
Palace Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"What a ginormous house. This is my royal palace."
"How close can you get to the palace? The palace... Why, ever heard about cards?"
"It was a pleasure palace, an impregnable fortress, and a technological marvel."
"When they arrive at the palace, she discovers a large number of young ladies gathering."
"Blenheim is the only non-royal house in the UK to bear the title Palace and also enjoys UNESCO World Heritage Site status."
"Henry VII made a great statement about how magnificent his new Palace is."
"We didn't all grow up in a palace."
"This is the perfect end to our three days in a major brick-built palace that had been lost for 300 years."
"A palace can become a hell, and the worst hell is that where one suffocates behind gilded windows. Titles count for nothing; a bad household is a bad household."
"The palace was designed to be Phillip's Versailles, to help establish a new dynasty, the Bourbons, and it's big, over 2,000 rooms."
"The prince brought her back to the palace."
"Alfred Waterhouse was the architect responsible for this amazing building, a palace of nature."
"The palace's gardens are not devoid of artistic details either delicate marble statues depicting mythical creatures and historical figures are strategically placed amidst the Lush Greenery."
"And just the construction and even the ventilation systems and the way that they allowed light into the palace, wow."
"She woke up in her family's Palace her father and Xander were sitting by her bed."
"The magistral Palace is the beating heart of the institutional life of the Knights."
"She said she has a palace in France."
"The one excellent thing about having Bic collegium right on the grounds of the palace was that there were always fine musicians available at a moment's notice."
"A visit to the New York Cafe is like having tea or coffee in a palace. Lots of people flock to this restaurant for the picture-perfect setting and ambiance."
"$30 million palace with its very own water park."
"This is amazing, this palace can hold so many figures."
"King Louie had a problem with people constantly raiding his palace."
"Every now and then they thought they were going to come out into an open place and see what sort of country lay around that enormous palace, but each time they got into another courtyard."
"This is one of the most beautiful palaces here."
"The facade of the house resembles a real palace of a lucky king."
"She looked away, begging him to promise her to treat her properly in the palace."
"The ruins of Knossos cover a massive area of about six acres, at one point the walls stood at least five stories tall."
"The palace was far from complete, but its transformation from York Place into Whitehall Palace was already being recognized."
"The aim being to produce a palace to rival anything in Europe."
"Can anyone, even a rat, enter Great Xi's Royal Palace at will?"
"The large and splendid Al-Azem Palace dates back to the 18th century."
"Look at this for a palace, that might be the craziest looking palace that I've ever seen."
"I don't think we've ever been in a palace where each room is so different."
"The city of King just built on a mountain in a huge Palace, it is wow."
"Whitehall, which became one of the largest palaces in Europe, was conceived as much by Anne as it was by Henry."
"The castle walls surround the entire inner Palace."
"Such is the significance of this hallowed platform, even palace insiders are in awe of it."
"What a beautiful, beautiful palace."
"This is one of the biggest palaces in Europe."
"The palace was built a very long time ago, around the 8th Century BC."
"Emperor, remember this. In the palace, the descendants come first."
"The palace with an area of 200 thousand sq.m. entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world."
"Wish for a beautiful palace for yourself with a garden and all else that pertains to it."
"Before the bells and drums stop, the sun has risen. This is the first Spring in Zhaoyang Palace."
"These days we've got a happy event in the palace."
"Everything in this palace was intended to impress guests."
"I don't want to leave the palace anymore. I also don't want to get married."
"Her palace was named after her biggest hero, Achilles."
"Buckingham Palace has exactly 775 rooms and it has the largest private garden in all of London."