
Fat Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Fat doesn't cause heart disease, and now we embrace healthy fats."
"Extra virgin olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, most of the fat eaten in the Mediterranean."
"If fat was addictive, then all the people on the Atkins diet or on the ketogenic diet would be gaining weight, not losing it."
"Don't fear fat. The best proteins come with fat. We shouldn't fear the fat that comes with protein. Animal fats and fruit fats are good sources of fat."
"It's not the fat you can see, it's the fat you can't."
"Fat will take you to the next meal so that you don't snack in between."
"We've evolved to store every ounce of fat that we can get our hands on."
"The way you densify food is with fat. Like fat is what will take something from a 500 calorie dish to a 1500 calorie dish."
"...it's not fat that causes heart disease."
"For something that gets such a bad rap when we normally talk about it, fat actually does a lot more than most of us ever realised."
"Focus on protein and fat is more important than counting calories."
"Fat is just carbohydrates stored in a more efficient way."
"By simply adding fat to the diet, you may improve the human body."
"...protein by itself is vastly attenuated, it has a very, very small insulinogenic action. You have to mix the fat with the protein to bring that level up to the level that will maintain your kidney function, your thyroid function, all of those things in the natural range."
"Carbohydrates raise blood sugar, but fat doesn't."
"It's nuts, all the flavors in the fat, you need to eat the fat."
"Fat is padding, a fuel tank, and an endocrine organ."
"There's not like a Goldilocks approach when it comes to visceral fat."
"The major contributing factors of aging include even moderate amounts of fat on the body, which speed up the rate at which you age."
"There's another kind of fat which is an even worse risk factor for heart disease than saturated fat, and that's trans fats."
"8020 is referring to the amount of lean protein to fat content. The more fat, the juicier it's going to be."
"The visceral fat is the one that's most associated with pathology. The higher the visceral fat, generally, the worse off you are."
"A fat person telling me about nutrition is kind of like an atheist telling me about God."
"Fat plays a role in being as strong as possible. Of course, muscle is King but that really covers only a part of the story."
"Fat equals flavor, and that's probably what makes this soup taste so good."
"Remember that fat, as long as it's the healthy fat, can actually decrease your risk of heart disease and improve your cardiovascular health."
"When you burn the fat, it's going to release the toxins."
"...mostly I use this as a cooking fat. Lard is odorless and tasteless and is wonderful for baking. Tallow, however, does have a slightly meaty flavor, so I prefer this as a cooking fat for things like frying potatoes or frying my eggs up."
"You're absorbing every ounce of fat that you're eating."
"Fat can both store all these excess lipids that would be otherwise circulating through your body and causing damage, but it can also burn calories directly."
"If you're angry, you're not fat adapted."
"The two types of fat, deep subcutaneous fat and superficial subcutaneous fat, are completely different. Deep subcutaneous fat is bad, while superficial subcutaneous fat is protective." - Dr. Shan Amara
"The more visceral fat you have, the deeper your subcutaneous fat. And the deeper your subcutaneous fat, the more inflammation." - Dr. Shan Amara
"Not all subcutaneous fat is the same. Just like not all fat is the same." - Dr. Shan Amara
"When people go towards carbs, it just brings on the sugar cravings, and they start not sleeping well again and all of that. Yeah, the whole hormonal side of cravings and everything that comes. Fat is my energy source for sure, and it can be for you too."
"You don't get fat from fat. I guarantee you, if you ate a ton of steak and a ton of fat, you would become the most lean cut person that you've ever seen."
"George said 'I may be old, I may be fat, but here I is.'"
"When we talk about fat, we don't make the most important distinction, which is what kind of fat."
"It's our body fat that acts as an organ that helps to regulate it."
"It's better to be mostly dark on an MRI scan; white indicates visceral fat."
"It's so tempting to start chopping and cutting and slicing that fat off... but it's that fat rendering out and protecting the meat."
"Eating fat does not make you fat, eating too many carbohydrates, that's what makes you fat."
"Fat can often be the cure for atherogenic dyslipidemia. It actually raises HDL and can lower triglycerides."
"If you want to understand insulin resistance, if you want to understand hyperinsulinemia type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, you have to understand the movement of glucose and fat."
"If you took out all the fat found in a healthy human body, it would be enough to make seven bars of soap."
"The life of the party is the fat man or that pleasing adaptable feminine creature, the fat woman."
"We need fat to manufacture these chemicals, so don't be deficient."
"The saturated fat in a coconut will raise your cholesterol."
"...that's exactly what fat is, stored energy..."
"You can bust your belly fat, and remember, we busted the myth that eating low-fat foods melts your fat. In fact, what you did was when we added sugar into the mix, there, watch what happened to your belly fat. It exploded, and not just a little bit, that bit really got big."
"Our body fat actually contains a lot of stem cells which is fascinating."
"Fat isn't all bad. Fat is actually incredibly important for our survival, but in the right amount."
"Too much fat derails your metabolism. Not enough fat also derails your metabolism."
"Excess fat is very inflammatory. If you've got excess fat, your inflammatory marker CRP is going to be up for sure."
"The easiest way to think about fat is you don't have to necessarily supplement or think about trying to get it because it's virtually in everything."
"The fat is where the flavor is because it is, um, but you don't want too much fat. But we're talking about sausage here, okay? So sausage has a high fat content."
"...you want to get rid of visceral fat... it's like kryptonite inside your body..."
"You have got to eat fat at the beginning of this and in those people at the beginning six-week time your fat production meaning your fat released from your fat cells is almost zero if you're in a high insulin state the only access to fat you have are the ones that you swallow."
"...fat is a good thing. It fat can keep you alive fat can is a mechanism to help you survive when there's no food and no water."
"When you adapt to using fat for fuel, you dramatically change how the body uses fuel."
"What this diet does is it is high in fat and protein and that satiates your brain and reduces your hunger."
"Nothing good in the kitchen's ever created without a source of fat."
"As we age, we tend to get more fat in the cheeks."
"Indian cooking is largely fat-centric, meaning that all cooking starts with fat and ends with fat."
"Visceral fat... becomes an endocrine organ in and of its own... driven by inflammation, age, and hormonal factors."
"The deposition of visceral fat is a hallmark of health risks."
"Humans have evolved to store our extra energy as fat."
"Brown fat, of course, is healthy."