
Full-body Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Welcome back to Move with Nicole. Today's class is a 30-minute Pilates workout that will work the entire body."
"Squatting, deadlifts, dumbbell rows, chest pressing, shoulder pressing, and core work are included in a full-body workout."
"The reason this is called the world's greatest stretch is because we've worked so much of the body."
"Absolutely crushed this workout. Full body hit. Heart rate stays high the whole time. Love it."
"This exercise works every inch of your body."
"The bench press is a total body exercise, honestly."
"Jumping rope... it activates many of your muscle groups while giving you a cardiovascular effect."
"Full body awareness. We're alive from fingertips to toes."
"This is a full body workout; you're going to be working those arms, your core, and your legs."
"Train every single muscle in the body with this fun little 20 minute dumbbell total body workout."
"I hope you enjoy that full body mini ball workout, you can really do anywhere."
"I love kickboxing, it really elevates your heart rate and it works on the entire body."
"The goal here is to build muscle while we burn fat, hitting the entire body."
"It's not really every muscle in your body, but it's one of the closest things you can get to a full body movement."
"Rowing is a great exercise; it incorporates more than 85 percent of the muscles in your body, it's low impact, quiet, and can be done by pretty much anyone."
"You're gonna get a total body workout."
"Hey there, join me for this quick resistance tubing workout that will work every muscle in your body, including those abs of yours."
"We're going to work our total body today, we're going to burn a bunch of calories along the way."
"This entire workout is all low impact, it's full body."
"It's a full-body and balanced workout that can be used with any athletic client."
"We have three rounds of 10 moves that are hitting every muscle in the body."
"The wing will give it to you because it is a full body workout."
"We will get flexibility, mobility, we will get full body - upper, lower, and core."
"See if you can breathe through your entire body here."
"We're going to be toning up your total body."
"We're going to hit the arms, the legs, and the core, all standing."
"We're gonna work the entire body in just 25 minutes."
"We're going to be working full body."
"This exercise incorporates the full body and because it incorporates the rotational plane of movement, it's really great for athletes like tennis players, baseball players, golfers, anybody who rotates in their sport."
"You're using every single part of your abdominals here, from the very top all the way to the bottom."
"That really then would be a full-bodied brain machine interface competition."
"It's using basically your entire body."
"Push-ups are one of those moves you might hate them, but you need to learn to love them because they're going to work your body from head to toe."
"I love this move because it works every single part of my body."
"Entire body working today in giant sets."
"We're going to do lots of compound moves which use the upper and lower body at the same time so we maximize our results."
"Welcome to the ultimate full body workout guide."
"Swimming provides full body resistance as opposed to something like a stationary cycle where much of our body is supported."
"You're working your whole body, all in one."
"This is the number one weight loss for me, okay, when you're doing whole body, whole body calorie burn, a whole body muscle."
"We're coming into that full body crunch."
"You're using your entire body all of the time basically."
"This is really good total body workout here."
"You need to focus on the freeway compound movements and master those to holistically use your entire body as a unit."