
Comment Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Let us know if you like this video, leave a comment down below, like and subscribe."
"I'm doing a giveaway, all you have to do is subscribe to my channel and leave one comment down below."
"If you provide a comment, make it a personal one."
"First, I'm not saying first because I'm the first comment review obviously."
"It was like one comment... that changed the game."
"Nicole's cousin and fiance have announced their wedding date two weeks after ours. It came down to a comment I made in front of Nicole's twin sister, Brittany."
"Guys if you made it to the end of this video comment by julia more flowers."
"Someone's just about to send a comment."
"Comment below letting me know your feedback."
"If you guys did enjoy, make sure to hit a like on this video and also make sure to comment down below what you thought of all four phases wrapping up the Peter Parker story."
"If you made it to the end of this video comment down below this pumpkin Emoji."
"Remember to comment below with what project you're working on."
"Don't be a dick. If you're a dick, I'll delete your comment."
"Hey, that is crazy security! It's probably tough though."
"I haven't seen Drake in a long time."
"Somebody does voiceover work for B-movie cartoons." - Rhett
"Just throwing that out there! Oh, got some looks like GSP's got some Capoeira action going too."
"If you've made it to this part in the video go ahead and comment down like a sleepy Emoji like disease or the bed something cozy."
"That's got a bit of a look, hasn't it?"
"Remember to leave a butterfly Emoji down in the comments and I'll see you in the next one"
"If you did, please like because it's gonna be a lot to edit this comment down below your thoughts and opinions and I will see you guys in the next one till then, peace."
"He made some comment about we'd never be able to get him."
"Someone left me an odd comment recently. It said, 'You talk too much.' Thanks for the laugh, friend."
"The first known user to comment on any YouTube video was by Marco Cassie, saying the famous words 'lol.'"
"Comment down below a green apple emoji or something to do with an apple."
"I want to do a comment, oh we'll do it later then."
"Let me know your thoughts on Mockingjay part 1 in the comment section down below."
"In three words, how would you describe your 2021? Let me know down in the comment section."
"Comment down below if you made it to this point: mummy."
"His shop is like I said somebody had a great comment on it it's not a shop it's Disneyland for men."
"He's a might skittish, isn't he, father?"
"She looks right at me and she says 'Rat you got some long legs'."
"He made the comment of like, 'She's gonna be intolerable after this,' and I thought that was absolutely hilarious."
"That's a very long wall in the back."
"Literally beat me up like literally comment down below and beat me up."
"If you have any questions or you got stuck anywhere, please leave a comment."
"I won't comment on that any further. He's either innocent or is guilty, but either way, the show is toast. Okay, it's over."
"Comment down below, please, thank you."
"What a huge stack of dirty dishes!"
"That's a lot of birthdays! My birthday is in May."
"If there are any items that you think are necessary for your first year that I may have left out please feel free to leave a comment down below."
"Nice fireplace that though, wouldn't it?"
"I feel like I say that about pretty much every season."
"If this helped, please leave a comment."
"I still can't believe that they would do such horrible things to a child," Nori commented.
"But from behind me I hear I don't know if this is a world class and uh and I was like whoa a four-year amusement fan in in in the wild."
"If you have any questions about the smoked pepper jack griller, leave them in the comment section below."
"That comment disappointed me and it gave me a lot of motivation."
"My first comment for y'all, big fan of the Pod."
"That's one way to get inside," I said as I stepped toward the shattered window.
"There's so many things going on in my mouth right now."
"Please comment below, I love to hear what you have to say, and you know other people probably do too."
"Oh, that's the chimney out there, isn't it? It's not torn down."
"Popcorn populating on my apricot spot. That's the best comment I ever heard."
"Please make a comment, but do it in a positive way."
"Comment below with your favorite Red Wings."
"...comment and subscribe if you're new here..."
"But yeah, let me know your thoughts on the movie. You already know the thoughts I have on this movie, so leave a comment down below."
"Comment below, what's your favorite car that we should get?"
"I'm no printer just fax... That changed your life, that comment"
"Don't forget to leave a butterfly Emoji down in the comments."
"If your opinion is different or if your experiences were different, please do comment down below and let me know how you got on."
"Please leave that comment down below."
"She got some lungs for such a tiny creature."
"You're looking happy and healthy, down in the comments."
"Wow, you got a lot of extra money to play around with every month."
"That was quite an interesting game."
"Comment on today's video somewhere incorporate it in your comment use the word battalion."
"He said you've never seen that much more wear in a governor before."
"I just have it because of freaking fish man."
"So if you're still here, leave the word 'grounded' in the comments."
"You can also be nice and say something cool in the comments and then we'll read it and give you a heart. That's a good deal."
"If you made it all the way to the end of the video, leave me a sheep Emoji down in the comments."
"Y'all all look like you've been brutally murdered."
"Every time that I wear that watch, every single person has to comment on that watch on me."
"...wow that's a big black brim man."
"Leave me a comment with how you would hate dying."
"That's pretty freakin broken and cool too."
"If we didn't cover anything or you have any questions about what we did in the video, leave us a comment down below."
"We're ending this evening, you guys comment down below what you think about Katie and Kaden going to college together."
"He's oh look at his clawing look at the blue"
"Enjoycouple left a comment. They have incredible energy."
"Leave a comment, it helps with the algorithm."
"I've never agreed with a comment so much."
"In all my years on this platform, this is my favorite comment by far."
"Thank you once again, Vivian, for the sweet comment."
"I got a comment today that changed my entire perspective on life."
"Thank you for the sweet, sweet comment."
"That's comment of the day right there."