
Mental Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"The universe itself is a mental creation."
"Mastering target panic is basically mastering your mind."
"Deep boredom is the peak of mental relaxation."
"Emotional and mental abuse stays with you longer than the physical."
"Are you that mentally enslaved and intellectually subservient?"
"You are not just physical; you're actually mental, spiritual, and physical."
"There's a belief system that like if you get above the pain mentally then the pain subsides."
"Every time that I spit off the mental you know that I'm way too consistent."
"challenge yourself to move your mind"
"These Chains might as well be invisible and that's what they were mental the Rope wasn't keeping the elephants to the chair the elephants were keeping the elephants to the chair."
"Sometimes the chains that prevent us from being free are more mental than physical."
"The natural world is the mental world made visible."
"Long distance bike touring, especially out in places like this, is as much mental as it is physical."
"It is an art form of the highest difficulty physically, mentally, all of that stuff."
"It's a mental, it's a spiritual, it's all that."
"90% of horse training is mental. 10% is physical. Once you train their mind to be accepting and willing to do what you ask them to do, the task is easy."
"This was the most challenging physical and mental goal I've ever set for myself."
"It's about mental, then physical too, because a lot of it is you pushing through it."
"I like to think of it as a mental time machine."
"The main point was just we got to finish it out. These last two minutes, we just got to finish it out, be composed. It's all a mental thing, and we got to stick together."
"This just builds mental and physical resilience that you can't really replicate any other way."
"Strongholds are fences that we build in our mind."
"That's spiritual. Right. Spiritual is not mental."
"Prayer is the breath of the soul and mental prayer is the best type of prayer there is in my opinion."
"You'd have to do something absolutely mental, but yeah, potentially."
"You can build a mental and emotional toughness that makes you extraordinarily resilient."
"It's mental, like it's such a good combination with this car."
"The battles that you win both mentally and physically that allow you to have success."
"It's real challenging for your brain and your body."
"Spend just as much time on your mental preparation as your gear preparation."
"The challenge is in between the ears."
"I beat a lot of people mentally because the game is played above the shoulders."
"It's not just chronological age, it's mental age."
"You have three planes of existence that you are operating on at all times: physical, mental, and spiritual."
"Everything is mental, the all is mind."
"So yeah mental number one biggest part of the pyramid."
"It's more than 90% mental, the other half is physical."
"A lot of physical training, which of course you need, and then just the mental or the emotional part that you need to overcome."
"As long as I'm explaining the mental in terms of the mental, I'm not actually explaining it."
"Be strong, train your physical strength and exercise your mental strength."
"You're stronger than anything your mind might be telling you right now."
"Calling it a lifestyle choice is [__] mental."
"It's mental, it's like a real-life Charlie in the Chocolate Factory and I'm your Willy Wonka."
"This thing is going to be absolutely mental."
"you can show your love for them by being there to support them mentally you don't always have to be there to support them financially but I mean it helps"
"I wish I had known how mentally challenging the very end of the trail was going to be."
"Do something that challenges you physically and mentally every day."
"That was quick. That was proper mental."
"Bird had an unparalleled understanding of the game of basketball, both as a physical contest and as a mental competition."
"These things are 90% mental and the other 10% all in your head."
"This was definitely a mental breakthrough, this was definitely a mental, mental break."
"It's so mental. My sister can't do it and she was [__] amazing."
"For me, I don't find motivation in that, my motivation comes from like the mental side of it."
"Well, you have to remember too that in a player like her, because they do not travel extensively, she's not in that mental grind."
"You have gone through a lot, and there's been a lot of mental chaos."
"The spiritual or mental world is also very powerful."
"It's a challenging workout for athletes mentally and physically."
"It's a very difficult thing to do mentally, more than physically."
"It's more for the passion and the mental challenge than it is anything else."
"Prison doesn't begin and end at the gate; prisons in mind."
"We bonded mentally, emotionally, spiritually."
"This game breaks you down mentally and physically."
"It's such an incredible mental challenge, such a challenge of equipment no matter what category that you are in."
"We have to be freed from mental slavery."
"It's more mentally challenging than it is physically."
"It's much more of a mental sport, and it tests you every single day."
"It's all about the mental attitude aspect of this."
"It's like a mental game of chess."
"It's kind of cool, the mental game that we see here."
"You got to work on yourself mentally as much as you do physically."
"We use mental drawing because we think this is something that everybody should know and everybody should imagine."
"This state of mental freedom... a sort of safety to be able to be free."
"That mental toughness muscle is a muscle just like anything else, you have to exercise it, and it'll get stronger."
"The Mahayana teaching emphasis more on mental discipline and also you see there because you say the improvement of mental thinking."
"In order to be the greatest or amongst the greatest of all time, you both have to have it between the ears, the neck up, but you also have to have it from the neck down."
"We are in a war... the battlefield is right here in our minds."
"You're telling me that you are both mentally and emotionally prepared to move forward."
"Golf is the ultimate test of the mind."
"The show was definitely like a battle of the mind."
"Everything begins in the form of something mental as a kind of internal reality and then is externalized through perception."
"Your mental health is intimately connected with your hormone levels."
"It's been a real mental test more than anything because I wanted to prove that I could do something not get bored, not get sidetracked."
"If the universe is about realizing its own mental potential, then that completely changes the character of things."
"Remember to consider your physical as well as your mental health."
"The most important muscles that change your life are those mental, most spiritual muscles."
"Everything influences everything; there is nothing that you do in the mental that does not have some kind of influence in your physical."
"This is just as much a mental challenge as a physical challenge."
"May they be granted the celestial strength to pass over and over again the mental tests."
"It's not the weapons he's throwing, he's overwhelming the mind with possibilities."
"We are moving forward in life mentally."
"It's not like making a chair or working on a factory line; it's way more mental."
"Journeys don't just occur physically but also in the mind and in the soul."
"Master Z, why do you say that? The girl's mental strength is more than twice of an ordinary person."
"You can start creating that in other words how do you create it? By mentally visualizing it."
"You're not just training the muscle, you're training the mind right now."
"It's an exodus from one mental state to the next mental state."
"Spiritual warfare is a battle in the mind."
"We're mentally in love with each other and always have been."
"More than a physical contest, more than a game of position, it's a mental challenge against your opponent, against your self-doubt, and against your own impulses."
"The biggest challenge for us out here today is not physical, it's all mental."
"That mental strength really coming into play."
"This week has been pretty mental."
"Make sure that you are prepared mentally."
"It's not just your physical health you need to take care of, but also your mental health."
"Improvement is going to require struggle because it's a mental process."
"Cordelia takes tremendous strength, mental strength, resistance to suggestion."
"Mental connection is the most powerful to start a flow."
"All about that mental toughness, which is what we're developing right now."
"Victory, breakthrough, mental clarity."
"It's very invigorating; it really just gets the whole sort of mental process just really revved up for me."
"The shifting of energies within you mentally and emotionally is what's going to change everything."
"You want someone who connects on that mental and emotional level."
"That's looking after your mental and physical health right there."
"There's some type of journey that somebody is going on, whether it is a spiritual journey or a mental journey, an emotional journey."