
Word Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"Our souls need to eat the word of God."
"When you abide in Him in His word, and you keep His words, He abides in you."
"The Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"By His Word, the world was made and everything in it."
"You need the word, those are supplementary. God's word, the Bible, should always be the main source where we get all of that from. None of that should substitute being in the Bible."
"I want to spread the correct word."
"Imagine how on Earth do you control the life you have? The light you have only comes from the word."
"The Earth is sustained by his word."
"The Earth is sustained by his word. So the word has got strings and pillars."
"The more you know the Word, the more you love the Word, the better you react to trials."
"Twitter is a 19th-century word for an abscess on a horse's foot."
"Imagination as a word is a super special word."
"The world owes its very existence to Jesus, the logos, the Word."
"If you ever let the Word root in your heart, I guarantee it will produce the things that you need."
"They would rather work themselves to the bone with extra days and lost sleep than fail to keep their word."
"When you're saturated in the word and the Holy Spirit, the enemy has no power."
"Sober. That's a strange word to invent."
"Defenestration. I feel like it gets a bad rap, but there is absolutely a time and a place for some good old defenestration."
"For the solidarity of mankind is such that by virtue of the Word's indwelling in a single human body, the corruption which goes with death has lost its power over all."
"Be impeccable with your word and avoid gossip."
"The word of the day is 'fruition'."
"Through him, through the word, God acts. God expresses himself. That word became flesh and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus Christ."
"It's the living word, Jesus, and we read the word to talk to Jesus, to listen from Jesus, and when he speaks and we hear, faith comes."
"Inside the word of God lies God's creative power."
"The word of God is the ultimate healing bomb."
"Now not only are we to listen to Jesus and to look at Jesus, the living word, but this written word also unveils him to us."
"You can interrupt a thought simply by speaking. Jesus responded to Satan's temptations with the Word."
"The word carries the nature of God, encapsulated thoughts spoken from his heart."
"When he created the universe, do you know how he did it? With a word. He just spoke and it was so."
"It has been a profound work of the word and the spirit working together."
"Competition is probably the closest we have to a defining word."
"Out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, signifying the power of his word."
"The difference between Word desktop and Word online is like night and day."
"Word online is like the command center for all your Microsoft applications."
"God's promise is Him. Remember, His word is His deed."
"You love his word, what's happening? Word is seed."
"You've incarnated the word. The scriptures speak of you."
"Make sure the house stands because you didn't just hear the word, you became the word."
"You can't just think about what tradition says, you have to go to the word."
"Jesus himself said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth Man live."
"Do you love the word of God? You can never love him until you love his word."
"And now we have that gorgeous word -- I never thought a word would sound so good. It's called 'total acquittal.'"
"Synantilambanetai – a fascinating word."
"Ronan is fully obsessed with the word love."
"Remove all of that out the line so that the word can have unlimited access to my heart."
"the word of God is the book of discipline"
"When you get discouraged, don't say anything but go to the Word and start encouraging yourself in the Lord."
"...it was the most familiar word in the galaxy a word the figure linked indelibly to all mankind."
"It's been described as one of the most beautiful words in the language, the most beautiful word in the language."
"The Word that has the power. Any sower who sows the Word therefore wields the power."
"God offers us his thoughts and his word, and it's up to us to take them."
"Let's pray. Lord, speak to us now through your word..."
"God uses His Word to prune us and to correct us."
"There's always a way out with you and with your word."
"Refine us through the fire of your word."
"The word bayonet doesn't seem to be associated with those objects [attached to firearms]."
"Probably the most powerful word in clergy and religion."
"The word is 'Evergreen,' and the phrase is, 'In taste, there is no argument.'"
"The first media was simply the word. The word is the medium used by God to communicate."
"Jaguar, huh? Jaguar. Like it's as if it's spelled like 'jagwar'. We say 'jaguar'."
"The Word brings light to absolutely everything."
"The Word is sufficient for salvation. It's sufficient for skill in living, sanctification. It is sufficient to produce lasting deep-down joy and rejoicing."
"My faith is in the word that he spoke."
"Your word shall not be false or vain. If you give your word, make sure that it's taken care of. It should be fulfilled by action."
"This word is a central feature of their lives as young people in the United States."
"God alone is without beginning. At the earliest epoch when a beginning could be, a period so remote that to finite minds it is essentially eternity appeared the Word."
"Beautiful and I'm sorry we do use the word beautiful a lot but most things are beautiful."
"Consistency has been my word this second half of the year."
"You're not even looking at the word you're trying to guess what it's going to be."
"I said, 'The word won't come back void.'"
"Miracles aren't necessary for belief, it's Christ's word that delivers."
"Belief comes from Christ's word alone."
"The scriptures are clear: Jesus is the word of God."
"If you want your faith to be strong, stay in the word."
"Your abilities can be expressed by means of your word."
"God's word shall accomplish, it won't return void."
"If you eat the Word, it will just come out in your conversation."
"The Word of God will unlock your destiny."
"We thank you, O God, that Your word is living and powerful."
"Aloha just genuinely sounds like a happy word for some reason."
"The Word of God's a double-edged sword."
"The grass withers and the flower thereof fades away, but the word of our God shall stand forever."
"Saint John declares, 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.'"
"My word will never return unto me void."
"Your word is truth, it sets us free."
"Now are you clean through the word."
"Did you ever dream... that his word would go around the world, and it is, and it's incredible."
"A sound mind is one that believes the word."
"We are building our church on the word of God."
"Learn to stand upon your pledged word."
"Turning away from the Word of God means turning away from the power of God."
"The word of the Father is the Son, and the word of the Son is the Spirit."
"Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but His word will stand."
