
Time Series Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"We have made our first time series plot."
"Time series chart is very useful for us to visualize daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly data."
"...time series are very helpful to see the evolution over time."
"We're going to create some features with this data using the time series index. Luckily, pandas makes this very easy for us."
"Time series databases built to answer any question related to time data."
"Our flexible time series model has two elements: these local filters, and these global pattern factors."
"In Time series, any forecasting model uses past values to then predict the future."
"One more thing I want to say about binning: there's a special type of binning that Altair knows how to do which is time binning."
"The feature engineering and machine learning workflow is quite different for time series forecasting."
"A machine learning approach is able to learn across a large number of related time series, also taking into account exogenous variables."
"The feature engineering is quite different; there are a set of specific feature engineering methods for time series and a bunch of data leakage issues that you didn't have to consider as much."
"The workflows are very different; if you're doing a train test split, you traditionally could do that just by randomly shuffling. Now you have to care about preserving the time ordering when you create the feature and target variable."
"After we compute our statistics, we are lagging the value by one to preserve the time ordering here and to make sure that we don't accidentally use values at the same time to predict the target at the same time. Hence the lag."
"...this time series is likely stationary."
"...this return series here is likely stationary."
"It's a time series method so you only need data on the variable you're trying to forecast."
"The Box and Jenkins three-step method."
"The self-attention mechanism can connect all time series steps at once, leading to the innovation of long-term dependency interpretations."
"ARIMA, which stands for auto regressive integrated moving average, is a general class of statistical models for time series analysis and forecasting."
"ARIMA models can also accommodate seasonality."
"We're going to walk through the typical flow to solve time series problems."
"A more robust way to do this is actually to use time series cross validation."
"The concepts we use here can be applied to any time series prediction."
"Time series forecasting is useful in many applications to be able to predict the future."
"In a time series split, you want to make sure that none of the information about the future is fed into your model."
"Time series is a sequence of data points, typically consisting of successive measurements made from the same source over a time interval."
"Time series databases are optimized for collecting, storing, retrieving, and processing time series data."
"The lifecycle management of time series data is particularly unique because you only need the last month's worth of data at a very high resolution."
"Regular time series is measurements gathered at regular time intervals; think metrics."
"What is time series data? This is how I view time series data."
"There are regular time series, which are basically samples taken at fixed intervals."
"Scale is one of the most important reasons for needing a database for time series data."
"Everything is indexed by time and a unique series that you're tracking."
"We've found that using time-series graphs work best for our teams."
"Creating that time series graph shows how our video is comparing against the 50th, 20th, and 80th percentiles in the first 30 days."
"Time series forecasting is a very interesting mixture between science and art."
"We're going to provide an introduction to time series analysis."
"We're interested in the probability at time step T of the hidden states given all of the observations."
"All of these methods can also accommodate multivariate time series data as well."
"When you apply machine learning to time series, you are applying more general methods and finding a way to make them reflect or accept time series data."
"Line graphs are very useful to recognize how patterns and data sets change over time."
"In time series, we typically find a seasonality whether there's a weekly seasonality or hourly seasonality or monthly seasonality."
"Financial time series, what are they or do they look like, and what properties do they have?"
"A stationary time series has a constant mean, a constant variance, and a constant autocorrelation."
"Once you have the matrix profile, most problems in time series are either solved already or trivially solvable."
"The matrix profile has many desirable properties, almost in certain magical properties."
"Time series analysis is two parts: what has happened, and what will happen."
"Time series forecasting is kind of that forecast for the next time instant."
"What's the most simple and intuitive approach that I can take to analyze time series?"
"VAR models generalize univariate autoregressive models by allowing multivariate time series."
"We mostly use time series models to model relationships that use data collected over time."
"Any time series can be represented as a combination of sinusoidal functions, each with its own respective frequency."
"You can animate the chart and see the bubble chart move across time."
"Other examples that are classically used are in finance or economics. So in a lot of financial jobs from analysts to data scientists to researchers, time series data is quite important."
"I tend to start off with what question do I want to answer. I think it's really important to start with a very clear question that you think can be answered with data and specifically that can only be answered with time-series data."
"Examples of time series include incidence of disease over time, cases of COVID over time."
"For time series data, you need at least four cycles of data to predict the next cycle."
"Wide-sense stationarity means that the mean and variance are constant throughout the entire life of the time series."
"We're going to do interpolation across time."
"This is super useful for things like power measurements, weather, computer performance, anything that we want to chart on a time-based system works really well."
"Prometheus is a time series monitoring tool."
"Hopefully, I've demonstrated the utility of Python for performing various time series analyses by providing access to some time-saving methods."
"Learning temporal causal structures between time series is one of the key tools for analyzing time series data."
"It's probably worth your while to spend some time learning more in depth about how to identify the AR and MA processes."
"Vector autoregression (VAR) models generalize univariate autoregressive models by allowing multivariate time series."
"Variables Yt and Xt are stationary; logs and differences can be applied if required to make our variables stationary."
"The Granger causality test examines if the lag values of one variable help to predict other variables in the model."
"Financial time series usually exhibit this kind of volatility clustering."
"Druid is a database technology that's quite ideal for time series data and supports very high write volume and very fast reads."
"Whether using a convolution neural network or an LSTM, you need to put the data into a specific form for time series."
"Let me show you what I mean by time series and sequences because there's some important concepts for the code that we're going to actually create."
"Time series models are used when we model the relationship of variables over time."
"This is an example of what you can do with Python to do live processing of time series data."
"A time series is an ordered sequence of observations at regular intervals."
"Future values in the time series can be estimated based on previous values."
"The two important things are mean of the time series and the variance."
"We see the up-and-down trend over time."
"Extrapolative methods are also known as Time Series Method and causal methods, as the name indicates, these are Cause Effect Method."
"For forecasting purposes, we split it into simpler periodic time series and then we train artificial neural networks for the finite time window forecasting of each simplified component."
"The sum of the individual predictions will give the full time series prediction back to us."
"We can see how techniques such as time based indexing, resampling, rolling windows can help us explore variations in electricity demand and renewable energy supply over time."
"The autocorrelation of Y(t) depends only on the timeshift, therefore it is stationary in the autocorrelation."
"Time series forecast are time-ordered sequences of observation taken at regular time intervals."
"This was like an introduction to the time series."
"Time series modeling can be very tricky, especially in these business contexts."
"The nice thing about this is that it in theory is a really flexible way to fit time series."