
GUI Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The mouse and graphic user interface made it easy for regular people who had maybe never used a computer before to pick up and learn in a couple of days."
"X has widgets. Widgets are the little graphical elements that make up modern GUI applications."
"Linux has a graphical user interface."
"...I love this GUI it is really simple..."
"...the omada GUI for your network is extremely clean. It is leaps and bounds better than a lot of GUIs you see with typical network devices in the consumer field."
"Streamlit lets you create a beautiful graphical user interfaces right in your python code. It's very similar to the normal python code, there are just a couple of changes, but you will be able to create a graphical user interfaces within your python files."
"Being able to make that launcher that I showed you how does one make a custom title bar lots of people seem to think that again that's a limitation of I am gooey."
"The more advanced users, of course, they love the terminal and the command line because once you learn those tools, you can do so much with them. They're so much better than the GUI applications."
"The buttons argument is a number that specifies which buttons and icons appear in the message box."
"Threads are excellent for GUIs or interactive figures."
"I love a GUI, it's really great. It's okay to have the command line but Linux users are getting to the point where GUIs are just as important to us as they are to the rest of the world."
"Most of the things that you can do with Linux from a standpoint of your look and feel, your customizations, can all be done through the GUI."
"We can build apps for Windows, for Mac, for Linux. So these visual elements are rendered or displayed on the screen using each of the operating systems."
"Let's build graphical user interface apps with tkinter and python."
"So to learn Tkinter, you basically just need to learn how to use all those widgets, and that's what you'll learn in this playlist."
"This course is going to be a perfect starting point for you if you want to build graphical user interfaces in Python using Pi side 6."
"QT is a cross-platform framework to build graphical user interface applications."
"Finally, the GUI consumes those and renders the paths."
"Now that we have pyro GUI installed, we can import it just simply by using import PI auto GUI."
"QT is used for developing graphical user interface or GUIs and multi-platform applications that run on all major desktop platforms and most mobile or embedded platforms."
"The idea of App Builder is basically you take a GUI Builder for your users to be able to build apps."
"Tkinter has this really cool thing called control variables."
"GUI automation is a technique where you write code to automate mouse movement and keyboard inputs, and you use information from the screen to make decisions about what your code should do next."
"You need to have a GUI; that's something OCR being very clear about."
"Think of this project as both a Python GUI project by creating this interface with Tkinter as well as a Python automation project."
"Graphical user interfaces could just make that a whole lot easier to manage and just makes the user experience so much better."
"You really get to learn how making GUIs really works in PowerShell."
"Thanks for hanging in there for this GUI challenge."
"Thanks for watching this GUI Challenge on tooltips, and I'll see you around. Take it easy."
"Everything we do through the GUI, we could do through the shell."
"PyQt is the most popular and more powerful framework used for building GUI applications in Python programming language."
"Our GUI application is ready, it's a nice little looking application which is usable."
"GUI made simple, that's kind of the tagline for this editor."
"We wanted a way to make GUI simple and make it simple for people to use."
"You can find it at gui.babylon.js.com."
"Having a graphical desktop environment, or a GUI, that was pretty remarkable for 1984."
"So this is the Ubuntu desktop operating system, we have the desktop environment here, you got the graphical stuff going on."
"If you're just starting with GUIs or programming in general, Python begui is something really useful because it is incredibly easy."
"The GUI basically allows you to do the main things of a PBX install."
"We've got our main window here, we click the button, boom, another one pops up. How do we do that?"
"By using asynchronous programming with graphical interface applications, we can allow the program to be doing things in the background while still keeping the UI updated and active."
"With the new GUI system, you can accomplish pretty much any visualness that you want to."
"There's a whole bunch of different things you can do in regards to tracking events and GUI interfaces in Java."
"Visual testing is a quality assurance activity aimed to verify that the graphical user interface appears correctly to users."
"Realistically today, almost everything can be accomplished through either terminal or through a GUI; it just depends on your preference."
"CGS supports every single property that you can set in Unity as well as a few additional ones such as background and border."
"Graphical user interfaces respond to events that happen."
"A widget is an element of a GUI program."
"We have basic elements here for a GUI program."