
Readers Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's really good for readers, it's a good movie for people who like to read."
"Readers aren't looking for perfect writing; they're looking for a story that makes them feel something."
"Fundamentally, I have to thank my readers for funding my research."
"Readers don't care about worlds; they care about characters."
"Just because it seems to not be rating well right now all it could take is finding the ideal pool of readers to make it soar someday."
"That's the feeling I want my readers to have, that if you're going on an adventure, this is real peril."
"He has created curiosity and captivated the minds of millions of readers."
"I think this does a freaking amazing job of modernizing the story of Captain America for new readers."
"One Piece refers to much more than just a treasure, a laugh tale, or the world itself, it refers to all of us readers."
"... Venditti gives us just enough to tell us what's going on but also what's the appetite of that of the average cover book reader ..."
"I'm still deathly afraid of failing my readers and of them being disappointed in me."
"Never underestimate the importance of readers for writers without the readers nothing would be written and you need we need you and so thank you for showing up."
"Reviews are not for authors, they are for readers."
"Honest reviews are important for other readers. They aren't for the author. They aren't for the author's friends."
"This meant that the readers could very easily identify with the protagonist. It was wish fulfillment anybody could be just a regular kid that got the magic ability to become Captain Marvel."
"Tolkien's readers often feel as if they've been to these places."
"I'm just grateful for all my Apple readers."
"American readers want what you are producing."
"In the world of literature, it's the readers that are actually the famous ones."
"Thank you to all of the Comfort book club readers who sent in their voice messages to add to our discussion."
"I think he would want to say thank you for reading the weird story he made so far and good luck to you all."
"What matters is the relationship that you have between your writing and readers."
"We should trust our readers with the ambiguity of research."
"Books can be like friends and family to their readers."
"I just love connecting with readers from all over the world."
"They are a super popular and fast-growing online book service for readers."
"Readers are as mysterious as writers."
"Engaging with readers is such a privilege because we do this to stimulate a conversation."
"Readers who enjoy an urban fantasy setting but want to experience a little bit more of a high fantasy setting might like this."
"I love it when readers tell me that my books make them cry."
"The reader gets to interpret the book the way that they want to."
"Their vision is to help promote new and emerging authors and help readers find books that they love."
"So, I've got a great desire to open up the academic environment to what Woolf would have called, and what Johnson would have called the common reader."
"Readers are generally a little smarter than writers expect them to be."
"Images really capture your readers' attention."
"Reader loyalty... audiences will become loyal to a specific author pen name."
"The critics that count for me are the actual readers."
"What you want from your beta readers is you want to get their reaction to what you wrote."
"Your mission is to promote new and emerging authors and help readers find books they love."
"Good luck to all of you guys who are reading this."
"It's a powerful reminder of the fact that each of us is part of this global community of readers."
"These popular fantasy series have touched and made an impact on many readers' hearts."
"It's all about perspective, and we as the readers are the only ones that can see both sides of this."
"It's just a book for book lovers, that's for sure."
"It was so amazing just to connect with people like the Barnes and Noble talk and just chat one-on-one to different people who are buying the book."
"Thank you so, so much to everyone who's ordered my book. I really appreciate you."
"It's a real love letter to books and to readers."
"The focus of your content should be to help your readers gain value from your content and not to waste their time."
"I'm so grateful to have the support of readers in general."