
Event-driven Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Event Grid is really focused on the idea that... something generating events."
"Spring Boot Starter AMQP: For applications or microservices that rely on event-driven architectures or need asynchronous messaging."
"It's great for very high throughput applications and it's also great for applications that require many subscribers that can potentially be interested in a single event."
"Lambda is a serverless event-driven service that runs your code on demand."
"Serverless really shines in one area which is event-driven patterns."
"Lambda: event-driven service, just write code and run it."
"Lambda: event-driven, serverless computing at its finest."
"There's control loops going in there and making sure that anytime there's an event, things are updated. Feels like real time."
"AWS Lambda: The power of event-based architecture."
"Choreography is really about a flow of events where you'll have one system or service perform some action...publish an event...another system will react to that event...perform some action...publish its own event."
"What the actionable response does then, it listens out for an event being called, and when it hears this event, it causes an action to happen."
"Azure Functions is an event-driven service and it provides compute on demand, and when you're using functions, code and logic that you have, it can run when triggered by events, and it really allows you to focus just on your code itself."
"We think of serverless as event driven."
"Lambda scales automatically based on the incoming event rate."
"Events are a really cool way to kind of open up the ability for potential future consumers, potential future features, to be able to consume the events that you're already emitting, and be able to build on top of those."
"We first have to take some time and understand a JavaScript object that Node.js gives us, and that is the event emitter object."
"It's a very easy idea actually, you could have probably can still have event-driven approaches."
"Event-driven architectures solve several of the problems that we identified earlier."
"When we add an event consumer, no changes need to be made to any producer, thus making extensibility a lot easier."
"Azure functions... it's perfect for event-driven apps or architecture."
"Lambda functions are event-based."
"It's a portable event-driven runtime that is geared towards making development easier."
"We try and push as much stuff to be as decoupled as possible by moving it to being event-based, event-driven architecture."
"This is a clear event-driven architecture, and this is the right way to build amazon.com."
"Event-driven strategies focus on a specific corporate or geopolitical event."
"Events can really help us manage failure instead of trying to avoid it."
"We don't care who is interested in listening to those domain events. As a domain model, we just need to raise that domain event."
"Suddenly Django becomes this much more powerful framework to build event-driven applications rather than just web applications."
"Your life is a program, and it's driven by events."
"Vaadin Flow is a component-based, event-driven framework."
"Azure Functions are perfect when you want to execute something specific in response to an event while not having to think about any servers at all."
"Now I have an event-driven system that allows me to do multiple concurrent calculations within MATLAB."
"The chip itself is non-von Neumann; it's completely event-driven."
"Event-driven applications in a clean, consistent way."
"Use microservices to accelerate development, use an event-driven architecture to maintain data consistency across your microservices, and use Docker to simplify not only the development of your applications but also the deployment."
"Event-driven Network automation proves that Network automation is not only about configuration management."
"Cloud Functions are event-driven. That means your functions listen for an event, once that event is submitted, your function gets triggered which executes the code in your function."
"The focus on events means that the events drive the software, not the other way around."
"The goal with this is to allow developers to focus on functions and their event topics."
"We implement any kind of interaction between the bounded contexts using events."
"Event Grid is super fast which is why it is used in event driven programming or reactive programming."
"Functions really start to shine and it's event-driven."
"Functions really is the same as Web API, just the programming model is event-driven."
"Reactive applications are about fundamentally non-blocking and event-driven architecture."
"When you have a discrete sequence of events that change the system state, you can simply jump to the next one instead of wasting time."
"Event-driven programming is writing code that is going to respond to events that occur in our program."
"Node is evented I/O for V8 JavaScript."