
Strings Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Bracket notation is a way to get a character at a specific index within a string."
"Strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered once created."
"Strings in C are nothing but character arrays."
"All the functions for string manipulation in C, expect that strings will be null terminated."
"I like the intros you know, like the strings are cool."
"When you have all of those strings in conjunction, you have full freedom."
"Strings are immutable. Strings cannot be changed after they are defined and assigned a value."
"Strings are like tires on your car—where do you want to change tires depending on what you're doing, right?"
"Strings follow the same order of operations as numbers."
"Template strings have another special feature called multi-line strings."
"All these strings have been pulled, all this manipulation through the timeline has been done."
"Stay Rusty and keep exploring the power of Rust strings!"
"No one's ever figured out if it's got twice as many strings why it takes at least three times as long to string them."
"But what you're seeing now is every time I change the tension on a string, the Springs compensate and the other strings Go Out Of Tune."
"When you want your string to contain dynamic information, or if you want your string to contain variables, you need to use double quotes."
"The strings, wow, they're just unbelievable, the way they sound is fantastic."
"So hopefully, that kind of gets you up to speed with why strings are awesome and how they're useful."
"...with my fingers on the strings it felt as if I was in control."
"if you expect some fancy strings in your code and you want the length of a string in the number of characters you can import the built-in package Unicode utf-8 and call the Rune count and string function."
"F strings: embed expressions or variables inside strings."
"...instances of strings are themselves objects and those objects come therefore with these functions built in, AKA methods, that allow us to do things..."
"I was determined to kind of make the drums feel good and make the strings sound authentic."
"Strum all the strings. Ah, that sounds so pretty!"
"Strings can make a world of difference."
"Strings do make a difference on the tone."
"...we're only really doing two strings in one note."
"... there is this collector called joining, so in the earlier example where you extracted the name of the employees you can just say give me as a string join all these strings using this delimiter which is comma separated values."
"One of the great privileges of a musician's life is to be able to go into Abbey Road and do real strings. It sounds so majestic."
"You can concatenate strings just by putting two strings right next to each other."
"It's really important that I capture all those elements that I'm thinking of in order to translate that into the strings as best as possible."
"Lovely performances, absolutely lovely. I mean, string serenade, what's not to love?"
"For beautiful string playing, they're fun to listen to, they really are."
"He could score a tune for strings with an expressive intensity that nobody, and I mean nobody, ever matched."
"Different kinds of strings do affect the outcome of the sound of an instrument."
"I wish I could say that there's one kind of string that you gotta use, it's the best of the best, but that's really just again personal choice."
"At the end of the day, we all play strings."
"Mixing up your string gauges is one of the best ways to bust out of a rut."
"Strings can do something called concatenation, which is the process of combining two or more strings."
"A capital S string is an owned string that you can mutate, you can push onto, you can add to, you can do whatever you want to it."
"String Theory posits that the elementary particles of the universe are actually one-dimensional strings."
"I love the freshness of the strings on the acoustic guitar."
"Having the choir sound sounding the way it was and also having the strings hanging as good as they did, that really inspired me."
"It was a really good song, and they put in a very angelic choir, very heavenly choir, and a beautifully arranged string operation as well."
"I'm very grateful for both of these strings, I'm genuinely so impressed by the performance of both of them."
"Normalize doesn't change your original string; it will return a new string with the normalization done."
"The brown fluorocarbons are special because I don't know of another company that produces brown fluorocarbon strings other than Worth, and they have a completely unique sound."
"I would love for more people to explore a sound that relies heavily on string instruments and minimalism at its core."
"The puppets are fully aware of the strings being attached to them but they have no idea where they come from."
"We've covered a lot of things on numbers; let's move on and take a look at strings."
"String Theory says that the tiniest building blocks of the universe are not little dots like particles but incredibly tiny strings."
"We have strings because they're kind of a big part, loops also major deal."
"It's really important to understand this stuff because you're probably going to be dealing with strings for the rest of your programming career."
"The logical state of a string only cares about the logical contents of the value, not the representation."
"I use Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Strings exclusively because I think they're the best."
"These strings that Molly created are just absolutely incredible; they invite so much opportunity and creativity."
"Join takes all of the different elements that are in our array and it combines them together into a string with a separator or a delimiter."
"The mandolin and the fiddle are virtually the same, they're strung the exact same."
"I think I would really focus on strings which can really come quite close to a heavy metal sound."
"Formatting is very useful for taking values that you have that aren't strings and then plugging them into a string using a template syntax."
"It's ridiculous for acoustic instruments, it's incredible playing strings and things on it."
"The unit of strings is the smallest you can get."
"Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings."
"String is any word, in technical terms, we call them a collection of characters."
"A string is a data type that stores a collection of characters."
"Strings in Elixir have interpolation, you can do that using a pound and then curly brackets."
"The first character of any string is at index 0."
"Strings are basically a sequence of characters."
"A string is nothing but an array of characters."
"The vibrational patterns of strings are influenced by the twists and turns in the geometry of the extra dimensions."
"Concatenate will basically just take a whole list of strings and it will just merge them into one."
"Join is the same as concatenate except you can add a character between each successive word or string that you're adding together."
"You can also use the plus function to combine strings as well."
"Putting a nicer set of strings on the instrument will take your playing to the next level."
"There's something very special about the sound of the string family; it's a very unique and special sound."
"A string is quite simply a variable that contains the address of a character."
"A string is a sequence of zero or more characters in double quotes."
"In both of those domains, reading texts and also cryptography, strings are going to be the ingredient that we need."
"I love how playful the strings are in those backgrounds."
"Write a function that, given a string, finds the length of the longest substring without repeating characters."
"The most well-developed area of similarity comparison is in string comparisons."
"Strings are just vectors of characters."
"Concatenating is simply joining two or more strings together to form a longer string."
"All we need to know logically to store a string is where does that string begin."
"This is the simplest way to check whether one string contains another as a substring."