
Daughter Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"My daughter is going to walk today and I have a plan."
"I'm always gonna be your little girl."
"She was everything you could ask for in a daughter."
"All I ever wanted was family, and I can't think of a better way to start my family than to call you my daughter."
"I now live with my ten-year-old daughter, Amy."
"Every morning I wake up, I have an excitement to see my daughter or talk to my daughter or be around my daughter."
"I want my daughter to know I'm a good guy."
"Raising a daughter sometimes feels like being hopped up on espresso."
"She's the daughter of one of the most prominent knights in the Empire, so she's not weak."
"I could never hurt the man that my daughter loves so much."
"...my heart breaks for my daughter I wish none of this had happened but I am astounded by her maturity and resilience."
"Here's your annual reminder of what an amazing daughter you have."
"I have a little girl who will be two when this one's born. Her name is Brooklyn. Brooklyn, and she's the cutest girl in the world. Cutest girl in the world."
"What are you going to do when you get out of here? See my daughter, huh? Go see my daughter."
"She had everything in her life that she ever wanted. She had a house, she had a husband, she had a son, but the one thing she didn't have was a daughter."
"Candace's daughter Natasha said something that's really [__] true."
"I had my daughter by myself. My family could not get there. He was not there."
"His daughter is truly exceptional."
"King Midas watched in horror and shock as the gold encased his daughter."
"If somebody gave you some kit of all the parts to make a daughter she would be it."
"I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is so good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me."
"The best thing that ever happened to me at 31 was giving birth to my daughter. She changed my life for sure."
"You're the a-hole. You do realize your daughter could start her period any day now, or anytime in the next two years, and all your wife did was pee on a stick and talk about hormones and fertility cycles."
"They are expecting their first child, a daughter to be named Elle."
"My daughter's uh very gifted in the hospital."
"We started with our daughter, and then we got four Anatolians. It was like the biggest family project ever."
"Joel saves Ellie because he desperately does not want to lose another daughter. There is no point. He doesn't want to lose the first daughter either, and both of those are classified as his loved ones."
"It's kind of like a daughter whose parents get divorced and her dad goes on a date with a new woman."
"What sound or noise do you love? My daughter waking up in the middle of the night, smacking her lips together because she's hungry."
"Life is Beautiful and one thing my daughter has taught me is life is just such a gift and such a beautiful gift and like life's worth living."
"I remember you always wanted a daughter and it happened."
"I have a new daughter. Family time is super important right now."
"My daughter's better than acid 100%."
"You need to love yourself first before I introduce you to one of my beautiful daughters."
"I want to be able to go forward and have the wedding and have our daughter walk down as the flower girls like we planned."
"Seeing her daughter be the one to make her look at what she was doing and change how she reacted to help and show her that accepting help doesn't."
"The idea of being concerned about his daughter dating someone who respects women is a surprisingly refreshing change of pace."
"I think the greatest liberation I had now was my daughter."
"Thank goodness I am so relieved, and do you want to know why? It is because I will be getting to spend some quality time with my daughter, the one that I love."
"You are not just anyone, you are my daughter."
"I love that his daughter is openly recognizing how good he is at break dancing, 'cause he objectively is, even though he's also objectively a piece of [__]."
"As their daughter was born in Ireland, she has an Irish birth certificate."
"If what Kendrick said is true, his message to his daughter could actually save her one day."
"Being a new father now with your daughter like it I want when my daughter came into this world bro I immediately wanted everything great in this world for her like it just changed immediately."
"Do you remember your daughter's conception?"
"...perhaps none were better suited for this job than his daughter herself stephanie mcmahon."
"I don't want to leave because of our daughter. But that's not the fact. I don't want I don't want to leave because of our daughter. I don't want to leave because of these eight years that I've spent trying to make this work."
"She's the daughter of Alfred and Elswith, strong, brave, and intelligent."
"Your daughter knows she has the right to become whatever she wants."
"Wow, that's my daughter, yeah that's my girl."
"Isn't this the cutest little thing? I got a daughter looking for one, I might send her a picture."
"My daughter's favorite person in the whole world. I thought that was really lovely."
"Success means raising my daughter in a healthier environment, surrounded by loved ones."
"I'm impressed that your daughter has the knowledge and the confidence to participate in your videos."
"Well, Your Honor, I really do hope, you know, this is not about me, this is not about Mr. Salinas, this is not about my mom, this isn't about anybody in this room except for my daughter Lily." - CANTU
"Honestly, I first heard about chopped cheese from my daughter who just started working in Harlem."
"This is how you really and truly should feel as it pertains to your daughter."
"No price was too high for his daughter's happiness."
"I couldn't have asked for a better daughter."