"The centerpiece of Protestant worship shifted from the sacrament to the word and the proclamation of the word."
"My word will not return to me empty, it will prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it."
"Whether you believe it or not, the word that I am about to share with you, you actually need and desire."
"What a blessing to see lives being transformed and the power of the word."
"Thy word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin."
"Most important, you stay in His word every day, and His word is a good day, even with trouble."
"If this is all you ever hear, this is all you ever need."
"Jesus Yeshua, He is the Living Word."
"He magnified his word even above his name."
"God is always, and I mean always, faithful to His word."
"Submit to the supremacy of the word as final authority over your life."
"The trigger for everything is the word of God."
"He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully."
"The word of God is very powerful."
"He is the Word. Now John says, 'In the beginning was the Word,' so he's saying, 'In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God the Father, and Jesus was God.'"
"The word of God is not in your Bible, it is in your mouth."
"The word of God is powerful, and the word is our sword."
"It is a word that comes from a Merciful Lord."
"What you do with the word determines how fruitful your life will be."
"Jesus refers to himself as the word."
"To God be the glory forever and once again ask him to speak to you again in this short moment of sharing his word."
"If we were to live by a word, stand on a word, be at home in a word, what word would we choose?"
"I will never look at the word 'elegance' the same."
"The grass withers, the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord remains forever."
"By the living word of God I shall prevail, standing on the promises of God."
"The Word of God is the express image of His substance."
"God's Word works, it is so great."
"The word washes us clean, and we are washed by the word."
"The word is everything... first it was the word, so the word controls flesh."
"God's word still works wonders today."
"Make the word central in your church."
"...the word of the Lord endures forever. Now this word is the word of the gospel preached to you."
"The word is God, and the word of the Lord remains forever."
"The seed of the word of God is growing in you."
"It's always going to be the word, it never changes."
"All things were made by the Word, and all things consist by the Word."
"Well Father, we thank you once again that we can gather together in peace and safety to open your word to us."
"We need to apply the Word three times a day like we would a prescription."
"You've seen the power of God; you've heard the word of God."
"One word from God changes your entire life."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word."
"In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God."
"The implanted word is able to save your souls."
"The word of God is the boundary of his commitment to the believer."
"Turn your focus from the world to the word."
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the application of the Rhema word that we receive."
"Now you're clean through the word which I've spoken unto you."
"God is a God who sends His word and heals His people from destruction."
"It's in the Word of God that we find life because there we find Jesus Christ."
"The word of God is truth, Jesus is the word made manifest."
"Do not let this word ever depart from your ears and your heart."
"Speak to us, Lord, and fill us with divine life by Your Word."
"Through the Word, the world was created; all creation was created through the Word of God."
"He wants the word to work for you."
"The Word of God is medicine for you."
"Because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word."
"Put the word first place; you put the word above everything else."
"The Word of God that saves, not us."
"Words are always first because 'Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.'"
"The word of God proclaimed so that it may be received and lived."
"The secret of its power is the word of God; it is irresistible and creative."
"Why? Because Jesus is the Living Word."
"It's important to keep our hearts and our minds filled with God's words."
"We sanctify You through the Word of the living God in our hearts."
"When the word of God comes in you, it gets made manifest."
"The Word of God is indeed that same one which we preach."
"The Word of God is creative; everything which is uttered by the manifestation of God becomes effective."
"God's word, meaning your inner conversation, it cannot come back void."
"He is the light, and He is the word."
"Let's say the secret word of the day is 'crossroads'."
"It's an incredibly clever idea, basically all we have to do is guess whatever the five-letter word is of the day."
"The word of God will not return back void."
"The only Serbian word that is worldwide, like the word that is known everywhere in the world, is the word vampire."
"It is my pleasure to be in your company once again to give you the unadulterated Word of the Living God."
"You take the seed of God's Word, you plant it in your heart and it just automatically begins to start bringing fruit."
"The Word of God will accomplish in you what God wants to accomplish if you will just give it the priority."
"He has magnified his word above all his name."
"He gave his word to men as a revelation of himself."
"The world of science is this: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"The sword that we're talking about is the word of God, the word in you, Christ in you, the secret place in you."
"Likewise, plant the word and get the word; when we plant the seed of the word in our hearts, the word comes alive in our lives."
"Every blessing of God is conveyed by the Word of God."
"A demon is only as good as his word."
"As the word of God is going forth, your liberty shall be established."
"In the beginning was the word, and it talks about how God brought the world into existence via the spoken word."
"So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth; it will not return to me void."
"God's word is so good that when it is just defended and explained, it radically transforms people's lives."
"Jesus is called the Word of Allah, the Word of God."
"How is it that Mary, a woman, who carries the word in her womb, she birthed the word?"
"He sends his word and heals you and delivers you of all of your destructions."
"Faith doesn't come except through the truths in the reality and the Word of God."
"The Bible is truth... thy Word is truth."
"The marvelous preservation of God's word."
"It is God's Word that changes hearts and lives, not social activities."
"He conquered the wrath not by strength of body, not by force of arms, but by his word he subdued the punisher, appealing to the oaths and covenants given to our fathers."
"When people get a hold of the word and start doing it, my greatest blessing is hearing testimonies."
"The power that brought the world into existence is in the word."
"One word from God can change your life entirely."
"I'm not moving from what the word says, and the word is our final authority."
"Word is the online offering of Microsoft Word."
"The only thing that is exalted above God is His word."
"The seed of the new life is the Word of God."
"The earth and the heaven will be destroyed, but my word will not."
"The word carries life, so contact with the word brings life."
"The word of Our Lord shall stand forever."
"The word implanted can save your soul."
"When people hear the word and the word enters them, the resultant effect of the word that enters a man is salvation."