
Time-consuming Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Editing a video like this takes so much time."
"The battles were epic; they took time and strategy."
"This was really good even though it was a bit overwhelming and super time consuming but you guys it's so worth it."
"It takes me weeks to make one episode, some people think oh you make it in a day, but no."
"It's a genuinely massive game you can sink dozens of hours into."
"...this style do take some time even for me it takes me some time um to do this with all of those curls in it."
"Realistically that took me literally from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and we are ready to eat."
"This might result in a time-consuming part."
"Realism takes so much longer than any other style."
"It is a massive time sync of a kit to build."
"Definitely not an approach for anyone that's in a hurry."
"And making chocolate from scratch takes well over a week."
"Now it's time for the final flip through. This was probably the most time consuming new bullet journal setup that I've ever done, but I had really fun with it and enjoyed drawing and decorating the spreads."
"Do you like it? It took me like an eternity to choose that."
"Canning is just an asset for me although I will say it does take extra time."
"...it took over a year to design and build..."
"This is the biggest Vlog I have ever made I think this has taken 4 months to make this Vlog."
"Counting holes and doing the math can be super time-consuming and tedious."
"If you're doing the kitchen transformation yourself you will find that it is going to take quite a few days to get the process finished."
"Seriously, if somebody did a full breakdown of everything in this film, it would take ages."
"Just wanted to quickly tell you that this video you're watching right now took me a long time to make."
"The build process took me seven months."
"The planning is insane. I mean, I must have spent hundreds of hours."
"Not going to lie, the Megumi fight will take some time."
"Let me know you appreciate these things because they take a surprising amount of time to put together."
"My videos for some reason take so long to edit, like I don't even know why but they do."
"I do want to do more of them, they are very time-consuming to do I won't lie but they are very enjoyable."
"If you've ever built a bike, you know it's... it can be time-consuming, man. But it's all worth it in the end."
"The time involved for just this one sequence overwhelms me."
"It was a 25-minute sequence, and it took 25 days to shoot 25 minutes."
"These videos take a lot of work and they take a lot of time."
"Taking care properly taking care of many plants is very time consuming, it can be overwhelming, often we lose plants simply because we do not have enough time to examine them, provide regular cleaning, trimming, analyze why our plants are not thriving, treat health issues, etc."
"It's just always hard doing craft videos cuz they are the most messy and the most time-consuming."
"It's basically set out over like four separate buildings, you could honestly spend hours there."
"It's a very long process if you haven't done this and you don't know how long it actually takes."
"Don't be tricked by the 22nd TikTok, there is a lot of time involved."
"I'm here to tell you, don't be intimidated by a brisket. It just takes a long time."
"This took a significant amount of time to put together film and edit."
"That's pretty much it it's a pretty straightforward job probably take you at least try three hours to do maybe a little bit longer if you run into any issues but that's pretty much it."
"This does take a lot of time and energy to do even if it's a very simple process."
"You would know if you killed someone like that you would know and also it takes a long time to manually strangle someone my guy"
"This challenge was very time-consuming and labor-intensive but also a ton of fun."
"10,000 pennies to look at, that's gonna take some time."
"If soul food was healthier and less time-consuming, I'd eat it more often."
"I haven't made bread in so long, I forgot how long this takes."
"...unlike a hobby that you do when you want and can start and stop with ease, even the smallest farms will take up far more time."
"I had so much fun doing this, it took a long time but it was worth it."
"What can I spend hours doing? Making one video."
"Yeah, that is so cool, I bet that took so much time."
"For the whole process of this artwork being drawn from scratch to inking to coloring and having it completely done took roughly three and a half hours, so that's real time."
"It has taken a long time to put this video together."
"...quilting is probably going to be the most time-consuming part of this project until you get to the binding, which is always my least favorite part."
"For one person to strangle each family member one by one with a piece of rope would have been time-consuming and would have taken a lot of energy."
"This process here, doing this install, did take the better part of the past three days to do."
"I think there's a lot in this keyboard that can keep you busy for a very, very long time."
"When you do something like this with a four-foot tank, it's not a quick job."
"Oh, it's like a little half an hour job. It's taken us nearly two hours to do that lamp rewire."
"Traditionally this recipe is cooked a lot like a quesadilla. The tacos are cooked in a skillet one or maybe two at a time which takes a long time if you're feeding more than one person."
"if you're going to build a data mesh it's going to take a lot longer"
"it takes a long time to build a data mesh"
"It takes up a lot of time because you do it in the most asinine [ __ ] way possible it takes me way longer to edit than to film that's goofy."
"Making dinner...sometimes especially if it's like a fancy one can take a lot of time and it can be fun too."
"They look like they took a lot of time, and just overall my favorite color blue."
"It's not cheap. It takes an unreal amount of time to be able to install it, set it all up and get it exactly how we wanted it."
"It's a very time consuming process, it's very rewarding."
"Crochet clothes are a little bit more expensive because someone is like hand crocheting it. I watched my brother's girlfriend crochet these little squares to make a blanket and oh my goodness it looked so time consuming."
"The time it takes to make them is anything but tiny."
"This makeup took me, I think like two hours straight, because I just really wanted to sit down and like play with a bunch of different techniques."
"Creating resources like this takes an enormous amount of time and energy."
"It did take quite a while to just fill up that little bit."
"It's gonna take probably about like eight to ten hours to cook, guys."
"This is the largest museum in the world. Crazy. You need a couple of days to see this."
"Things take time, a lot of time, especially so if you end up fully restoring a car when the original plan was just to get it somewhat presentable."
"This takes a lot of time, but it can be really relaxing."
"So much stuff on there, it's like going down a rabbit hole; you will be there for hours."
"Animation takes a long time, and if you want it to look good, it's going to be quite expensive."
"Restoring a coral reef takes a long time, think at least two decades, and that's if everything goes smoothly."
"Sculpting is kind of like the marathon running of art because it does take a little bit of time."
"Knitting really takes up all of my crafting time. I love it, I'm obsessed."
"Editing takes hours and hours and hours."
"This takes seven months to complete. That's insane."
"You might be building one from scratch, that's probably the way it's going to take the longest."
"I had so much fun with this, it took ages but it was just so enjoyable."
"I thought coloring with the digital tools could be done rapidly and in a short time, but it takes several days if you want to do it properly."
"Cleaning up the artwork is a very long procedure that can and most likely will take several hours to complete."
"I had a lot of work to do; this took a long time."
"Great setters and solvers like KNT said it took them three hours to solve."
"I enjoy beading. If I don't enjoy it, it's not something I would waste my time to do because it is very very time consuming."
"The underground structures are so immense that excavating them could take up to 50 years."
"To build a big ship like this is not a five-minute job."
"Making content is not easy at all; it takes a lot of time and it'll mentally drain you."