
Splendor Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"The old Amber Room must have been absolutely glorious."
"The wealth and splendor of this metropolis eclipsed all neighboring cities."
"Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these."
"Her Splendor is the will of the world itself."
"This is so glittery and shimmery and splendid."
"The splendors of the guarded city only continued as one ascended."
"Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent."
"...no one person could hoard this splendor for themselves."
"Know that all opulent, beautiful, and glorious creations spring up from a spark of my splendor."
"This is an era of great splendor, ceremony, the restoration of education, and of learning."
"Clovis could at least flatter himself that he had infused some of the reckless splendor of the East into his mendacity."
"Beauty, splendor, grace, and a never-ending quest for excellence."
"He loved the church that he might present the church to himself in splendor."
"Big enough to be splendid without being oppressively so."
"Christine Day had revealed a new Margarita that night, a Margarita of a splendor, a radiance hitherto unsuspected."
"Blessed are you, Adonai our God, king of the universe, who crowns Israel with splendor."
"God put Adam into the most spectacular Paradise the world has ever seen."
"It's splendid, it's glorious, it's easy."
"The entire scene was one of unimaginable Splendor, worship, and adoration."
"And amid all the splendors of the World, its vast halls and spaces, and its wheeling fires, Ilúvatar chose a place for their habitation in the Deeps of Time and in the midst of the innumerable stars."
"There you will find me always by your side, leading you into a tomorrow so splendid it can only be described as divine."
"Leading you into a tomorrow so splendid, it can only be described as divine."
"Everything about that was glorious."
"Love's the many-splendored thing."
"Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and joy in His dwelling place."
"The effulgence of God's splendor, the stamp of God's very being."
"The city on the Seven Hills glittered under the bright sun like a fabulous hoard of jewels."
"Our mind irradiated and superfused by so great splendors can be lead by hand through its very self to contemplate that eternal light."
"O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!"
"His body was like the gemstone Beryl, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze."
"The splendor of it all took Sansa's breath away."
"The radiance, the light, the glory, the splendor of God which is so inherent in Baha'u'llah."
"The world is full of so much beauty and splendor that you simply cannot capture it in just photos or in a letter or picture books."
"This emphasized the image of continuity, tradition, and above all the splendor and glory of his reign."
"Every movement of his is glorious to behold; they infer grace, beauty, splendour of unlimited proportions."
"Glory is the convincing splendor that lets this world know that God is alive."
"The white water fell straight down, sparkling like a million diamonds, splashing back up in a shimmering white mist."
"They shall respectively be transformed, the latter into the splendor of angels."
"It's the most marvelously magnificent sleigh that you will ever see."
"I'm talking about seeing the naked splendor of people's souls."
"...Sophia was overwhelmed by the dazzling Splendor, never in her life had she seen such majesty."
"The place was a blaze of splendid uniforms and gowns, orders, medals, and jewelry twinkled everywhere."
"We are made to reflect that essential splendor of God's substantiveness and God's luminosity."
"Welcome to Harrogate, one of the most splendid towns in all of Yorkshire."
"Love is a many-splendored thing, all you need is love."
"Not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."
"My hope is that the truth of God's word would be displayed in its brilliant splendor."
"Sometimes when you just pause, you're able to see the wonder, the beauty, the splendor."
"Love has been called 'a many-splendored thing.'"
"It's about being pointless in a truly splendid sort of way."
"The Sistine Chapel shining in all its splendor."
"Love is a mini splendored thing, and we're better to experience that than our experiences in Bay County."
"Despite the splendor of the circumstances, one does need to have a stalwart character."
"For how could anything bad happen in amongst all that splendor?"
"Ani was renowned for being a city of great splendor and magnificence."
"You were majestic in beauty, with your spreading boughs."
"Imagine yourself transported to an age of splendor and conquest where great empires ruled vast lands and faith shaped the destiny of men."
"Welcome to Cheltenham, one of England's largest and most splendid spa towns."
"I adorned them with luxurious splendor that people might gaze on them in wonder."
"Man in the Moon, I see you were out there in your full moon glory and splendor."
"A thing of true beauty and splendor."
"Fire above them all, the Golden Sun in splendor likest Heaven."
"The two cities seemed ablaze with the fires of the hearts of the magnificent stones and burnished metal that reflected the brilliant sunlight."
"Behind all of this, there's such Splendor that it's quite unbelievable."
"Golden splendor comes from the mountain of God; He is clothed in dazzling splendor."
"Babylon surpasses in splendor any city in the known world."
"You'll be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."
"If He were to remove it, the splendor of His face would burn all of His creation as far as His sight reaches."
"It feels quality, it's bloody marvelous, even splendiferous I would say."
"It's fabulous, it's really splendid."
"We ornament something to help you see its glory, to manifest the glory."
"Love can be a many splendored thing, can't deny the joy it brings."
"Splendidly luminous and dazzlingly radiant."
"It was an absolutely glorious thing."
"It would have been such a Victorian splendor and such an icon for this area."
"But one is this miracle, wonder of wonders, the flash seriously glistening, majestic splendor."
"Heaven's hall is what shines like unto jewels."
"The 10th chapter is Vibhuti Yoga, the yoga of glories, yoga of splendor."
"Every detail of this wedding has been spectacular, seriously."
"The light exists in its condition of Splendor for those eyes alone that gaze at it."
"Lord, may we truly worship you in your splendor and meditate on your wonderful deeds."
"Even Solomon in all his glory was not as Splendid as one of these."
"We are shimmering, shining, and splendid."
"Enjoy the moment, the splendor of victory."
"I praise the glory and virtue of the palace. The titles are divided and glories brilliant."
"Set your gaze upon the unseen, the splendor that lies beyond the immediate and visible."
"Your eyes will see the king in all his splendor."
"And their cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold."
"In front of his eyes, the glories of a new and Splendid Salem were manifested, whose walls and mansions were made of precious stones."
"He comes from the north as golden splendor; with God is awesome majesty."
"It reached its height of splendor between the 11th and 12th centuries."
"True love, it's a many splendid thing."
"Despite a short time of seven years, this building was unique in splendor and attracted pilgrims from around the world to admire it."
"Heaven, the magnificent kingdom of heaven."
"When we choose to believe, exercise faith unto repentance, and follow our Savior Jesus Christ, we open our spiritual eyes to splendors we can scarcely imagine."
"It's a splendid time to enjoy the splendor."
"There is the Christmas Castle in all his glory."
"It's just absolutely gorgeous, glorious all the way up."