
Topography Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It allows you to define a section line on your map. It will then draw a topographical profile based on the satellite imagery or your background imagery."
"There is literally nowhere on Earth that’s perfectly and immaculately flat even disregarding Earth’s curvature."
"The low city is basically the eastern side which is flood plains, things like that; the western side of the city is called the Yamanote, which literally means 'fingers of the mountain'."
"So in this case, we can actually try with topography map."
"Designations are pretty easy. It's the labels given to various topographic features on the map."
"You can change all the topography from right here on your current Wordpress website."
"London's essential spirit is drawn from... the soil here, something in the Topography of London."
"To fully capture the topography of the Loess Hills on the western rim of Iowa, the best vantage point may be from above."
"Greece is known for its stunning and diverse topography with hundreds of inhabited islands scattered in the Mediterranean Sea."
"Walking the ground, being able to see the topography is absolutely key to understanding that titanic struggle."
"It's able to very accurately measure the Z topography, which is a great way to confirm what you're seeing with SEM."
"Think about topography, where in your property will be a well-drained area that's not going to collect moisture around your shed."
"Exploring abandoned mines on Mars, that's how cool the topography is."
"It's really beautiful out there, you can kind of see where the topography is really changing now."
"These are really, really big ice sheets that push across the land and don't take any real notice of topography."
"The Betalina map is one of the oldest topographic maps in the world."
"Everything has a different elevation, it sort of starts up there and then it goes flat, then it comes up, then it goes down a little bit."
"It's so awesome, there's so much elevation change, and the flow is just amazing. I love this place."
"Glaciers in a main or trunk valley typically erode more than tributary glaciers, creating hanging valleys."
"The Big Sur is just this wild, beautiful place and very, very rugged topography."
"This area definitely seems a bit hillier, much hillier definitely."
"Following the contours of Earth, all the rainwater is going to drain down this way."
"The hills behind me on this map, these seven hills of Rome, are the product of volcanic eruption that deposited over time ash and other kinds of material."
"The fact that the topography matches the description in the Book of Mormon so well is absolutely stunning."
"The land a natural canvas and the finest natural topography for a golf course anywhere in the world."
"So when you're hiking, this is when the lines come in handy because you can see exactly what elevation you're on."
"An aerial view reveals the ore vein with its open scopes and cuts extending across the top of the hill."
"You can think of these as like planets that are being aligned along hills and valleys."
"Water is gonna flow perpendicular away from a contour line."
"Pennsylvania is a very scenic state, very pretty, very hilly."
"You can actually learn a lot by looking at the contour maps of the lake."
"Just look at this topography; it's just absolutely fantastic."
"This is going to be a complete topography lesson, so let's get into it."
"Understanding how topo surface triangulates can help you."
"If you're a mountain climber, you're looking at your map, at your contour map."
"The distance between contours tells you how steep it is."
"It's very similar to Latvia topography and landscape, so it felt like home."
"Water runs downhill; ellipsoid heights don't necessarily represent the gravity situation in the area."
"Topographic surveying is the method of surveying in which we do find out the location of different objects and their elevations."
"We know that rivers work; rivers come from mountains, rivers come from places that are higher, and the rivers flow downhill."
"The map is usually prepared over a topographic map which takes into account the various forms and elevation depression of the earth surface."
"Topographic maps represent numerically the complex curves and elevations of Earth's surface with the contour lines."
"Dynamaps also lets you get topo info, and that information comes from NASA's SRTM database."
"This area is topographically high too; this part is literally around 150 meters, and look, the wave flew right over it. That's how high this freaking wave was; scientists believe it was around 180 meters in height."
"The Topography is phenomenal and it's really quite special."
"This is where knowledge of contour lines and what they show how to represent height matters."
"Such a beautiful and rugged mountain, the topography up here is just insane."
"Slope is the derivative of elevation with respect to horizontal distance."
"Hey, we made it to Colorado, that's crazy how the topography changes immediately when you cross state lines."
"It's a magical place, 14 turns, just over four miles, 171 feet of elevation change."
"As these lava flows move away from the vents, they're building topography."