
Vessel Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Lenka is a 1980 passport 42, I think she's hull number four."
"The vessel, a floating city in itself, embarks on yet another day of its perpetual journey through the boundless seas."
"The secret is just to be a vessel that will allow the spirit to flow through you."
"You are my vessel now, when you lay hands, I flow through you."
"What struck me was this was a ship that was very long and narrow particularly at the bow. It struck me as almost being like a clipper ship, a specific type of vessel that came into the fore really in the early 1800s."
"Every time this is a vessel for you to hop in to use this energy to talk to us."
"But I've always felt somehow that besides being the steaming machine or a sailing machine for carrying weights, a vessel at sea is a sensitive instrument and a means of communication between nature and man and most particularly the..."
"Despite being apparently empty, the Marines approach with caution, in case the vessel is booby-trapped."
"Our body is just the vessel that our mind is currently using to experience its environment."
"I'm just a vessel for Christ, that's all I'm just a vessel."
"Your body is the instrument for this magic to unfold."
"The anointing is the power of God that God himself puts in a vessel, and he moves through the vessel in power."
"I'm a vessel for happiness, I'm a vessel for God."
"You are a sacred vessel that love is meant to flow through you. So don't hold yourself back."
"Our bodies are meant to be a vessel of the Holy Spirit you know given from God you are not your own."
"The Prometheus isn't just some random exploration vessel. She was part of Project Exodus."
"We want to be total channels for God to pour through us all of his virtue."
"Use me, my God, make me a sacred vessel for your work."
"Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel."
"Yuji is meant to be the vessel for the merger itself."
"Holy Spirit can flow through yielded vessels."
"Your body is such a sacred vessel. It really, really is."
"It's really the center of entertainment on this vessel."
"The agenda is more important than the vessel."
"We're just vessels, instruments. That's all."
"Let's not divide because all of us are simple vessels used by God."
"The Pilot's house ensures that the operator of the vessel gets excellent 180 degree views of what is happening around the boat."
"Beautiful, beautiful bow, great performing vessel."
"There's nothing impressive about me. I'm just a vessel being used by God, and we appreciate it."
"I said yes to Jesus, right. I said, 'Here I am as a vessel.' I'm a broken man, I need you."
"The moment you begin to identify with him and you see him as alive, living big on the inside of you, that puts you in a position to be a vessel of God."
"He wasn't a curse to the world. He was instead a vessel, a vessel for the hopes and dreams of many people."
"The miracle is looking for a vessel."
"God absolutely does heal people in their bedrooms when they cry out to him, sometimes with no vessel, but his main way of moving in power is like a principle in the kingdom of God, his main system of healing and delivering his people is by his anointing that he puts in vessels."
"May you be a vessel of his love, a vessel of his power to them every single day."
"For me, it's a no-brainer. Hands down, the Oceanis 41 all day, every day, and twice on Sunday is the vessel I'm going to choose."
"It would be really tricky for a Jin to pop out of a vessel these days and try to get someone to make three wishes."
"Pot de creme is a delicious baked custard that is made inside some sort of little covered vessel AKA pot."
"When there is a need for the anointing and flow of the spirit we must draw out of the Earthen vessels the Lord has given us."
"This might sound really strange to you but I'm not me anymore, okay? I'm not wife, I'm not mother, I'm not daughter, I'm not even friend. I'm just a vessel."
"How God can supernaturally take a part of himself in the person of the Holy Spirit and put it into these broken Earth vessels, it's like we have this movement of God happening right now in our midst inside of this broken vessel."
"The H6 is a perfect tender or second vessel and has been a game-changing addition to the OYZ fleet."
"The level of utility that the H6 provided meant that it was immediately elevated to our primary reconnaissance vessel."
"Our bodies are not to be objectified, we are to use our bodies as vessels of the Holy Spirit."
"What went into achieving such a phenomenal vessel."
"We learned so much about our own vessel and the things that we can do to maintain its integrity for years to come."
"Your body is a vessel, a vehicle through which God works."
"The heroes had won and everything was good until Boruto appeared as the vessel for Momoshiki."
"You're a vessel that can house light."
"A small vessel is what we rode the open waters on, a beautiful ship by the name of Saint Marie."
"God saved your life, and you saved your life. All I was was a vessel."
"A quarter of a million spectators lined the shores, bidding a fond farewell to this magnificent vessel."
"It's a real honor to be here, it's a wonderful vessel to be on."
"Let this earthen vessel house the glory of God."
"Tajin is the vessel, and then a lamb tagine is a stew."
"It has been a remarkable day, a remarkable ship."
"It's all God, honestly. I feel like I'm just a vessel."
"My name is ship Edinburgh Castle, and may God bless her and all who sail in her."
"Your body is just a vessel and the shell for you to get your purpose across."
"I am a vessel of unlimited potential, perpetually filled with opportunities."
"May I be a peaceful vessel for Your love."
"Welcome to our boat, this is Evandestat Norman 40. She was built in Amsterdam."
"The power of heaven, the power of a kingdom can be built through my frail vessel because God lives in me."
"It's not just a hunk of metal; it's a ship full of 50, 60 souls."
"After more than three decades, a monstrous seacraft left to rot in the Caspian Sea was finally hauled away."
"My body is a golden chalice for the spirit of the Living God."
"Bless us now from Heaven, Lord, not that we could consume such blessing selfishly upon ourselves, but rather so that we can be your vessels."
"The Holy Spirit's just looking for vessels."
"Ace was a gorgeous ship, seven years in the making."
"We came across a vessel this morning, first light, that we saw that wasn't in distress and was waving a red flag."
"Whatever body I'm in is just a vessel. What's important is the essence that's inside your soul."
"Well, there she is, the name of the boat is Ancestral Salute, she's a 1989 CT 56."
"The Mary Celeste moored in New York at Pier 50 and she was made ready for yet another Atlantic Crossing in her career."
"God uses you, you're a vessel of the divine."
"The most luxurious vessel he has ever been seen on was the one known as Aquila, one of the most expensive and stunning yachts in the world."
"He was just the vessel that was used to save all of them."
"I gotta admit, that is one beautiful ship."
"I'm about God using us as a vessel."
"I am a vessel for the vision that flows from my higher self."
"I'm so happy that God was able to use me in your life as a vessel, and now you're experiencing the same exact freedom that I've experienced."
"God is still getting ready to use you as a vessel to fight they Giants and they not even knowing."
"The most famous Gagarin class vessel was the USS Grow, named after the legendary Peruvian naval hero Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario."
"Your body is just a vessel to get you through life."
"More and more of those things are taken away from me, the more I can be empty and be a vessel."
"Welcome to the Gilded Wing, Pride of the Castilian Navy."
"The boat was alive for moments just to save the crew."
"Boat is a vessel that transverses the water."
"R Pig was a sunken fishing trawler that was stripped out and ready for the scrapyard. She's just completed a 10-year rebuild that's brought her back to life."
"She being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel."
"I'm the vessel; I can feel the energy."