
Offline Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"We have everything offline, so if the internet goes down, whether that be Wikipedia, Wikihow, whatever you need, you're good to go."
"There's tons of weird cool games out there waiting to be played and they don't require an internet connection."
"You can download offline maps for offline usage."
"I really started to enjoy the privacy of being offline."
"Real life isn't just what happens online; sometimes the most significant wins are unseen."
"Even without Wi-Fi, you can still have a good time playing the dinosaur game in your browser window."
"There is nothing like real life when you come offline and experience something like this in real time; you can feel the love."
"I wonder what a 10 out of 10 is anyways. I'm just gonna download it offline now and I'm gonna imagine us swindling through the Rubicon in the Mini Cooper whenever I don't have service. That's going to be my new daydreaming."
"It’s just great to step beyond the impersonal digital nature of internet personas and chill together as real people face to face, even if only for a few minutes."
"The cheetah and cheetah Pro does support offline mapping and navigation which is a big win."
"You can still have AI supported services without an internet connection."
"If you're not a big fan of cloud printing, you can print completely offline using the USB drive."
"All this work can be done entirely offline, airplane mode works on the ground."
"Logseek is also a completely offline solution."
"The only way you can really protect is to adhere fully to the concept of 'you need to be offline.'"
"I've just had way better friendships that are based on reality, not based through a screen."
"So now that we're set up, now that we have the app that we need and this device is fully offline, we're going to open up the app."
"You're never going to get that 3am conversation you have with someone over a beer where they're bawling their eyes out and telling you how they really feel about the world you're just not going to get that online."
"I think there's a healthy amount of life lived not being on the internet."
"The holiest people I know are not online."
"Merton offers a vision beyond digital communion, inspiring deeper offline lives."
"Seeing the trails is not quite enough; you want to be able to see those things while you're completely offline."
"There's just a big difference between online communication and offline communication."
"Sometimes when we're offline, the conversations are actually much more sincere; they're much calmer."
"I have honestly been enjoying not vlogging... I have lived a beautiful normal life off the internet and it has been fantastic."
"You can also play the real thing by disconnecting your internet and going on Google Chrome."
"I ended up being so chronically offline, and it felt so good."
"You can download the map to the unit and the next time when you use Google Map, you do not need to connect Wi-Fi."
"The app can be installed on your platform of choice, it can work offline, and it can do push notifications."
"An offline life is a beautiful life. Learn to live one."
"Every time your internet connection is down, Chrome allows you to play this dinosaur game."
"Hey guys, happy Sunday. I've just been a bit offline off the vlog this weekend, just spending time with family, friends, and all of that."
"This feature is really powerful; it's going to allow your members to download their courses so that if they're going offline, they can continue taking the course."
"This is good news because it will take your devices to a local execution mode that doesn't rely on the internet."
"Sometimes you just don't have a connection, maybe you're on a plane and you just want to make some notes to remind you of something later."
"We want our apps to be able to handle situations where our users go offline."
"You can't always find everything online, you just need to get out here and some of the stuff you come across is awesome."
"The advantage of hardware wallets is that all the signing gets done offline on the hardware wallet itself."
"Google Chrome has a secret game that you can play when you have no internet."
"Redcap mobile app can be downloaded and used in any iOS or Galaxy devices for offline data collection."
"If you wanted to do an offline web app with a service worker, you could make something called a PWA."
"With this... we have everything we need to make an offline web app."
"I've been enjoying my life a lot more outside of the internet."
"Running your model in the browser will work offline because you're not communicating with a back-end server."
"I'm using it because I can write these notes without an internet connection."
"I always came up with all my brilliant ideas when I was offline."