
Gut Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The fungal overgrowth can lead to disruption in the tight junctions between the cells leading to abnormal intestinal permeability also known as leaky gut."
"Leaky gut can also present as outward inflammation on the skin."
"It's really important to understand that this is ultimately about building up your gut like a muscle."
"70 to 80% of our immune system is in our gut."
"Our gut microbes play an essential role in maintaining this barrier to protect us."
"The gut is a massive producer of a bunch of things that we've traditionally thought of as neurotransmitters."
"Friends, please always listen to your gut and stay safe out there."
"Inflammation is in the gut, and the goal is to control the inflammation."
"Hippocrates once said, 'All disease begins in the gut.' You're only as healthy as your gut. So the message here is don't ignore gut issues. Healthy gut, healthy mind."
"Your gut health doesn't just affect your digestive system, it also affects your physical health and your mental health."
"If we want to live healthier, happier lives, then it might actually involve getting our guts into better shape."
"The gut microbiome produces neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which make us happy and help regulate our mood and behavior."
"Aim for variety in your diet rather than consistency to optimize your gut health."
"A lot of the communication is actually originating in the gut. So this is why when you have an unhealthy gut littered with parasites, it can lead to a condition like brain fog."
"The types of bacteria we have in our gut and their metabolites are strongly associated with insulin resistance."
"...there is some literature that suggests that diet sodas sure can affect the microbiome but there's also some literature suggesting they affect the gut itself and they look at this in a little bit more reasonable dosages..."
"Alcohol causes leaky gut pretty much every time you drink it."
"Meditation is one of the non-medication ways to strengthen the brain-gut access."
"Glutamine and butyric acid can help repair the gut lining and reduce brain fog caused by ammonia from infections like Lyme or parasites."
"Green leafy vegetables, collagen or bone broth, and reducing animal proteins can help alleviate brain fog and leaky gut symptoms."
"Your body is designed to fight off parasites with high stomach acid, but leaky gut from too many bad carbs can prevent it from dissolving eggs or larvae."
"You can't judge it from across the street or across the table, but I guarantee you that disintegrating ecosystem inside your gut is now going to cause inflammation to rise in your body."
"Think about feeding your gut, feeding your brain, trying to reduce the bad stuff and increase the good stuff."
"It's gut health is kind of everything if you really look at it, right? If your gut's not healthy, then it's throwing something off, which means that you are not in homeostasis."
"Consider following a low FODMAP diet if you suspect gut issues."
"Improving my gut health led to better mood, increased energy, clearer skin, and overall feeling better."
"Fermented foods are a great way to help restore the gut microbiome."
"So in conclusion I think we've hopefully had a good overview of the structure and function of the gut particularly in regard to the nervous system."
"When it comes to gut health, I think a lot of people downplayed the significance of making sure your intestines, your colon, just all of your insides are given the best shot of functioning to their best ability."
"We can't do that if we have a leaky gut. We can't do that until we've healed our gut first."
"M cells transport organisms from the gut lumen to immune cells."
"...it's really the seed of your health. If your gut's not healthy, you're not healthy."
"70% of our immune system lives in our gut."
"The gut is the most influential organ in your body."
"When that microbial balance is disrupted, our gut-related immune function is disrupted."
"The gut contains more serotonin than the brain... our gut function can be affected by bacterial imbalance."
"Charcoal pills, I learned about these in Mexico and I'm obsessed. It's a great natural detoxifier for your gut."
"...those three pounds of microbes in your gut may be more important for determining traits like obesity than every single gene in your genome."
"90% of serotonin in your body is in your gut."
"...our gut is really like our second brain."
"God put this factory in us, fatty acids, things like butyrate, astronomical amount of studies done right now on butyrate that this gut is produced through this gut fermentation by these organisms."
"If you drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning, it's super good for your gut."
"The brain is an organ. If your brain is not right, your gut is not right."
"Your gut is literally like its own ecosystem and you want to make sure that you've got the good guys in there."
"You can prevent a lot of any kind of sicknesses with good taking care of your gut health."
"Chronic inflammation affects the whole body, starts in the gut."
"Your gut is almost like your second brain."
"Your gut is important for the regulation of your immune system, the regulation of your hormones, the regulation of neurotransmitters, and so on."
"All disease begins in a leaky gut."
"70 to 80 percent of our immune system lives in our gut."
"I started using these plant-based capsules and they seriously do wonders for my gut health."
"So much inflammation starts in the gut."
"It's a probiotic drink that's really good for your gut health."
"90% of all autoimmune issues now are tied to the gut."
"90% of all the serotonin in your body is made and produced in your gut."
"The results you get from focusing on the gut with so many conditions, whether it's autoimmune, digestive, or skin issues like acne and eczema, it's just amazing."
"70% of your immune system is in your gut."
"It's fermenting, it's going through all the changes, and that's what's good for your gut."
"We're trying to heal and seal the lining of the gut, help improve the microbiome to the point where you can then be more varied with your diet."
"Most of us have increased intestinal permeability, or otherwise known as a leaky gut."
"Good health is virtually centered on having and maintaining a healthy gut."
"The biggest part of our immune system is located in the gut, the so-called gut-associated immune system."
"A healthy gut is our second brain."
"Your gut is an incredible machine, guarded by a large collection of your own immune cells."
"The gut is really the center of the universe when it comes to the immune system."
"Most of the immune system is housed in your gut."
"A healthy gut helps your mental health, your physical health."
"Everybody should pay attention to their poop; your gut is having a conversation with you when you poop."
"Having a healthy gut is what keeps you healthy."