"I'm gonna do what I have to do to protect my daughter."
"More people loving my daughter is a good thing."
"Is there anything so wondrous as a daughter?"
"My daughter turned two this year when she was born, my husband and parents cried and thanked me."
"I'm living happily, and my daughter, who came into my life when I had almost given up, has made my life shine brighter."
"Your daughter is your reward, your blessing, your gift."
"I cannot see any other person if she's next to me I can simply make a choice if I have to choose one person and that is going to be my daughter end of story."
"Nothing was more important to him than his daughter."
"The word daughter means acceptable to God."
"My daughter 16 Megan just finished her cancer treatment she's lost her hair in the process and she's been incredibly insecure because of it."
"Three compliments for your daughter: three. That's impossible. She's smart and beautiful and she's talented and she's kind."
"You are my daughter whether you like it or not."
"Their daughter had become a dream fairy."
"Our daughter Aubry is smart, pretty, and very talented. She's a parent's dream come true."
"She told me that she felt like a babysitter more than a daughter, which hurt my heart for Rory."
"Be thankful that you have this amazing daughter."
"My daughter Alisa Navaro was missing since September 15th, 2019. She has been found safe."
"What better example could you set for your daughter than showing her what a woman in her own power looks like?"
"You're just doing what's best for your daughter, and that's what matters."
"Sopia, thank you for being my daughter up to this point."
"We have a daughter, Mr. Dollar. Her name's Eugenia, Genie we call her."
"He loves her much more than she thinks."
"She was the best daughter any parents could ask for."
"Oh what a day, lovely, this is everything I dreamed about having a daughter and more."
"I'm always going to be your daughter."
"There's nothing like having a daughter."
"The support you have for your daughter is unconditional."
"You have a daughter now. Won't you do anything to protect her?"
"Vanessa is an example of a good daughter and often appears as a picture of innocence."
"My daughter is Jamie Guttenberg; she is forever 14, and she is amazing still."
"I will be a fantastic daughter, that's number one. A fantastic daughter."
"For all intents and purposes, that is his daughter."
"Having a daughter is God's way of giving you a best friend for life."
"I've wanted a daughter for, I don't know, forever."
"I just want to say something about my daughter again; she's become an example in a church."
"I told her she was giving our daughter too little credit."
"As long as I'm going home with my daughter, that's what I care about."
"You'll always be my beloved daughter, do you understand?"
"The good news is that my daughter is, without question, the happiest person I know."
"I always wanted a daughter, I'll adopt her if that's all right."
"I'm so unbelievably proud of our daughter."
"People were staring at this mannequin because she looked exactly like Pascuala's deceased daughter."
"It's a celebration of our beautiful amazing girl."
"My daughter's the most special thing to me in this world."
"You're the best daughter ever in the world."
"Olivia Owen was once a loving daughter, student, and athlete."
"There's something really pure about a daughter."
"Lisa Marie Presley was absolutely the love of Elvis's life."
"You're having a daughter like we're having a daughter."
"She's the world to us, she's our little girl."
"You're the best daughter in the whole world," said Mom.
"I can't tell you how grateful I am for my daughter, Amber."
"We love having a daughter. She's like a girly girl. That's what we love the most about it."
"I'm so pumped that I got a daughter man. Like I get to be a girl dad."
"I have a beautiful daughter that has feelings."
"My daughter, she deserved justice; she really does deserve justice."
"Having you for a daughter makes me happier than you'll ever know."
"I want my daughter to have a voice."
"She's always going to be our precious daughter, and we'll never let her go."
"You made me proud to be your daughter."
"My family was everything to me, and my daughter was my world."
"I'm so lucky to have my daughter there."
"I wanted a daughter because I felt like that was gonna help me understand more."
"I swore if I ever had a daughter we'd be best friends."
"For me and my daughter, our mutual healing had begun."
"You don't have to say it like that, Sayo. You and I may not be related by blood, but I still think of you as my precious daughter."
"I'm just so happy that I'm having a daughter."
"I've never felt happiness like the moment I thought I was having a daughter."
"I'm not leaving him, we have a daughter."
"I'm so happy to have been born your daughter."
"He had a beautiful daughter, a beautiful daughter young girl, he loved her thoroughly."
"My daughter is a huge inspiration to me."
"It's not a love as far as passion is concerned, but a love that a daughter has for her daddy."
"Happy birthday to the best daughter ever."
"It is a blessing to have a daughter."
"My whole world in one little girl."
"Me and my daughter used to be best friends; we did everything together, and she truly was the light of my life."
"Having a daughter is like having a little best friend that thinks you're rich."
"I can't wait to meet my daughter, and that is what keeps me out of that fear, pain, tension cycle."