
SPF Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I put on SPF every day because I used to not do this, and then I saw a study on identical twins... one of them wore sunscreen and one of them didn't, and one of them's skin was significantly better."
"Always wear SPF every day, winter included."
"By applying a more luminous SPF, it just kind of gives your skin like a little boost, like a little pick-me-up."
"I love that it has SPF because that is truly the number one anti-aging ingredient."
"Every single person should be wearing SPF50 anyway, so if you can incorporate it into the most amazing glow ever, it's a no-brainer for me."
"You still need to wear your SPF and of course, I mean that's like integral to clearing pigment is using an SPF."
"You need the SPF filters with the added antioxidants to really have a sunscreen that is doing the most and this one really does it."
"I just love that SPF it just gives the most beautiful subtle glow."
"We need more spf's on the market more elegant spfs and this was one of them."
"As somebody who's on the search for the best SPF, this was perfect for me."
"...the side where I'm applying an adequate amount of sunscreen to get the SPF on the label is greasier feeling, it's giving much more of a white cast, but I will be getting the full SPF 50 on the label."
"I'm just not a makeup wearer, except for SPF and maybe a little bit of mascara."
"...using a makeup setting spray that has SPF...it's just going to add to that further SPF protection."
"I'm always looking for SPF that don't irritate my skin, don't clog my pores, and I love the idea of it giving me a little luminosity."
"It's SPF 40, which I feel like is very reasonable for keeping your skin away from damage."
"Remember when I said that these two products are equivalent and you just need to go by SPF? That is still 100% true. However, beware that some studies show that people apply less of the combination product than they do the standalone SPF."
"Sometimes SPF makes you look like, looks a bit dull, looks a bit tacky on the skin but this one honestly doesn't."
"I prefer an SPF of 40 or higher, even when I'm inside, because I'm a bit bougie and I'm a bit extra."
"For me, the thought of using an SPF over a moisturizer seems to me very strange..."
"Always make sure that you are staying hydrated, reapplying your SPF, and be beautiful both inside and out."
"SPF is your BFF, and it is for everyone."
"Maintain collagen with your SPF 50, prevent it being broken down from free radicals."
"It's just one of the most classic beautiful body SPFs that you can always rely on."
"I love this SPF because as you can see it is tinted so it's not going to leave this crazy white cast on your skin."
"To get the sun protection factor promised to us on the label, we need to use two milligrams of SPF per square centimeter of exposed skin, which roughly translates to a quarter teaspoon of SPF for the face alone."
"Make sure to wear your SPF every single day. One-quarter teaspoon on the face alone."
"It's just not a gimmick, these SPF and vitamin A are the only two ingredients that in the USA in particular you can legally claim on TV that they are aging right."
"...this [Supergoop Glow Screen] is very similar to the Fenty one but this one is actually a moisturizer and this one is actually just like a pure SPF that won't hydrate your skin but it makes your skin look very very glowy."
"...these are great multitasking products that also contain SPF."
"This has 50 UVA and UVB, so this is a 50 SPF, which is also great because I'm going for a bit more of a dewy finish."
"SPF is your number one secret to anti-aging, period."
"SPF is a mechanism that allows receiving email servers to check that the mail has been sent from an IP address that's authorized on behalf of the domain name to send email."
"The only thing that you really need to wear today, in my opinion, is SPF."
"Now at this point, SPF is already set up."
"Sun protection factor, it's just how many more minutes you're going to buy yourself before the Sun starts to burn your skin."
"I like to think of SPFs being your best friend."
"If you find an SPF that works well with your skincare products as well as your makeup, then that best friend is your best friend for life."
"The sun protection factor reflects how well the sunscreen will protect you against the UVB rays, the burning rays."
"It features SPF 15 to protect from UV damage."
"Even if you're not going out, you should still wear SPF."
"Sun Protection Factor. You learn something new every single day."
"It has an SPF of 50, which is awesome if you're going to be spending a lot of time out in the sun."
"I love that it had the SPF 40 in it."
"I highly recommend it; it's a great SPF plus tint."
"It's summertime, so we need our SPF."
"I do wear SPF every single day. I'm in and out of the house all day long, taking walks, going on errands. I am surrounded by windows."
"I'm very diligent about constantly reapplying my SPF."
"SPF 99 times out of 100 will always go at the last point of your skincare routine."
"A good cleanser that will remove your makeup and a nice moisturizer that helps to rehydrate the skin, and then a good SPF, those are like your absolute staples of a good skincare routine."