
Circle Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Keep the circle of Mythicalness, Mythicality going. Congratulations."
"It's kind of like a circle; where's the beginning of the circle? It's like, well, if we are actually going to draw the circle on a piece of paper, then there's a beginning to it, but conceptually there's no beginning to it."
"The universe isn't a straight line; it's like a circle."
"You are the closest people to your circle, the closest people that you relate to are the people that you're going to be."
"Nothing says 'I keep my circle small' like 'That's because you take up half of the room'."
"People around you, really make sure you get the right people in your circle. It's very important to have the right people in your circle."
"All my relationships are enveloped in a circle of love."
"A jewel without a magic circle drawn can't use magic."
"Life is a circle, so one day Brian could be walking amongst us once again."
"Angles from the same Arc at circumference are equal."
"The angle between a chord and a tangent is equal to the angle in the alternate segment."
"The circle of love is just continuing, it is incredible."
"Arc length of a circle equals radius times theta."
"Pi is in your circle, it's always there, it's always going to be pi radians."
"The farther around the circle you go, the more radians you kind of are crossing on your way around to two pi of those radians, right?"
"All right, everyone get in a circle, you have to sir, yep."
"It's not the diamond, it's the fact that we have no beginning and no end, we're just a circle."
"Keep them out your circle, man, and remember, ain't nobody gonna be more loyal to yourself than you. Till next time, just the one and only, I am, my team frog."
"Try to find somebody in your circle that can watch you, that can help you. Try to help them because you're gonna learn a lot more by trying to help somebody else."
"I don't have a lot of space in my heart. People who are allowed into my circle are normally people who genuinely care."
"Your circle has an area of 12.56."
"Surround yourself with people who are just as motivated and supportive as you can be."
"That's what people got to fail to realize, like keep your circle tight and keep the outsiders out because once you let them in, it's like mold that [ __ ] gonna spread."
"What's the equation of a circle? X^2 + Y^2 = radius squared."
"A circle is completely defined by any three different points on that circle."
"So there we go we have a nice smooth circle we can control the thickness using like the mouse or something and everything looks good."
"When I think of a circle I think of well a circle has a radius and so because our thumb moves in a circular motion we have the radius that connects to the thumb."
"I love how this story has come full circle in such a satisfying way."
"Guard your circle because when you guard your circle you guard your mind."
"Your circle is a direct reflection of you."
"The product of the whole secant length times the part that's outside the circle equals the product of the other secant's whole length times its exterior part."
"The center of the circle is at 2, -2, and it passes through the point 5, 2. What's the equation of the circle? x minus 2 squared plus y plus 2 squared equals 25."
"In a circle, there's no beginning."
"A circle is a circle no matter where you experience it, just as a sphere is a sphere in any dimension."
"The area of a circle is equal to \( \pi r^2 \)."
"Area is pi times the radius squared."
"Area of a sector is like a pizza slice, it's a piece of the area, we take the area of the circle Pi R Squared and we multiply it by that central angle over 360."
"The full circle corresponds to an angle of 2 pi, and the area of a full circle is just pi."
"The equation of a circle is \( x^2 + y^2 = r^2 \), where \( r \) is the radius."
"The equation of a circle is quite beautiful really when you think about it."
"The most important thing about a circle is its center; if we have the center of a circle and if we have the radius, that's basically a circle."
"It feels like my career has gone full circle. Incredible."
"The proper formation of the circle is of the utmost importance and upon it depends the excellence of the phenomena."
"To find the area of a circle, we use the formula: Area equals pi r squared."
"The diameter of a circle is equal to two times the length of the radius."
"To draw a full circle you need to set the start angle as 0 and the end angle as 2 times pi."
"In how many ways can five people stand in a circle?"
"The equation of a circle is \( (x - a)^2 + (y - b)^2 = r^2 \)."
"Circle says hello, hi hi Circle happy face, nice to meet you."
"A circle is the set of all points the same distance from the center."
"A circle is the set of points P the same distance from the center."
"If you see r is equal to a, which is any kind of constant, then you are looking at a circle."
"If you have r is equal to some kind of constant times the cosine of theta, it is a circle."
"In the xy-plane, a circle with radius 2 has center (0,0)."
"The circumference of this circle could be said to be 2πr."
"The equation of a circle is X minus H squared plus Y minus K squared equals R squared."
"What is the area of a circle whose circumference is 16 pi?"
"Water doesn't have to be boring. Turn it up with Circle."
"When we frame something with a circle, a circle tends to bring your eye from one point to the rest of the point; it travels all the way around, and I really love that."
"It's a circle of galactic nonsense."
"The area of the sector is always a fraction of 360 times the area of a circle, πr²."
"You've got two points on this circle, and they create an angle in the center here together."
"The equation of a circle is given by x squared plus y squared equals r squared, where r is the radius."
"The angle at the center is always twice the angle at the circumference."
"The curvature of a circle of radius a is one divided by the radius."
"What geometric shape do you know that has only a fixed value of r, or a fixed radius and every other measurement is fluid? That is a circle."
"We have an equation in polar form, we put into rectangular form, and I did a little preview or review...of showing you that this is the equation of a circle."
"The circle is a powerful symbol, organic to the universe and most of the civilizations within it."
"The circumference of a circle is equal to two pi times the radius."
"The circumference is the distance around a circle."
"You will have the perfect size circle every time."
"Life had certainly come full circle in the best way possible."
"Equivalent diameter is the diameter of a circle whose area is the same as the contour's area."
"The measurement all the way around the circle is called the circumference."
"This is a circle shifted to the right three units with a radius of three."
"For cosine T, for sine T, based on the last example that we did, what do we think this will give us? A circle."
"The area of a circle of a sector is theta over 360 multiplied by pi radius squared."
"The area of a circle is given as Pi r squared."
"If we have a locus of a point that's exactly 4 centimeters from this fixed point, we will get a circle."
"The locus of a point will be a line, and if it's a fixed distance from a fixed point, it will always be a circle."
"The definition of a circle is it's all the points that are a fixed distance, the length of the radius, away from a fixed point, the circle's center."
"A circle whose center is at the origin and whose radius is r will always have an equation x squared plus y squared equals r squared."
"The area of a whole circle is PI R squared."
"The area of a sector is theta over 360 multiplied by PI R squared."
"The arc length is the fraction of the circle we have theta over 360 multiplied by 2 PI R."
"X squared plus Y squared equals one is going to be an amazingly important thing."
"A circle is defined as the set of all the points that have a specific distance from the center."
"The equation of the circle, x squared plus y squared equals the radius squared, is very closely tied to the Pythagorean theorem."