
Sunny Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Dubai weather in the pros of living here... it's always sunny."
"Conditions are set, it's going to be sunny."
"Happy Saturday, no freaking way it's sunny!"
"Let's hit the road, let's go! It's really sunny, it's really beautiful, and I'm excited for where we're going tonight."
"I just watched Sunny for the first time."
"It's actually Sunny outside today!"
"Prepare for a storm when it's sunny."
"Sun's out guns out and that's the way you want to start championships Sunday."
"It's a lovely sunny day for a cycle ride!"
"It's a nice sunny day here in Texas. It is 70 something degrees today. Beautiful."
"It was so sunny I don't think it's going to last it's still drizzling a little bit but hopefully it clears up a bit."
"Welcome in to the vlog, it is a beautiful sunny Saturday."
"Hey, it's sunny and it's nice beach day and it's 80 degrees and we're gonna, it's okay."
"This one is just so sunny and cheerful."
"Good morning from the sunny fairy Meadows."
"It's sunny and I'm appreciating the details."
"It's so wild to think about. Two billion hours of Sunny had been watched."
"Tomorrow's forecast called for cool weather and wind, but it was also supposed to be nice and sunny."
"There are 300 sunny days per year in Greece."
"We have a pool where you can sit and enjoy, typically the sunny weather we have here in Florida."
"Good night, Susan." "Her name is Sunny."
"Really nice sunny day today, really nice. They got a kids playing area down there in the distance."
"It's nice that we've got a sunny day for this."
"It's very sunny but also windy, which is like the perfect weather in my opinion."
"We're going to take advantage of this gorgeous sunny day and get this project knocked out."
"Oh, it's a lovely sunny day today."
"Cyprus is warm and sunny about seven months of the year."
"Hope you're well and welcome to Amersham on this absolutely beautiful sunny day."
"Good morning, good morning, it's a bright and sunny day."
"It's a beautiful day, a little over 80 degrees and the sun shining."
"Memories are sharper, colors are brighter, events are more important, and a life can be changed forever in the course of a sunny afternoon."
"We're in Denmark, it's really, really sunny and beautiful here."
"It's just such a beautiful day today, it's sunny and beautiful."
"It does smell a little bit like a sunny day but there is this strong masculine kind of mossy woodiness grounding the scent."
"Weather feels amazing; it's kind of cool and crisp, but the sun is permeating."
"Getting ready on the rooftop when it's sunny is such a vibe."
"It's warm and sunny, which is very pleasurable and happy to be on the show today."
"It's a nice bright sunny start here in Labadee, probably around 80 degrees."
"It's early November, 40° out and sunny in the afternoon, so we're going to take advantage of it."
"I'm so lucky that it's sunny up there so I can try all this on for you."
"It's a beautiful day here in sunny Cheshire."
"It's sunny and we have some nice clouds."
"It's a sunny, it's a little tropical, it's brighter and more upbeat than any of their other records."
"Everybody taking a nap and the sun is out, it's delicious."
"It's a beautiful day, super sunny outside."
"It's chilly this morning, but it's going to go up in the low 60s today and be sunny."
"Hope you're well out and about on a gloriously sunny winter's day."
"This is one of my favorites actually, really enjoying this ride, nice and relaxing, and even better when the sun's shining like today."
"See you here in sunny South Africa."
"It's a bright, beautiful, sunny, and exciting day here at Toast HQ."
"I'm enjoying this beautiful sunny morning; it's about the fourth day in a row it's been super sunny here in central Ontario, Canada."
"It's beautiful and sunny, but a little windy and a little chilly out today."
"I remember it being a beautiful sunny day at the village."
"It's a bright sunny day, it is warm enough to not need a jacket."
"It is a sunny city, a warm city, a green city, but the big surprise is that this city is probably the most underrated vacation city in all America."
"The weather today is absolutely amazing, we have perfectly blue sky, the sun is shining."
"It's been really warm and sunny, so we've been making the most of it."
"It felt sunnier, it felt more uplifting."
"It's a perfect day for having fun; we'll run and play out in the sun."
"It's a beautiful day outside; it's sunny, it's hot as usual in Houston."
"It's actually sunny for today, so we're going to get out and make the most of it."
"Our weather report's beautiful and sunny tomorrow."
"It's finally bright and sunny outside."
"It's very sunny today, as you can see we have come to the happiness Museum."
"It's a beautiful day, it's so hot here in Nairobi, Kenya."
"Good morning! How is everyone doing on this super-duper sunny Saturday?"
"It's lovely and sunny outside today, so I'm very bright and bubbly."
"It's great to have you, I'm coming at you from sunny beautiful Northern California."
"I absolutely love London when it's sunny."
"It's bright and sunny out here and not a cloud in the sky."
"Sun's out, baby. Beautiful day in San Diego."
"This is a great place to go, the weather is fantastic, not a cloud in the sky, everybody's having a good time."
"I would love to be out there on a boat just relaxing and spending a beautiful sunny day."
"The sun was shining brightly up to just a few moments ago."
"Sunny day, sweepin' the clouds away"
"Our town is called Sunny Sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea."
"It's 24 degrees, sublimely warm, just an eight-kilometer-an-hour wind, just enough to take the edge off it, and it's beautifully sunny."
"Tuesday mostly sunny, less humid with highs in the upper 80s."
"It's so sunny out, it's currently 76 degrees out, and it's gonna be like in the high 70s for the next few days which is so nice."
"Fortunately, we got really lucky on the weather, it's a bright sunny day."
"They always enjoyed sunny days that warmed everyone's hearts."
"It's going to be really sunny this weekend, so I'm just going to sunbathe and read."
"It's called Sunny Sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea."
"It's a nice hot sunny day here at Legoland Windsor Resorts."
"The sun is out 90% of the time here in Puerto Rico."
"Tired of the stressful pace of modern life? Come to a third world spa and enjoy the relaxed, sunny atmosphere."
"It's been a lovely little wholesome few days in the sun."
"It's 84 Fahrenheit, 30 Celsius, completely sunny, no chance of rain. Nice, that sounds good."
"It's a nice sunny day today, we're actually going to be doing some different type of work here on the homestead."
"It's going to be a really nice sunny day today."
"We touch down in Malibu, honestly sunny day."
"I have something big and awesome and fun to share with you finally on a bright sunny day."
"It's a beautiful sunny day here in Florida, a little bit windy."
"Soak up the sun. Oh my gosh, I love the butterfly one."
"Enjoying a drink and the nice, oh it's so sunny, spring weather."
"She's just got the most sunny personality."
"We're on the sunny side of the mountain."
"It's another beautiful sunny day outside."
"I'm going for a nice light background, implying that it's a beautiful sunny day outside."
"We woke up today and it was beautiful and sunny and no snow at all."