
Move Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"That starship pain from the top of the cage was freakin' awesome to see."
"It's an end of an era, but it's a good, happy move."
"This move is so good that if I were to show I could do it, you'd be going, 'Well, obviously you'd play that card in a nightclub.'"
"So he makes a move which was called by Tim Krabbe the greatest move ever made in chess history."
"The best move is Knight to E4 check."
"Fischer launches his queen to a5, opening the d8 square for one of his rooks."
"Morrison then slingshot Swagger into the turnbuckle for a weak-looking spot."
"The spot they did where Ripley stood up and German suplexed her out of an ankle lock, I loved that."
"Durant shake fake bucket he is lethal"
"...he just does that great little hesitation explosive move."
"Excellent, that's the right move, Queen b7."
"What a move by RJ Barrett with Kobe white on the bench."
"Figure out a move that you know you can do."
"Black captures on D4, hoping to make use of the open E file."
"Joseph evened things up by summoning a vanishing move."
"The Stone Cold Stunner goes in the barely feel it category. It's one of the only moves I can think of that people get more enjoyment watching how someone sells it than watching Steve do it."
"Wow, that was a wicked hurricanrana."
"This could be you, Ken, you're just moved."
"When you protect the move long enough and then you have somebody kick out of it, it means something."
"What a cracking race that was, a move on the penultimate lap."
"That same doomsday suplex is what won Karrion Cross the NXT Championship from Keith Lee a year ago. Now he hits it twice on Samoa Joe within a minute and is treated like a regular move. My god, Karrion has been dropped from his dominating days big time."
"Definitely time to get on the move."
"Mirage thinks of what to call the move he has been just hit with perhaps might do the trick instant cut would that be a good name."
"Every time he hits that move, the fans go crazy."
"The leg drop when Stan had the guy bear hugged that was probably my favorite one of theirs."
"He drops off an atomic drop, yeah that was really cool."
"Triple H drops Edge with a pedigree."
"It's just one of those moves that gets you."
"I got enough to move out to L.A., and ever since then, I've been here."
"Post-closing, once again, a lot of people neglect to do this: calling the client and asking about how the move's going."
"That little move right there saved a small business owner nine thousand bucks in taxes."
"He's looking for the move, Shane's not making it easy and he's turned around, that looked like it was almost destined to happen right, Chaz had shown the nose in the last couple of corners."
"Jason Witten made a living off of that move."
"The first move we'll look at which they of course both use is inside side scissors."
"Once you Castle here, the two most played move would be Knight F6 and pinning the Knight."
"The eagle made a brilliant move when he grabbed the crane by the leg."
"I think time away from your family is absolutely the right move here."
"That's a major key, that's a chess move. I'm your favorite G, I think it's best yo."
Stan Hansen: "The Western Lariat is as we will see one of the most lethal and protected moves in all of wrestling."
"Madison Rain full bent over toe touch and the camera is directly upper."
"Jericho caught Triple H with a spinning heel kick and then the Lion Salt."
"I cannot tell you how excited I am for this move."
"...audacious and unapologetic move ever... she made the boldest, the most audacious and unapologetic move ever."
"Knight takes G2 is a huge threat."
"Brooke here making an absolutely huge move."
"Can you see what the move is? Castles, kingside, check!"
"He refused to lose and decides to use his secret move."
"Nobody kicks out of the burning hammer."
"The most legendary, the most brutal move, the Kawada Driver or the Ganso Bomb as it was usually known online."
"It was the best move he's ever seen."
"We have a really, really pretty move."
"I moved to North Carolina, and like we both knew I was moving, so it was like our last summer together."
"That awesome Chingona Bomb that Raquel does is so cool."
"What about the starship pain? Yeah, it's fantastic."
"This was a brilliant move, yeah it's a very smart move."
"Black can immediately hit out in the center with the move Pawn to D5."
"It's a very useful move, the move C6."
"Surely moving here is going to give you a deeper understanding of a different culture."
"It's really nice that we have a month of overlap during this move."
"That German suplex was amazing, just blew me away."
"That's one of the coldest moves, bro."
"If not, we're going to use SHUTIL.move, now this is how we actually move the file."
"A spectacular crossover by Steph Curry to get to the hoop."
"Kalisto hits the Salida del Sol on a ladder at TLC, it was a fantastic move."
"It's a very interesting move now, so queen F4 is introduced hitting D6 and F7."