
Ineffable Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I can't quite put into words how beautiful it is."
"No words can describe this, the only emotion is through my eyes."
"The English language does not have a word to describe that light."
"It's very difficult to put into words, but it just is so life-changing."
"The excitement within me is unreal, I can't put it into words."
"God loves you so much he's like not if you I can't even put into words."
"Your love has done something for them that they can't express, they can't explain. Words can't come, you know, into the forefront."
"It was like hell honestly in the sense that you could have never imagined something so horrifying and evil that it really is ineffable."
"I literally can't describe it and put it into words."
"It's just gets you. It's undescribable."
"I was so happy I can't express it at all in words."
"It was an indescribable experience."
"The English language doesn't contain the words I need to describe how I feel about this title card."
"Things do look different on the other side of this as well... But it turns out things are just fine, things are just completely okay really, but in a quite ineffable way, it's not something I can give you a reason for."
"God is love, and we will never be able to fully explain love."
"Words can never contain as music does that unsavable grace."
"I can't explain it, so it's just, you gotta experience it yourself."
"It was so awesome so wonderful really cannot explain it you can only know when you feel it."
"There's no words that I can use in any language that'll tell you what it's like."
"It just had to be there; you aren't really able to explain what happened because I think it's ineffable and almost accidental."
"The highest knowledge is unutterable, for it exists as an entity in planes which transcend all material words or symbols."
"The world is full of beauty that can't be captured in photos or picture books."
"Not one word will do these thousands and thousands and thousands of words justice."
"A sense of profound connection and unity that defied description."
"There's no one word or one phrase that could ever completely express the love I have for you."
"When you try to wrap an intellectual understanding around this ineffable stuff, that's what it sounds like."
"Experiences are beyond conceptualization."
"Everybody could feel it but nobody could describe it."
"Where there is the Tao, it cannot be described, articulated. The knowledge that cannot be articulated is the Tao."
"The beauty of it is just very difficult to put into words."
"To be human is to feel a deep gravitational pull towards something ineffable."
"the way it turns in it's Indescribable I cannot describe it to you"
"I literally have no words to describe that, other than that's divine."
"What's ineffable mean? Can't be put into words. Like, uh, seeing those tops hit the ground."
"At its best, Melville's writing, like the world to which it testifies, is in a continual process of resolution, ceaselessly hinting at things that are too ineffable to capture and too attractive not to pursue."
"You have no idea, honestly I cannot explain it to you, there will never ever be an emotion to explain to you just what you make me feel like, I can't, I actually can't."
"I didn't think I was gonna like him as much as I did but there was just something like... I don't know there's something ineffable about him and I just I love it."
"...it evokes something that's kind of you can't say it in words but it just gives you a feeling right um."
"That is a feeling that you can't even put into words."
"Some things in this world just don't need words."
"The word ineffable is fancy philosophical lingo to describe something that is so great and so above comparison that the very construct of human language is not capable of describing it."
"I don't think you can really explain falling in love with someone like I don't think you can explain in like a paragraph through Instagram."
"Everything was unconditional love, but it's absolutely totally beyond description. It's so stunning, unconditional love, it's so stunning that it can never really be described."
"I can't even like explain how nice it was."
"God is greater than all language, and no statement can express him."
"I love you more than words can explain because I don't know how to explain it."
"The past is ineffable, you can't 'if' the past."
"You know, I really can't put it into words the feeling that that I just experienced."
"You cannot give it a definition like other things because you destroy it when you put it into words."
"You can't call it anything. This can't be named. It's undefinable. Unknowable."
"I'm not sure if words can describe how amazing this track is to me."
"Words could not express how dearly he loved her."
"how do you put it into words how do you summarize it you know it's just a smile on the face it's a big smile on the face perfect"
"Most events are unutterable, consummating themselves in a sphere where word has never trod, and more unutterable than them all, are works of art whose life endures by the side of our own that passes away."
"There's not even words can't even describe."
"There's just nothing else. There's no way to describe it."
"The happiness of heaven defies all telling."
"Mystical is just something that happens beyond words, simply cannot be described for words, ineffable."
"I was being held in a way that's truly ineffable. I've never experienced being held in this lifetime the way that I was held there."
"This whole experience is indescribable."
"My mother was simply indescribable."
"Ultimate happiness which cannot be expressed in language."
"I exhausted all the words, couldn't describe her beauty."