."
"The inner leap comes through a place of excitement, an inner knowing."
"You're going to have to leap out into that scary unknown."
"It's scary at first to take that first leap, but once you do, you just don't stop."
"Your future self is encouraging you to take this leap because it's what's going to pave the way for this positive future."
"It's all you have to do is take a jump."
"Jump up and forward with confidence for Spirit has so much in store for you if you only take that leap."
"Taking that leap of faith, that is the key word here, faith."
"You're able to take a leap of faith."
"This is also it feels like taking a really huge jump on reality timelines here, kind of like a quantum leap."
"Leap forward and dare to make that change."