
Vector Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Imagine that you take the center of mass of your system, right? You take that vector and you apply a Lorentz boost... that gives you this moment of mass polar vector."
"Everything stems from this one rule: if you square a vector, you get the length squared, and then everything else just naturally emerges from that definition."
"What is the difference between a bitmap and a vector you ask?"
"Transforming projection from one to another with Vector data is rather easier."
"A vector couldn't care less what we're doing; it just is."
"The dimension here indicates the size of the embedding Vector."
"The sum of normal vectors over any shape is always zero."
"The dot product is like projecting the shadow of one vector onto another."
"A vector database is very powerful in allowing us to selectively feed highly relevant information into our context."
"You don't want overlapping vectors here."
"...you don't specify the size for your vector like you would specify the size for an array and this is because vector resizes itself automatically."
"Vector is, well I guess you could say, it's... you don't really need to worry about resolution when it comes to flash because everything can be resized."
"Identified the white-footed mouse as the reservoir, a previously unrecognized tick vector."
"Vector is an item that has both magnitude and direction."
"Velocity is no longer a scalar; it has magnitude and direction."
"We move from a scalar magnitude value to a vector, a magnitude with direction."
"Vector quantities have both a size and a direction, for example, weight, displacement, velocity, acceleration, and forces."
"Vector transmission is when you spread an infection from one person to another using a vector."
"When we add direction to the magnitude or size, we get what's called a vector."
"You want to make sure that everything is vector so that it's completely scalable."
"Angular momentum like position and linear momentum is a vector quantity."
"A vector is a quantity that has a magnitude and a direction."
"We're going to be building our own version of vector."
"Every time you go over the capacity of the vector, it will double its size."
"The length of the vector is the number of elements that has inside of it."
"By having a unit vector for our direction, it means that our velocity is the only thing that determines how fast we go."
"This is going to be a unit vector for those positions."
"We're moving 0.5 units up, and when you combine those together, we're going to get a unit vector that points 1 in the direction of the x and the y combined together."
"There's one solution, and that's it. The vector is 3, minus 1, minus 2."
"Pathfinder tools are the godsend tools of vector designs and editing."
"Biological transmission is important because it involves the survival and reproduction within a parasitized vector and it complicates the biology of the pathogen and its transmission."
"A vector has a magnitude and direction is important as well."
"A vector is a data object that has multiple elements of the same type."
"Velocity is a vector; has a magnitude and a direction."
"Because of this, vector images are commonly used in things such as logos, icons, and illustrations because they can be resized and edited easily without losing any quality."
"A quantum spin state... can in some ways just be thought of as a regular vector pointing somewhere in three-dimensional space."
"A unit vector is just a vector with the length of one."
"We got Vector the Crocodile by Great Eastern Entertainment, really amazing plush."
"Forces are vectors, meaning that they have not only a magnitude but a direction."
"This V, this bold V, is a vector that contains the value for each state as its element."
"The gradient of the scalar function with respect to a vector is a vector of the same size as the vector with respect to which you differentiate."
"Almost everything in life is really a vector."
"The magnitude of A times the magnitude of B times the cosine of that angle, that is the dot product."
"Velocity tells you how fast you're going and the direction you're moving in, which makes it something called a vector."
"This will return a three vector of you know X dot, Y dot, Z dot; let's call this Lorentz."
"The sum function basically sums all the elements of a particular vector."
"We're mapping just a point to a vector, and we really do think of that vector as an arrow."
"We've identified a basis which is a vector in the vector space, and we've identified the components of this vector."
"What specifies a particular vector in a vector space is nothing more than its coordinates."
"This next one is a vector attribute and this might be the direction of some effect that you're doing."
"Momentum is a vector quantity which means we shall consider its direction and its magnitude."
"The result of a cross product is a vector."
"A vector is a quantity described by both magnitude and direction."
"A vector has to have both magnitude and direction."
"The key is to remember this basic idea that we have a vector of ground truth stuff."
"Then, you're going to assemble all of the submodels together into a vector of submodels to describe the entirety of the data."
"Momentum is a vector, and it is a product between the mass of a particle and its velocity."
"A vector is any physical quantity that requires both magnitude and direction for its complete description."
"Vector math is very important because it allows us to do the same sort of operations we were doing when we were manhandling the X and Y coordinates of things."
"A mosquito does not cause malaria; it is just a vector."
"A vector is basically a quantity which has a magnitude and a direction."
"If we have the f(x) minus a, this will give us now a vector of a, 0."
"Instead, what you need is simply a method for calculating a times a vector."
"With SVG... your logo is going to look great going to that size through vector."